Smart Mailbox - not so smart
Only issue I've encountered is the smart mailbox lost the account for secondary mailboxes - added them back in and they were o.k.
79 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Feb 2011
Still on my 6 - thought about upgrading last year, but as the 6 is still generally fine I just replaced the battery. Another reason not to update was my commitment to paying off a credit card bill for the last 3 years (0%) so I was being sensible with my money (which in reality I should've been a while ago and not had a CC).
' Perhaps now you'll buy a car.'
And contribute to the extending traffic queue. No thanks. Not all cyclists are as you describe, the RLJ'ers are an annoyance to us as well.
You want all cyclists to wear hi-viz, the problem is most accidents are side swipes where the hi-viz doesn't get noticed. Lights/Reflectors are mandated by law - if not fitted then cyclists should be (and are occasionally) prosecuted. Maybe, as road users we could all just watch out for each other rather.
As for insurance, who is going to enforce it? Probably the same people who can't enforce VED, MOT and Car insurance.
I have a choice of 5mb ADSL (no hope of FTTC due to the street cabinet being uneconomically viable - because it's too small) or a over utilised Virgin Service.
Currently on ADSL, pondering over Virgin's new 50mb for £26 deal.
(I know others are in a much worse situation)
I remember a couple of luggable devices.
Apricot PC XI ( which wasn't as portable as you'd hope, but the keyboard clipped on the underside of the base unit and monitor wasn't too heavy!
The Compaq ( was a heavy beast - still managed to get it home on the bus.
Cameras have been sold this way for a few years. Companies that appear to be uk based (or give the impression) are selling for around 20% less, no mention of VAT on website. Some interesting small print in the terms and conditions states 'you are acting as the importer'.
Usual giveaways are lines to state camera's aren't subject to cash back offers.
Recently joined and more recently left (in the 28 day trial period). Thought i'd try Virgin as Openreach can't be bothered to upgrade my cab to fibre. Found the buffering worse than my 5mb ADSL connection (which I kept running). Switched back and ripped all the cable/boxs out.
Handy now I have around 15 metres of green trunking!
But wondering if they'll have repair facilities located in the stores? That's one area where Apple score well (assuming you have an Apple store near you).
More electronic retailers are welcomed on the high street as we've not got many left now. Chances are I'll still shop at John Lewis.
It's not looking good is it? In the West Midlands the regional Multiplex has recently ceased transmission, shunting more stations on to the local multiplex and some local stations dropping from 128K to 112k (Free Bham - formally BRMB).
Looks as if the quantity over quality brigade are running the show. Only station available over 128k is now Radio 3 (Classic used to be 160k).
DAB+ might help, but with millions sold the DAB quality lie it might be some time before old sets are replaced.
Not sure what the big issue is to be honest, I just applied for 12 months 0% interest on a lens, I had to submit a copy of my passport (or photo driving license)
Maybe the credit score for the person in question didn't quite meet up with the criteria for an outright pass and required additional ID.