* Posts by Neroon

4 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Feb 2012

Apple tells authors: All your books iBook files are belong to us


Really Eddie!?

Yes, you own the content, but Apple owns the format so they can enforce it. Good luck getting a lawyer to defend you. Yes, EULAs are enforceable, especially when they do a search and find your post and sue you for 'Willful' violation.


More dumb comments

Hmm, Apple gives you a program to create your dynamic content book. Apple gives you access to a vast marketplace. Apple will let you publish almost anything. They block you far less than any Publisher would. They give you 70%, while you get less than 5% from a regular publisher who has exclusive distribution rights and effective ownership over your content while giving you 'specialized services' like preparing your book and marketing. Guess what, you can take your iBook content and go see if a Publisher will print it in physical book format. Or you can repurpose the content to sell on Amazon's Kindle marketplace. There is no other software that creates it because it's called .ibook format because it is sold using iBook. This whole debate is beyond silly.


No, you RTFA

This is so simple that it is amazing how much energy and stupidity is wasted on attacking what is at its heart a relatively simple matter.

1. Apple does not own your content in any way (ask any other Publisher about that).

2. Apple owns the format if you choose to make money on it. That format only applies to the .ibook format and only if you sell the book (ask any other Publisher about that).

3. You can sell the content in other formats (ask any other Publisher about that).

4. Apple takes 30% of your proceeds for delivering you a vast marketplace, the formatting program, and you get 70% (ask any other Publisher about that).

5. Apple controls wether you can publish on their marketplace. They are not interested your pedophile manual (like Amazon let slip into their marketplace and only removed once they were made aware of it). Go and ask any other Publisher like Random House about that.

For authors this's an amazing deal and more than fair. Ask any other Publisher about that!

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Only idiots are upset

Apple gives you 70% which is vastly more then any Publisher ever would. The only people who seem to miss that this is a great deal are either: 1. Too stupid to read, 2. Fandriods, 3. Not authors, or 4. Conspiracy nuts.