Re: As everyone in Silicon Valley knows
If you want the dope, head to Europe.
56 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jan 2011
The dot spectator is not numeric it merely separates the version parts. Otherwise your increments would have to change by a factor of 10 every 10 versions.
<MajorVersion>.<Minor version>.<BuildNo> would be one of many different patterns.
The Firefox versioning system was one designed for people like you. Also the reasons I use chrome.
Its deprecated because of the need to provide backwards compatibility for previous versions of the jdk. They have got a better and newer version of data apis ripped seemingly directly from jodatime. In java 9 modules should be making an appearance, which means the ridiculous memory footprint should be being resolved, and the old data api will never get loaded.
Its a harsh world, you can't expect people to treat you differently. in fact the only thing you can expect and should expect of people is to treat you the same as everyone else.
So although I sympathise, and I have my own similar difficulties I can not accept the general sentiment of this article, that you are at loggerheads with the world. Mainly because the world doesn't care, the majority of people on this forum will forget what they have written and get on with their lives oblivious to its contents 5 minutes after leaving this page.
I can accept however that you have found life difficult and rather than working through those issues and accepting them you are looking for someone to blame, and you have chosen everyone that hasn't decided to treat you as special!
Disability mental or physical) should never be used as an excuse, it demeans those who manage with similar conditions who manage without requesting special favor. Sure ask for help, but don't expect others to treat you differently
Javas transition to Open Source and the decline of Sun and the eventual purchase by Oracle, meant that Java was pretty much left to rot for 5 years. However over the past couple of years Oracle have been ramping up production of new features and security fixes, this is only a good thing. I suspect the security issues will eventually become less of an issue.
Although to be fair most of the security holes are due to piss poor sys admins who have no idea how to secure their networks from the outside world, than oracles fault at releasing too many patches. Of course the excessive moaning on the Reg forums would make most believe otherwise.
I watched the video, there is no door at the back that I can see, in that video, or in any pictures I can see on apples website.
Being you have to buy new tape after install, remove a hard disk, fan, power supply, several fragile cables and the logic board just to get to the ram, I can somewhat understand people being a bit miffed.
I am more miffed about how cheap the components seem to be getting and at how high their price point is climbing. Next year I expect to find a dead hamster welded into the cpu slot.
I presume the software is not very good if they are having to approach people that so far up the food chain that they would have no experience in its day to day running. If there is something I have learnt as a developer, push back when the directors decide on a technology without consulting the people that use it, and run a mile if that technology is made by IBM. I still shudder to this day when someone mentions they use websphere.
The reason you got downvotes is not because what you said wasn't true, but because the typical register readers are aging sys admins and other such 'non-developers masquerading as computer geeks'.
A tool is a tool is a tool, but it is nice not having to spend a fortune in money or time getting all your apps on your next device. That goes for computers as well as phones.
I think the have invented a general form of blatant corporate legal disobedience, can anyone remember the sosumi notification sound which was basically a finger in the vertical direction for apple records.
I also seem to recall they invented a spinning beach ball to represent the passing of time, presumably because life's a beach.
Bored of these large multinationals tearing the patent system apart.
Bored of them wasting tax payers money on taking disputes to the court.
Bored of them telling consumers what they can and cannot buy.
Bored of them acting like spoilt children.
Anyone else thinking of just not buying any of their goods until they learn to get along.
I think that is the current case,
Currently only the rich can, get bank accounts with a decent level of interest, get a bank manager, park in the city centre and afford the parking meters/tickets, goto the cinema/theatre/opera/restaurant, get on a train, eat and stay warm, buy property, get equal to or above interest rate pay rises, get a bonus.
If the poor had a voice anyone actually tried to listen too and act on, then perhaps that wouldn't be the case.
You obviously don't know what your talking about and that stement makes no sense, its the JVM not the language that is the issue, and then again only the bit used by applets. You might as well throw the same criticism at the dozen or so other languages that run on it. Additionally, it may only be oracles implementation of the JVM and not IBM's or Googles, or the many other open source implementations.
you might as well blame all windows virus's on C# or apple virus's on objective-C
The rule basically goes, if you had a choice of losing your job or choosing somone else losing their job, the majority would choose someone else. I am sure everyone can think of someone they know who just isn't quite up to scratch and as valuable/worthy as they are.
So if you leave it up to the leadership of a group of people to reduce the size of said group. Then those who can't choose are more likely to go than those that do.
This is all irritatingly contrary to the fact that the leaders need the workers to get anything done, and increasing the number of people calling the shots over those doing the work reduces productivity.
This happens in every industry known to man, I think they need a different approach to the choice, and as its the military can I suggest they all get given a pistol where 1 in 5 has a real bullet and send them all out on maneuvers.
Instead of spending a fortune R&Ding drones we should fast forward the tech untill we have the 2 countries/combatants sitting on a sofa playing Street Fighter II, where every loss means the other gets a 5 mile tract of land shaved off your border, and 10'000 civilians executed. Well maybe not that last bit.
I regularly put my enemies addresses on the backs of my envelopes.
Totally agree, I in fact have, legally and ethically, changed both sms and email headers.
Most dangerous ones are service indication messages, which can trick users into installing all sorts of nasty things on their mobile devices, and pretend its a network pushed update.
Really? 50K for migrating from 5 to 6?, either you have some very rich consultants, or really slow developers? There is not that much of a difference between 5 and 6 and being 5 compiled jars run fine in 6 I can't see where your money went.
Actually the write once run anywhere holds to a certain degree, java 6 has been arround for so long that most machines have it installed and since most libraries are Java5 compatible the extent of reusable binaries is massive.
In fact that is java's main strength; the number of third party Open Source API out there have given developers a significant ability to reduce the time taken to write code and thus costs. Its also strongly typed which is a massive aid to the IDE's in alerting the developer to issues early, has an easy to manipulate garbage collector and the JVM provides hooks for full runtime monitoring and management.
Memory footprint is not that much bigger than C++ once you get past the initlal 60mb I would say you probably arn't detaching your objects properly, i.e. a memory leak. As for the CPU modern JVM's are much faster, and for intensive operations you can always use native functions, and for common libraries you are likely to find someone has already created a bridge. For instance most java game engines talk directly to OpenGL/AL/CL via native calls.
Graphical design these days has less to do with the user and more to do with the trends and bullsh*t associated with the fashion industry, much like when you hear the words 'neon pink is the new black'. in the end it all comes back to the beginning which is why my money is on green text on black backgrounds.
Because for some reason places with cathedrals and/or royal approval need faster internet and definitely not because less proposals means less work. Or at least my uncynical and childish mind thought, until that is, I read the proposal and came across this:
3.4. Q. Why have you chosen the Chartered Cities?
A. In the UK the legal definition of a city is one with a Royal Charter. The criterion sets the number of cities eligible to bid to a manageable number, limiting the number of cities who will work to put together a proposal but fail to be allocated funding.
It looks like just having antivirus apps installed means the app self deletes, presumably to hide how far its impregnated. I had AV on my mac for 3 years now and glad of it, anyone who doesn't install antivirus apps on their machines and im including linux guys on this is doing the equivalent of having unprotected sex with as many different people as possible, and not bothering with an STD test the day after.
Also now apple have relinquished control of how java is ported to their machines and it is the responsibility of the open jdk project hopefully security hole fixes will be quicker.
Nokia will eventually fail, their technology R&D plan has always seemed to be management driven and never user driven. Which is fine in a feature scarce world, but the number of unusable phones models they have produced in the years because these underpowered devices were expected to do much, must be in the tens if not hundreds.
They just say that they are not seeing would they would expect something going faster than the speed of light would do.
However since no one is quite sure why they are going faster than the speed of light, the symptoms you get are by their very nature are unexpected. So its less refuting the evidence and more sticking their heads in the ground.
If you are any good you can be productive with a new language within a week, and count as an expert within 3 months. So why choose 1 new language and hope someone wants you, when you could learn all the currently popular, syntacticaly inbred languages, with little effort.
The only thing to fear is that someone creates a language someone with an mba might be able to fathom, then the world is in serious trouble and i'm out of a job.