Why don't you stop messing with natural selection
I guess you are gonna stop messing with natural selection and gonna go back to you self-sustaining farm with patch wheat as soon as you are done, making stupid ignorant comments on the interwebs he.
7 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jan 2011
Not particularly against this machine, but I don't like all in ones. My oldest still in use hardware (currently moved to bedroom for watching occasional movie) is my Samsung 24 inch monitor. This was back in the days when regular 24 inches still cost 4-500 euros. Mine is an IPS and cost 1100+. The computer I bought with it has long since been replaced with faster parts. Not because it was necessary, but because I just wanter a faster machine, faster cpu, ssd, etc. This would not have been possible with an all in one.
I am considering a cheap all in one with touchscreen, but an expensive all-in-one is kind of risky. Although I don't mind spending a lot on a notebook, but then again, not much choice there.
given the limited space in the iCloud (5gb) and limited time for photo's (30 days) I don't see this happening any time soon. iCloud does not stream remember, you still have to have local storage space.
Personally I still want a local nas, using online stuff only as sync, if only as a backup of the cloud.
Google should just work on removing those spam results from their searches instead of whining about a competitor "stealing" their results. You can opt out or in of the toolbar and other programs. I'm pretyy sure that Microsoft steal other searchengines results also and not just Googles.
I think @wow is referring more to the absolute percentages, 16% is more then 9%.
What strikes me more is that given market share I would expect OSX to be infected something like 5-10% instead of 16%. Maybe that's to do with the fact that it is Java based, which is one of the plugins, pieces of software that I try to void most on a Windows machine.