Re: I did 1,000 hours work at University
Was it oxford and did you get a first class pass in physics?
27 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jan 2011
"Working at our company is tough. It calls for someone who can take the pain and suffering"
At that point, any prospective employer would have failed my interview process. Perhaps I'm an over-privileged fop who has never done a day’s graft in my life. Or a valuable, skilled asset who won't put up with this sort of crap.
How is it that a serious question of how JS managed to get away with some serious abuse for decades has been completely overshadowed by the media and politicians scramble to collect some scalps at the Beeb. I'm fascinated to see what sort of behavior this is going to drive at the BBC in future. Probably a complete aversion by editors to to be seen anywhere near even the most vaguely controversial topics. Celeb gossip and football scores will be pretty much it as far as journalism goes.
Murdoch & Co must be grinning from ear to ear as they put the boot in though.
The best bacon butties are made in Cupertino. They don't actually have any bacon or sauce in them as these are considered bad for you, but they have very carefully cut and shaped bread made to a secret recipe which smells amazing.Oh and you'll get sued if you try make one yourself.
"Is Genius an excuse to be allowed to break the law with impunity?"
I think the whole point is not that AT should be allowed to break the law, but rather that the law was ridiculouse, petty, barbaric etc. AT highlights the extreme injustice of the law due to the great contribution he made in helping defeat the nasties. His thanks was to be treated in a way that would have been far more compatible with the beliefs of those nasties than our supposed "Free" democracy.
"Of course the Antartic Ice sheet is not going to melt - no-one ever said it would."
Sorry mate, I beg to differ. We are constatntly being told that it's going to melt. Or that it won't. Or that it might. Or that some of it will. Or that it's going to get warmer, or colder. Thats the problem with the whole thing. Neither the Disciples and Denyers of Global Warming (Man made or not) have an even remotely consistent argument. There are as many theories as to what any given bit of data means as there are groups reading the data.
All I know, is that if you want to tax the crap out of me, stop me traveling anywhere and generally make my life miserable you need a far more coherent argument than anything I have seen so far.
"Frogmen, recovering MACHINERY!! Is our insatiable capitalist, consumerist lust for disks so heroin-addict-strong that we're rescuing factories and not people"
Well frogmen are kindof specialised in working UNDER water. Any people who have been hanging around under water for the last few months are probably a bit beyond helping now. And making hard drives is probably what helps a whole lot of live people in Thailand put food on the table so to speak. Might be worth a swim to fetch the machines that make it possible.
“Each Best Western or Comfort Inn might try to argue that they each have to be sued individually,”
There are lots of arguments and defences available to this action. The point is, they are all going to cost the poor schmuck who dares turn to the law for help a lot of money. The western way of law has long since removed realistic access to the law for ordinary people.
In a system created by lawyers you can be damn sure that the lawyers always come out on top.
"Lots of suggestions on twitter that the arrested guy was just running their IRC channel, and wasn't a member of the actual group."
Isn't that like saying someone wasnt one of the bank robbers, he just drove their getaway car?
Besides, obviously tey are not going to admit it on twatter if he reall is one of theirs. It's like signing a confession.
I for one am sick of these idiots. It's not a game and it's about time this was brought home to them.