Re: Comparison
FSD says nothing about stopping.
242 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jan 2011
If I buy a TV I expect to be able to connect it to a source that shows moving pictures....
If I buy head phones I expect to connect them to things that play music.
Ok so the wire might have gone, but for the cost of these things they should connect to anything Bluetooth that produces sound.
This is a lock in too far!!!!!!
(And I thought lock ins were band during lockdown....sorry)
I have a Surface pro 5 LTE and it has failed to upgrade to Windows 10 May 2020 Update (aka 2004) just keeps failing.
The way I am looking at it, is that at least the thing is working and I get the security updates.
If Microsoft are failing to get their own hardware to update, it does not fill you with confidence!!!
Now let's get this into some sort of level headed reality.
1. Like MS or hate it, let's move on.
MS has made Bill $$$ - Fact, love it or hate it.
But as one of the worlds richest people, he has put is money to good work, saving millions of lives across the globe. (Fact, love it or hate it)
I would rather he works away at various health issues / plans / vaccines than the vast majority of other people.
China has had temperature checks at airports for years now, so having a temperature checking device with you, will allow you to check your self before getting to the airport and then been taken away somewhere. Instead you could self isolate, go and get a test, go to hospital.....whichever is most appropriate.
Is this the same D Trump that wanted to ban people replying to his tweets because he did not like what they rule for him and another for the masses.
Twitter / Facebook, etc. are full of people from all sides saying whatever they like.....but there needs to be some rules for ALL to abide by, otherwise society just falls apart and it is everyone for themselves. Now I am not religious (unlike Mr D Trump....cough, I believe him!), but I am sure that there is no religion that says "I am alright, so sod you", but I could be wrong!
I have a Pro 6 LTE, works great. It is an i5 as they replaced the fan with the LTE stuff, ok they only produced it with 8GB RAM for some reason. That said these are designed to be portable, not gaming machines. Works perfectly well for me,
I just never understood why they did not try and push it more, it seemed a "business" only machine, do they really think that in this day and age that only business people would like LTE in a laptop?
Well, I have no idea how that's worked out.
I have worked in the public sector for years and all of the out sourced IT is both useless and expensive.....Moving a PC £950.....Quote for a quote £75K (Yep, that's just to get the quote!!! The work in itself only cost £60K....once we worked around the IT Supplier)....BT, Serco, al....they are all the same beast.
1. Say you are 100% "work" committed. (So whatever you are asking for will cost)
2. Never say yes in ANY meeting
3. Every time some one is a sales opportunity.
The "original" contract to take over is just getting the foot in the door....once you are in, they screw the client to the floor!!!!
Outsourcing does/can work...but you have to know what you are outsourcing, why you are doing it and have all the angles covered....that is the bit that gov fails on!
They are too busy doing quality control on the devices to do quality control on the workforce welfare!
I bet they undertake "vigorous Amazon" oversight on the quality of the product....but only "local oversight" on the grieve it causes the thousands of workers.
Only exert the power, where it will decrease profits, not where it will increase profits, is my "cynical" thinking.
Shocking!!!! But why am I not surprised?
I think it is worse than people think.....they give you 1 year warranty (even though EU and UK state it should be more) when the battery dies, as accepted, they want you to then go back to them even though they say it is "out of warranty" when you say it is broken and will not charge!
So they wish to screw you from both ends! That is very fruity! (and they are not alone in this deviance!)
IF the costs are going to be so low, I wonder what the options are for setting up a local ISP for say your 50-100 closest friends....i.e. next door....all contribute to the one network. 50*£15-£20 per month is a tidy sum and may allow this to happen.
It may get over the FTTC.....set up the base station right next to the can dream, it is Xmas after all
Dear ISP
I pay you to deliver xGB at x is that simple....if I want more I will pay and you is that simple....if I go over the limit, cut me off.....but just deliver xGB at x speed..because that is what I have paid you to do!
Oh and while I am on about it....Ajit Pai, not get me started, just, just.... */ Hits head on keyboard so hard I now need to go to A&E /*
Love and kisses
All internet users
Loading the original games....remember have loads of games on a C90 tape, because you could not afford to buy a few C30's.....loading them was very hit and miss! Unlike this least some of it work in the end!!!
Ok it is Friday so it must be beer o'clock for all those that member the good old days of 80's!
Bluetooth...ok very bad at the start, but has been around now for
Why do some devices manage to work quickly and flawlessly with loads of devices, yet others fail? Simple poor design, hardware short cuts or software being crap! Simple as.
By now it should work, quickly, flawlessly and well....across all devices...if your company ties to over do it with its own complications then stuff you.......a LOT of companies are making things harder to work together now than in the 1980' it just because they can? But our headphones they work "better" with out device? for example......all of a sudden it works!
So all the little websites that helped make the Apple Apps Store what it is are just thrown to the four winds....after years of promoting the company.
What a lovely company to have as a "Partner"
That said, all the big players try and use the same process......get them hooked with a good deal, make it worse, stop the payments.
I bet the real cost of the investigation cost was over £500,000 and some twonk in a government office thinks £500,000 is a lot of money!
They broke the rules....they CERTAINLY knew they were braking the rules....they CONTINUE to break the why let them trade in the UK, EU?
Only a good hard slap up the money grabbing box will get them to change....even then only to the minimum requirement. So be very, very careful about what you state as the minimum.
One place to start is to make opting out just as easy as opting in. And if you opt in, they tell you who is allowed to slurp and for what...IN PLAIN English, which is not an easy thing to do.
May be it does.....but the EU expect the UK to pay for all the projects they were involved with., so the Eu gets it.....this we pay and get nothing? Leave is leave, but to me leave is take what you paid for.......stay in you keep what you paid for and what you will pay for........mmmm
The update was shocking BSOD every few mins...I was unable to the time I had everything opened up and connected it would die again....and I am using a NEW SURFACE which really says how bad it is when MS hardware becomes fix I found for Chrome is:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -disable-direct-composition
Anyway...fingers crossed it has not died in the last week......wonder if I can remove the -disable-direct-composition yet?
Opting in....BIG button PRESS HERE for your INSTANT GRATIFICATION!
Opt have x pages, links, making it almost impossible. (That is NOT a choice!)
Make it
1. Opt in
2. Opt in to "buy only" (I am sure there are other reasons that apply) and sod off (Option 1 covers buying stuff)
3. Sod off but I know I have to accept random ads, because you need the money...but no more ads than the ones that opted for option 1.
4. Down to you as a person....block ads...delete cookies, it is now
I am a contractor, as such as undertake project work....when completed I hand over to a business as usual team and leave (Thanking my luck stars I am out of there). My contract is to implement, there is no permanent role for what I do, I therefore fall outside IR35. (I know there are many other boxes o tick, but I am trying to keep it simple). When the client, as they often do, try and tell me how to do what I do, I ask them what experience they have and why do they need, if they know how to do it better than me.....on a couple of times I have walked on that basis. To be fair most of the time they understand I offer something at a cost that they do not require long term...I do the complex stuff and hand over a system that an employee can then look after.
I know A LOT of people that claimed they were contractors but were "Filling" permanent roles. i.e. If they were not there a full time employee would that is inside IR35....if they need to pay more to get a temp person in with the skills they need then the employer should pay the premium and treat the person in the permanent role like an employee when they are there!
Simples in my book.....I have no problem working in the public sector on that basis....I have even worked on contracts they wanted inside IR35 until I asked, some very direct and simple questions, at which point they moved it to outside IR35.
I think all the small people should consider a "blind" biding process, to see where the floor is in the all tender away.
Think I will start mine at £30,000 as it is a special one off procurement, which therefore means I have to put a specialist on the job who will require a manager and project manager....project plans will need to be drawn up and a factory visit to China. All very essential.
I am yet to work on any project that has not had all of these factors in play......
1. Significant changes to the project brief
2. Unrealistic timeframes
3. A incomplete understanding of the risks
4. Projects not resourced with the right people
5. Lack of a clearly defined goals
6. Overrun budgets
On the bright side, it keeps me in work. As I type I am just about to commence on yet another "Please help us fix it" gig.....only after points 1 to 6 do you any form of reality on a project.
Well done....more people need to put back in, what they got out.
Everyone says they paid tax for x years.....and they are now entitled. That was a golden era! (Maybe fairer after post war?)
But now we have spent the money people put in and young have to pay for themselves the old and a house (which they cannot), but odd how they can pay for the rent that pays for the house!!!!
House deposits are killing them as are the student debts.......or will cards are a whole other world of pain.