* Posts by Flash

1 publicly visible post • joined 30 Jan 2011

Guru: Oracle's storage strategy is 'screwy'


80 20 Rule

You need to check out the history of Oracle. Larry and company have performed consistently well over the years. They are able to maintain nearly a 40% margin on revenues. Oracle does this in spite of it's customer base. Larry focuses on the 20% of the clients that bring him 80% of his revenue.

And he hires really smart people to achieve this. With Exadata the focus of course was to increase market share and revenue, but do so while fixing a problem. They have almost achieve it.

It does not matter who the vendor is - Disk Drives are slow and investing in management, scale or features for that platform is a waste of Oracle's and the stockholder's money.

The next generation is Flash enabled arrays, Not SSDs in the existing products, actual arrays based on Flash.

Larry knows he needs a flash solution and I suspect he knows that the SUN F5100 is not going be the goto product.