* Posts by jake

27772 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jun 2007


'Key kernel maintainers' still back Rust in the Linux kernel, despite the doubters

jake Silver badge

Re: Why not just develop a "LinuxR"?

One word: Cost. Look up "cost of redevelopment of the Linux Kernel".

There is also time ... how many man-hours over how many years do you have to devote to this project?

And then, when you are done, you'll have a Linux Kernel in Rust that is several-to-many years out of date, depending on which kernel version you are targeting.

See ReactOS for a project similar in scope.

Note that I'm not saying it couldn't, nor shouldn't, be done! That's up to you. I'm just pointing out (some of) the logistics that might get in the way.

Google confirms Gulf of Mexico renamed to appease Trump – but only in the US

jake Silver badge

Re: Since America is greater than just the USA

You, of all people, should know that wiki is hardly the be-all and end-all of historical content.

jake Silver badge

Re: ::heh::

Hi, Mr. M ... long time no see, how's it hanging?

jake Silver badge


My grand daughter dropped me an email early this morning telling me she has done the same thing.

This afternoon, when she gets home from school, she's calling her congress-critter and senator to complain.

jake Silver badge

Re: Since America is greater than just the USA

Aye. The Americas were named after one Amerigo Vespucci, a lying, money-grubbing untrustworthy fraudster.

Hey, I don't make the news, I just report it ...

jake Silver badge

Re: Ha

"Oh Lordy, where to start with that hotchpotch of mangled English."

You can imagine it hammering on the keys, spittle flying as it typeos ...

jake Silver badge

Re: Jesus is depicted as looking like ...

More likely, it is because Man made God in his own image.

Does DOGE have what it takes to actually tackle billions in US govt IT spending?

jake Silver badge

Re: We're fucked


jake Silver badge


Shirley that would be LIEDAR?

jake Silver badge

Re: "Any return at all seen directly in the US, is merely a side effect."

"The thumbs down come from the impotent seething and coping from Libtards who are seeing their fake worldview shatter around them like a cheap vase."

Yeah, that. I'm sure that's the reason.

Or perhaps, just maybe, it's because you are an idiot with nothing useful to add to the discussion.

Mixing Rust and C in Linux likened to cancer by kernel maintainer

jake Silver badge

Re: forget coding language

"I still don't get the defenders of goto."


jake Silver badge

Re: I'll get my coat

I hacked on a LISP machine for nearly a year when I was at SAIL, but finally I saw the futility and went back to hacking BSD on VAX. (Actually, a small cluster of vaxen, which DEC helpfully donated.)

The only place I ever used the LISP experience in the wild was with the bastardized AutoLISP, starting about 10 years later and continuing to this day.

jake Silver badge

Re: forget coding language

Then it's a good thing nobody's asking you to do so, isn't it?

During the meanwhile, it's quite refreshing for those of us who do/are to wake up in the morning and dive in without having to navigate through the wretched code of hundreds of kiddies who each think they have a better idea of what "readable" means.

jake Silver badge

Re: Say what?

"Since when has the utterings of a Microsoft lackey had any bearing on the Linux kernel's overall development?"


The answer is never.

Need I point out to the readers of this august rag that Microsoft has been contributing to the kernel for years? And not in Rust, either ...

Federal judge tightens DOGE leash over critical Treasury payment system access

jake Silver badge

Re: One of them hasn't even lasted a day

“You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity,”

The obvious counter to that is "How much do you think you will have to pay in order to marry within your ethnicity?".

I also note with pleasure that the twat didn't specify a sexual preference. Does The Donald know about this potential ambiguity?

jake Silver badge

Re: America has been hacked,

"Everything you see and hear is a lie."

Including your posts, presumably.

DOGE geek with Treasury payment system access now quits amid racist tweet claims

jake Silver badge

Yes. It Shirley is a win that one of musk's wannabe nazi bully-bois got cold feet and bailed.

I wonder how many of the twats realize what having that on their resume/cv for the rest of their lives will mean.

Dumbshits, the lot of 'em.

Democrats demand to know WTF is up with that DOGE server on OPM's network

jake Silver badge

Re: Aren't Government employees neutral.

Then invent one that's not old and boring.

jake Silver badge

Re: Aren't Government employees neutral.

"So they oppose the President ?"


In fact, when the situation demands it ::ahem::, they are REQUIRED to oppose the whims of whoever is sitting in the Oval Office.

Those situations include when the existing Convicted Criminal in Chief intends to make the lives of their constituents miserable. In theory, the House and Senate work for the people who put them into power, not the Krazy Klown Kourt of the executive branch. Read the fucking Constitution!

jake Silver badge

Re: centralised power!!

What? You mean stuff flying from one city to another, both in the USofA, has different rules than stuff being shipped over the high seas, which could have become modified by pretty much anybody in transit? WOW! Who would have thunk it?

jake Silver badge

Re: Fishy

"the USG is going to be broken for quite a while."

Unless the House and Senate Republicans suddenly grow a pair and stop mindlessly rubber-stamping everything Trump demands, my guess is that it'll take at least ten years to fix the mess.

jake Silver badge

Re: centralised power!!

"Imagine trying to run a nationwide business when you need to follow 50 different sets of laws depending on where the work is being done."

I do just that. It's not really all that hard. There aren't really "50 sets of laws", rather it's a dozen or so variations on a few laws. Fuel tax comes to mind, as does the speedlimit on highways, as does taxes and fees on selling livestock and timber. Local unions can be a complete pain in the arse, and are often far worse than the local tax structure.

It's all pretty easy to keep track of. Just print out and fill in the appropriate forms and you're good. If you make a mistake (rare), at least you've made an effort and are rarely fined when you file a correction.

jake Silver badge

Re: centralised power!!

"I got a ticket because my car didn't have a front license plate = allowed in Pasadena, but not 10 miles away."

The State Law in California says front and back plates are mandatory on all passenger vehicles. This is applicable on public roads everywhere in California, even Pasadena.

The Pasadena PD might choose to ignore the State Law, because it's just a fix-it-ticket and it costs more to process the paperwork than it generates in revenue. (A more extreme example ... here in Sonoma the local PD often ignore people running stop signs because the fine is so low it is negative cash-flow for the local cops to issue the ticket and then have to drive to Santa Rosa if the perp decides to fight the ticket in court. This is official policy, per the Chief of Police in an interview in the Sonoma Sun newspaper a couple years back.)

Note that the Los Angeles County Sheriff might still ticket you for this in downtown Pasadena, as might the CHP ... as might Pasadena PD, if mad enough, by adding it to the list of running a stop sign at 65MPH in a school zone with expired tags, no insurance, a revoked license, bald tires, a cracked windscreen and modified exhaust.

jake Silver badge

Re: More Anti-Trumpton

Budget? That would require an act of Congress. Literally.

Elon bypassed all that. As a civillian, non-Government approved wannabe tyrant & small pack of quislings.

Be afraid. Very afraid.

jake Silver badge

You can't just decide to setup a server on a Government network. There are rules, and laws, which must be adhered to. The paper-trail can get pretty hairy, purposely, because they don't want it happening willy-nilly. It is meant to be a difficult thing to do.

It's up to them to prove that it was set up according to these rules and laws. If it wasn't, it was (and is) illegal, and the perps should be brought to justice.

jake Silver badge

Re: The end is here

The woo is strong in this one.

Probably best to invoke Formosa's Law and move on.

jake Silver badge

Re: Fishy

"Elon is pretty tech savvy"

I have never seen proof of this statement, bob. You have never seen proof of it, either. Near as I can tell, Elon is a technical dunce.

"THEY quite possibly back-doored the US GOVERNMENT machines to GAIN ACCESS!!!"

And considering neither Elon, nor his crew of brats, are officially employed by the US Government (unless you can show me where Congress allocated the funds), nor do they have the necessary clearances to access that data, Shirley even you, bob, can understand why these Trump-approved things that Elon is doing is both illegal, and unconstitutional ... and very, very, very bad for the country.

But that would mean that you'd have to agree that Trump is un-American, and quite possibly anti-America, and you're not quite ready for that yet. Wait until he pulls medicaid/medicare and your (coming) Social Security payments. You know, the things you've been paying into your entire working life?

Microsoft vet laments a world where even toothbrushes need reboots

jake Silver badge

Re: Microsoft vet

That is the history, not the current state of the rag.

jake Silver badge

Re: Microsoft vet

"the fount of all knowledge [citation needed],"


jake Silver badge

Re: Microsoft vet

"and el Reg is British"

Are you certain about that? Have you ever read what ElReg has to say about itself?


The first line reads "The Register is a leading and trusted global online enterprise technology news publication, reaching roughly 40 million readers worldwide."

Nowhere that I am aware of does ElReg claim to be British. They seem to view themselves as citizens of The Internet.

jake Silver badge

Re: This, we're told, is progress

And here I thought congress was the opposite of progress.

Scientists mull Solar Radiation Management – a potential climate-change stop-gap

jake Silver badge

Re: Fusion vs Fission

Ascendino Santos Souza is responding to a conversation that was effectively dead over a year ago, in an obscure Internet forum that nobody who can do anything about the subject matter of said conversation ever reads.

Trump scrubs all mention of DEI, gender, climate change from federal websites

jake Silver badge

Re: Sneaky undemocratic things?

"the AC trumpers"

Plural? Assumes facts not in evidence.

They all look alike to me.

jake Silver badge

"It's a fundamental question: why was the punishment given to the Jan 6 non-violent protestors, so absurdly harsher to actual violent antifa-type protestors?"

Simple: There were no antifa-type protesters. That is a lie propagated by the right.

"If you adhere to a viewpoint that justice must be impartial, balanced and fair - why are Republican protestors treated far worse by the Democratic state, than the Democrat voters taking part in far worse behaviours?"

What happened to the criminally convicted Dem. Senator Menendez? What happened to the criminally convicted Donald Trump? (And how many other cases did the slimy orange shit weasle trump manage to slither out of by getting a get out of jail free card with the election? And how in the FUCK did the DOJ manage to not get a conviction on the Documents case well over a year ago? I know, I'm asking the wrong people, I should be asking that useless fuck Merrick Garland.)

jake Silver badge

"So yeah removing DEI and to be seen to deport large number of people are popular things in the USofA."

No, they are not ... except perhaps by the MAGA cult, of course. But they are about to have other things to worry about. Like when their Social Security goes away. And their food stamps go away. And their medical care goes away. All of which are coming.

jake Silver badge

You forgot "We have always been at war with Eastasia".

jake Silver badge

Re: Scrapped Direct File, which allows taxpayers to file their returns electronically to the IRS

And don't forget, it's not a real Government department. Congress hasn't approved it. Nor have they approved a budget for it

Elon is NOT an elected official, nor an actual approved head of a government office. What he is doing is not Government business, by definition. As such, it's unconstitutional.

jake Silver badge

Re: Gleichschaltung

trump's main goal at the moment seems to be revenge.

How very, very christian of him.

jake Silver badge

Re: Gleichschaltung

"Dems and Deep State are not working for the benefit of the people"

Dude, have you SEEN the people trump is bringing in? Most have been involved in politics for decades, the rest are fucking BILLIONARES ... Which side is so-called "deep state"? It sure as fuck ain't the democrats,

jake Silver badge

"The problem with DEI is that it encourages incompetent people to have a chance."

Well, sure. But it doesn't force an employer to hire incompetent people to do a job they are incompetent at.

jake Silver badge

"All the DEI bullshit should be nuked from orbit. It is a sexist, racist, vanity money pit based on insanity."

You are deluded, or brainwashed by the trump cult.

Call of Duty studio co-founder pleads guilty to crashing drone into firefighting aircraft

jake Silver badge

Re: Geofencing

We've all done it.

Have a(nother) drink 8-)

jake Silver badge

Re: Canada tariffs....

"Why do you think MAGA world is so down on gender-affirming care?"

Give that MAGA cult members are incapable of a thought of their own, as near as I can tell it is because they've been told to think that way by the highly conservative multi-media preacher of their choice.

Which I'll admit is just kicking the can down the road.

Said HCMMP needs someone for their listeners to fear and hate, preferably someone who can't or won't fight back. Titillation and fear of the unknown a plus; brings the rubes back in droves. Couple that with the fake "family values" (which is anything but), and the equally silly "one man and one woman" nonsense, and they have a recipe that brings in the big bucks. The old US vs THEM thing is a tried and true formula.

And the big bucks attracts the trumps, of course ...

jake Silver badge

Re: Canada tariffs....

"Other people play golf; Trump cheats at golf."


jake Silver badge

Re: He got hosed

First responders are always potentially risking their own lives. Goes with the territory.

Those planes are perfectly safe, when fucking idiots aren't launching solid objects at them.

California doesn't rely on the Canadians for this kind of thing. Rather, the Canadians volunteer to help when we've already got all hands on deck. It's a shared resources thing. We help them out when we're not inundated, too. It's called being neighborly.

FEMA was never out of money. Trump and his sycophants/quislings lied about that, too. Were you stupid enough to fall for it?

jake Silver badge

Re: Canada tariffs....

Yep. We're fucked.

UNLESS the republicans in the House and Senate actually manage to grow a pair and do their job ... i.e. work for their constituents instead of trump and themselves (in that order). In theory they swore an oath to the Constitution, not to trump. Let's see how they want to go down in history ...

jake Silver badge

Goose grease is much better for roasting potatoes than (hearts of) palms.

jake Silver badge

Re: Canada tariffs....

Trump's policies are going to hit the red states earliest, and hardest.

Don't take my word for it, ask a real, honest economist. Or ten.

jake Silver badge

Re: Canada tariffs....

It's worse than that.

He's releasing water from the federally managed Central Valley Project's reservoirs ... NONE of which is connected to the LA basin that Trump claims he's saving from another fire.

But wait, it gets worse. This is the water that is saved to irrigate crops in the Central Valley during the summer. Without it, they will die.

Note that these crops are not the commodity "corn and (soy)beans", as grown in the midwest. This is the nation's vegetable garden. People food.

Also note that most of this sudden dump will run off into Pacific, when it's done flooding downstream. The ground will not soak it up because of the rain we've had in those locations over the last couple months. So the trump-dump is both causing damage, and going to waste.

In a nutshell, Trump is wrecking the livelihood, and possibly the infrastructure, of the largest block of Californians who voted for him, just to satisfy his own bloated ego.

The Republicans are eating their own. Remember that come the midterms, farmers.

jake Silver badge

Re: Canada tariffs....

Fact: California's reservoirs in the fire zones were near full. More water wouldn't have helped.

Always check EVERYTHING the trump says. He lies. About everything. Seemingly for no reason at all. For example, after four hard(?) days at the office last week, he headed for Florida for some well-deserved(?) R&R. When asked by a reporter if he was going to be playing golf, he answered "No, I'll be too busy". And promptly played golf three days in a row.

WTF? Why lie about something as daft as THAT? Honestly, WHAT THE FUCK‽‽‽ He clearly has mental problems.
