Excellent work
How are those sanctions working out for ya?
Americaaaahhhhh FUCK YEAH!
1036 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jan 2011
"Your Jew-hatred is showing.
How exactly would such an arrest warrant be implemented? How exactly would one event attribute the attack to a particular individual in order to get them named in the warrant?
Iran declared war on the US & Israel in 1979. While neither has seen fit to treat the situation seriously, law enforcement has not historically been part of how one prosecutes a war."
A perfect example of how Vulture Central has gone down the pan since it went all yeehaww yankee doodle in the head.
"So you don't mind if some of your pension funds investments get siphoned off by scum? Or the savings of people trying to put together a deposit on a house or for their families?"
You delicate summer flower.
$megacorp will milk us for every penny then can, with or without being hacked.
"BT who managed to get one of my customers signed up to separate multi year ISDN line and call bundle packages with different expiry dates. Cancelling one could only be done by taking a hit on the early cancellation fee of the other."
Come on. That is genuinely impressive.