Gingerbread man...
So lets 'wildly' assume there is a victim. That maybe women aren't just CIA sex traps. I feel for the victim. Around the world, women are subjected to rape, abuse without the protection of the law. Cultural practises demoting women to second - class, rightless citizens.
Sweden being very much more progress in such matters. Offers the protection of the law. Now all you students of freedom and what - not, know that one of the tenants of freedom is the protection of people's rights; you know protection of liberty enshrined in law. That everyone is accountable to the law; governments, people etc.
But not Mr. Assange, he's the gingerbread man. He skips the country... With his important and well heeled friends, he just jumps on the next plane. Wearing his shield of truth, and wrapped in the flag of freedom. He's such a hero, why he doesn't even need to go for an interview. Victim? What victim ? Her voice, unimportant. My mission is so important. Goverments are evil grr.... It doesn't matter how many people I step on to bring them down.