No, you RTFA
This is so simple that it is amazing how much energy and stupidity is wasted on attacking what is at its heart a relatively simple matter.
1. Apple does not own your content in any way (ask any other Publisher about that).
2. Apple owns the format if you choose to make money on it. That format only applies to the .ibook format and only if you sell the book (ask any other Publisher about that).
3. You can sell the content in other formats (ask any other Publisher about that).
4. Apple takes 30% of your proceeds for delivering you a vast marketplace, the formatting program, and you get 70% (ask any other Publisher about that).
5. Apple controls wether you can publish on their marketplace. They are not interested your pedophile manual (like Amazon let slip into their marketplace and only removed once they were made aware of it). Go and ask any other Publisher like Random House about that.
For authors this's an amazing deal and more than fair. Ask any other Publisher about that!