I recommend the Segway tour of Paris, is better than trudging around and you're in with the action..
15 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Oct 2006
I married my Chinese wife in Beijing last year, and throughout the ceremony we had the same bagpipes playing (on a stereo) as in the Olympic ceremony. Our wedding was obviously designed by the same bloke who did the Olympics. Of course it being last year we only had 2007 drummers rather than 2008, and a bit less CGI and perhaps not as many fireworks...
Thankfully now it is not John Glenn or even just NASA that decides who should be given access to space. They did it first 50 years ago when with ancient technology and my Dad was just 12, and still only a select/very rich few go each year. Should be more interesting now ESA, Virgin, and even China are getting into the act. Come on, hurry up!
We went on the Segway tour of Eiffel tower recently which was great, they really do zip along. People don't buy segways because they are too expensive and I was told they have to be sent to the States for fixing, eg after a mulfunction or crash. These are just too slow and unless they can fly or something, I can't see them taking off...