80 20 Rule
You need to check out the history of Oracle. Larry and company have performed consistently well over the years. They are able to maintain nearly a 40% margin on revenues. Oracle does this in spite of it's customer base. Larry focuses on the 20% of the clients that bring him 80% of his revenue.
And he hires really smart people to achieve this. With Exadata the focus of course was to increase market share and revenue, but do so while fixing a problem. They have almost achieve it.
It does not matter who the vendor is - Disk Drives are slow and investing in management, scale or features for that platform is a waste of Oracle's and the stockholder's money.
The next generation is Flash enabled arrays, Not SSDs in the existing products, actual arrays based on Flash.
Larry knows he needs a flash solution and I suspect he knows that the SUN F5100 is not going be the goto product.