I love the illusion..
that the Android app store is somehow full of anything other than pretty much exactly the same stuff thats in the Apple store. Why would it be? What pray tell do the average Android users use their phones for that the average Apple user doesn't? And you'll note I say Average.. not uber geek.
The answer is my dear friends. Nothing. They play games, they read email, surf the net, edit the odd document and use facebook/twitter/insert other social network website here. A quick look at the Android top selling apps reveals.. Cut the rope, Documents to go, Doodle Jump, Fruit Ninja, Pro Evo and many others which are exactly the same in the iOS store. Sure theres the odd widget type app or such that I'll admit only Droid phones use but the bulk are exactly the same.
As to the folk saying all the stories about Droid having malware are made up are having a laugh, seriously, wise up. Stop being such blinkered fanbois, of course theres malware, theres little to stop it so why wouldn't there be?? You want open, you get open, you get malware.. simples.
The simple fact that its so simple to steal Android apps and download them for free from pirate sites is the no 1 reason you won't make as much money on Android. That and as has already been pointed out, a large section of the Droid userbase has either no interest in apps or in many cases that I've come across don't even know they exist!