* Posts by BigBadWolf

4 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jan 2011

Wii got it WRONG: How do you solve a problem like Nintendo?


Re: I quite like it

Asymmetric local multiplayer actually has great promise in these kind of in-room multiplayer situations.

TDK ST-700 High Fidelity headphones


Bluetooth/wired over ears?

Now that headphones seem to part of the fashion world, I'm finding it hard to locate a simple pair of over ear headphones that can work with bluetooth or with a removable cord.

It seems like these could be made for a pittance these days but I can't find them. Anyone know where to go for geek headphones/earphones i.e. solid quality at a cheap price without marketing nonsense whether of the audiophile or teen fashion persuasion?

Apple iOS dominates Euro smartphone usage


Does this count iPads?

You mention smartphones is the headline, but the graph talks about mobile OS. The iPad has shown up surprisingly high in a lot of web stats, which makes sense if it's displacing netbooks for couchbound web surfing.

Nevermind, went to the source. They have a mobile browser share which breaks it down into iPod Touch (8%) and iPhone (36%) which adds up to the total given here. There FAQ also suggests mobile means pocketable, ruling out iPad.

BBC rebuilds Civilisation in HD

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Bronowski programme on BBC Four omorrow

A programme about Bronowski, starring his daughter, is on BBC Four tomorrow night:
