* Posts by DarkwingDuck

3 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jan 2011

Poll: One in six interrupt bonking to answer mobile


And the big deal is...?

These results really aren't that shocking when one considers that the mobile phone has replaced the home phone for many people. I don't have a home phone. So of course I never turn off my phone - I wouldn't unplug my home phone if I had one, and no one would expect me to. Of course I keep my phone next to my bed at night - my parents had a home phone sitting on the nightstand too, in case of emergencies. Of course I would give up alcohol rather than my phone - it's the only way people can get ahold of me without driving to my house. If I did all of these things with a regular home phone, no one would accuse me of being addicted.

Also, "Use your phone instead of the TV" - because being addicted to your phone is somehow worse than being addicted to TV? At least the phone can let you talk to other people.

Steve Woz: From wooden Apples to iPhone love



...I'm pretty sure that sign says not to touch!

German docs develop remote-control stomach submarine


I would guess

that it would be doctors. It goes like this:

>'Naturally enough this tactic causes a certain amount of disquiet among patients (as the researchers put it, "some [doctors] view endoscopy as uncomfortable [based on patient feedback], and [these doctors] worry about low patient compliance").'

At least, that's my reading of it...