* Posts by majorursa

87 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Feb 2011


Steve Jobs' 'spaceship' threatened by massive cost overruns

Big Brother

Megalomania much?


US said to designate Assange 'enemy' of the state


Re: More non-news about A$$nut.

Matt, your confused rambling shows an unclear mind. Maybe you do not understand that the rape-trial IS BECAUSE the US wants him? Obvious for most people but you sound a bit foggy.

Microsoft 'didn't notice' it had removed Browser Choice for 17 months



Would be interesting to know how many lower echelon technicians already warned about this issue but were ignored and told to stay quiet. One email with that implication could cost a few billion to M$.

Ten... alternatives to Samsung's Galaxy S III

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Hardly alternatives

The whole point of the Galaxy releases is that at the date of release there IS no alternative. The review shows only 1 or 2 available devices. And waiting for the next iPhone is moot as usual, since by then there will be at least 10 devices that have progressed beyond. There is always a next iPhone and it is always hardly better than before and iOS is so tiring and dusty already.

Britain prepares for government by iPad



So now and in the future a guy in the US decides how much device-choice the MP's have: none.

If you have to commit to a closed platform, then why to a hardware platform with no diversity at all, instead of a true data platform with 100's of possible devices running it.

Woz praises Android, blasts iPhone limitations


He probably forgot to open the MAC filter that he tagged ON last time. He should try to connect another _new_ client to the router.

2011's Best... E-book Readers


Why care, you can use the same login on the US site, same creditcards etc.. It's at yout door in 2 days so no difference. So, what's your problem?

What should a sci-fi spaceship REALLY look like?

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Btw, the name Nostromo is brilliant in itself (as is the ship design imo).

Nostromo is an italian word, drived from 'nostre uomo' or 'our man'. It is used as a 'buddy/mate' name by miners in Italy. Don't know if there is an english equivalent; in german and dutch it is 'kumpel' resp. 'kompel' which has about the same connotation.

I always found it a sign of Scotts perfectionism to use this dark and doomed name that still is a real existing word.


Not that strange really. There will be a need for a 3-dimensional grid and since there is no real center to the universe we probably will use Earth, or maybe our Galaxy's black hole as the center and two other galaxies to fix op the 'north' and 'west'. Position in space will probably be given in an angular notation (ascension and declination) + distance from 'center'.

So 'south of' isn't really that weird.

Google gives up on saving world from cheap coal energy

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And I think it shows Google is still a healthy and clearheaded company that has no reality-distortion problems.

Mysterious sat-pic China desert markings - EXPLAINED


I'd say chop'm...

...is quicker then working them off. Besides a dick like you doesn't need balls.

Google opens Android music store in iTunes' face


To me this a logical addition to the Cloud services that are Google's other products. If anything, putting your tunes in the cloud was a pre-emptive copycat strike by Apple. Calling that iCloud was the polish on the turd.

Boffins reckon Mars quite blustery actually


Why didn't they ask you?

Steve Jobs' last words: 'OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW.'


This s getting complcated. I think Jobs' version of 'heaven' would mean 'hell' to me. And vv maybe. Not sure where I hope he went, don't wanna meet him.

Ballmer disses Android as cheap and complex


Seems he tries to put Android in the same corner as the (other) Linuxes, the once so ridiculed Opensource alternative that ate their lunch in almost any market, except (maybe) desktops and some backoffice/

iPhone 4S: Our *hit list


Instapaper, you're next..

Since @ Apple they knew the consequences of the new cache regime for companies like Instapaper, one might suspect they have no interest at all in aiding them to stay relevant. Since it is quite a succesfull app it probably means that Apple will make their own version of it or make it obsolete in another way, soon. This happened to numerous other 3rd party apps in the upgrade to iOS5.

One wonders why there is always 'an app for that'. 2 more reasons to focus on Android instead:

- normal, in-market competition for app exposure and utility (no big party that picks the cherries)

- bigger installed base, by a factor 3 at least.

I'd know where to

IRS audits Google for funneling profits to Ireland


Other companies

I hope the timing of this invertigation is a coincidence, but they also should take a deep look at other companies, eg. Apple. From what I heard Apple uses offshore companies in tax-exempt countries to buy the hardware for 10-20% and sell it to Apple-US for 90% of final retail-price. So all profit stays in the offshore companies, onwed by Apple of course.

London 2012 Olympics: 17000 athletes, 11000 computers



Atos makes the software? Expect more or less hilarious f-ups.

Chaos feared after Unix time-zone database is nuked


Google, being probably one of the biggest users of this data should make their own set and open it to the public. If they get sued by the Astrolobotomized then they (Google) should leave the US, they will have to do that anyway soon.

Ten reasons why you shouldn't buy an iPhone 5


[quote]9 - By default first time Apple iPhone owners become an App Store customer and iTunes user[/quote]

That supposed to be an advantage? Yikes. Number 1 reason for me never to get an Apple.


Google: do no evil.

Apple: invent a really evil business model and exploit it to the bone; and be proud of it.

They studied all dirty tricks from M$ and improved them. They should fail as well.

Gartner: Apple rivals can't touch iPad


You will only know how important 'open' and 'flexible' are in practice if you try it yourself. Let's just hope that the 'user-friendliness' of iOS doesn't spell another 2 decades of shitty public standards like Windows did 15 years ago. I see an equal danger looming and that alone is reason enough for me to avoid Apple like the plague.


Desktops are marginal. Linux won the mobile platform (Android) and in general soon there will be more *ux systems around than Windoze (iOS is a Unix too remember).


Why wait? iOS is already unable to catchup, clearly. And it's on the market 5 times longer.


Flexibility to me means I can make my tab work and look anyway I want, eg. limited like an iPad or with all kinds of dynamics. I like to make those choices myself and I need a real multitasking OS to do my daily workflow. My desktops are specifically tailored to tasksets, and I make extensive use of scrolling widgets for appointments, announcements and alerts. Granted I had to install a 3rd party desktop manager for that latter feature but at least I could do that.

And installing apps is much much easier too, also a form of flexibility that really does appeal to the masses. And of course no iTunes, the ultimate benefit.

Anyway, I sincerely think that many iFans should take a serious look at the Androids, I'm certain many won't look back.


Correct summary. It seems to me that most iSheep never even tried an Android. They should. They are build from the same chips in the same Asian factories and the OS is so much more flexible it's almost not funny.

Microsoft inks new patent pacts over Android...and Chrome


It's like the 'help' the mobsters gave the little shopowners in 1920 Chicago by protecting them from arsonist etc...g

Samsung's lovely illegal tablet: Why no one wants to know


So it's true?

I heard this argument so often now that I surmise it to be an admittance that most Androids have better specs than the iPhone. Glad to have that established...

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Worse then Tab 7?

Wow, from the article it must be that the Galaxy Tab 10 is far worse then the Tab 7, since I know several people using a Tab 7 in hardcore business AND private leisure and do things with it that a far more complicated to achieve on an iPad (if at all possible, we tried).

Imo the Tab 7 is easier and more flexible than the iPad. So what happened to the Tab 10 (if the article is right)?

Google's Moto move spells iPhone doom

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These are the main misconceptions behind the whole Apple vs Android debate:

1- people do not buy an Android because it's cheaper; the best-selling Android phones and pads are at least as expensive as the Apple ones

2- people aren't 'lured' into buying an Android in spite of an Apple 'obviously' being better; for many practical ends an Android is the better choice and people know that. Maybe 2 years ago iOS had some advantage in souplesse and screen-response but not anymore. You dont buy a 500 euro device without comparing the options.

3- people don't 'fall' for a similar but badly designed Android and give up all the good things Apple has to offer; they HATE iTunes and all what its stands for. They HATE the fact that an iOS device will always be owned by mr Jobs. They hate the fact that only once every year a not-so-big update comes to the market.

On a side-note, where does the so-called advertisement business come in? I have been on Android for almost 2 years now and have yet to see targeted adds on it, except for some in-app banners when the app is free or unregistered.



Iphone = Audi

Blackberry = Mercedes

Nokia = BMW

Android = all the other brands together (including Lexus, Volvo etc..)

BlackBerry blog hacked with riot-related threats



That is true and in the end it is democracy that has decided thus. Still I see no reason for them to come forward in this way. Thinking of the possible purposes served only business reasons come to mind. That is unfitting for a 'trusted' intermediary like they are.

Compare this to how Twitter fought several courts to prevent being forced to deliver login-profiles of Wikileakers to the authorities.


Future of RIM

Even if RIM would have no choice if authorities demand their logs, my understanding is that they volunteered publicly in a rather holier-than-the-pope way to cooperate with police to catch the culprits. I suspect this 'helpfulnes' has more to do with impending big contract decisiions by the UK government than anything else.

Even though the looting itself can't be approved of, it gives me food for thought to see a commercial company that fulfills a public utility function handing over civilian sensitive data voluntarily just for their commercial interest.

As a potential customer I would think twice before joining their network in the future. Also, if RIM did any survey recently they would notice that their blackberry has lost most of its business target-group marketshare and, instead is now mostly bought by youths between 12 and 17. That latter target-share will not be amused by this act of helpfullnes and soon see them as an enemy. So fail for RIM imo.

W3C moves to snuff Apple web patents



How arrogant and selfish a paranoid megalomaniac do you need to be to even come up with that plan? I think this rotten Apple needs to lose this Steve more than M$ theirs. I couldn't stand him, though it was me, now enough reason to never ever buy (or recommend) anything made by that moron.

Judge lets Apple keep secrets from Samsung


Last straws...

maybe better if EUR and Asian producers stopped seeing US as major client and just withdraw product lines there when they are confronted with this ridiculous IP policy.

US economy is stagnating anyway and close to the brink. Painting itself in the corner. Let's just abandon them as a market and show what real liberal capitalism looks like.

Yet another delay hangs over release of Firefox 4

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And also...

And far better alternatives to Hotmail as well.

Enterprise fanbois yawn at death of Apple Xserve

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Less Mac's?

The survey says that around 30% will buy less Mac's or none at all due to the pulling of Xserve. I suppose Apple is badly surprised by this? another 20% says they 'Don't know' so a segment of those might also decide for another platform.
