A lot of skepticism and FUD coming from Reg readers!
Random Noise: Seriously? You think they'll turn off your freezer so that it defrosts? You don't think your freezer would have some sort of safe-guard?
James 47: How much data do you think is involved here? 48 readings and some meta-data comes to single-digit KB per day. Not exactly going to make a dent in even a 2GB monthly plan is it? Anyhow, as Turtle_fan says, they would be unlikely to trust consumers' equipment.
Tony Humphreys: You've missed the point completely. The whole idea is that there will be no annual meter reading - no man with a clipboard or you entering the value into a website.
Anonymous Coward (Big Brother) - How dare a publicly listed company make profits!
Come people, Reg readers are supposed to embrace technology, not scorn it because there might be some teething troubles!
The idea with all of this is that we use the energy that with generate a bit more smartly. It's not easy to adjust the amount of electricity being generated - it is much more easy to control demand, but in order to do that, there has to be better communication between the consumers and distributors.
Why not heat your hot water, charge your Leaf, do your washing or give your freezer a boost when demand is low and electricity is cheap?
The down-vote button is the red one with the thumb pointing down.