* Posts by shakey

6 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jan 2011

New Google Maps colours


New Google Maps colours

Anyone else noticed the new Google Maps colour scheme? And how it completely doesn't correspond to the colours used any other UK map, not to mention the colour sceme used on roadsigns (motorways having blue signs, major A-roads green)?

Samsung says 55in OLED über TV 'ready'


Re: point?

One major use I can see for this is Console gaming. 2 players in the same room, both having the full screen instead of split-screen? Yes please.

World's Raspberry Pi supply jammed in factory blunder


"The winners will be chosen on “Pi Day”, 3/14/12"

So what exactly is the 14th month of the year?

Corning launches can-stand-the-heat Lotus glass for phones


No units because it's a proportional increase. It increases it's dimensions by 33.9*10^-7 metres per metre of length per degree. Mteres per metre cancels, leaving just per degree

12% of UK don't carry cash


Public transoprt

When was the last time anyone saw a bus that took card payments (possibly excluding those shelfish things London has)?

NASA craft to woo comet on Valentine's Day



Comets' orbits are usually inclaned to the plane of the solar system, about 10 degrees in this case. Therefore the probe will be above or below the sun, and have line of sight with us.