Re: I call bullshit
Combine what they have with to get the proper keyboard commands for digits, and then see what can be done.
92 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jun 2007
It seems MS follows a pattern.
I started out with 3.0 and have upgraded based on this pattern. Each OS was tested before making a go/no-go decision on upgrades.
In some cases, "upgraded" means new computer (obviously)
3.0 (started with this)
95 (think everyone upgraded here)
98 (tested, was junk, did not upgrade)
98SE (tested, better, upgraded)
ME (Tested, wow, junk, did not upgrade)
XP (Tested, worked, used this for YEARS)
Vista (Tested, multiple times over years, but stayed with XP)
7 (Tested, switched and currently running on nearly every machine, have a few XP machines that cant run 7)
8 (have tested a few times, think this might be ok as a tablet OS, for every day comp, not my cup of tea)
So, anyone notice the pattern?
Think I will be waiting to see how 9 (or whatever they call it) will be.
I will buy a multiplayer only game with the full knowledge that I can not play it online if I have no internet connection, and that eventually the company producing may eventually no longer support the multiplayer component. That is a risk you take.
I will buy a single player/multiplayer game and pay good money knowing that eventually the company may eventually no longer support the multiplayer component. In this case, I expect to be able to still play the single player version locally.
I will NOT pay good money for a single player or single player/multiplayer game, if the single player component requires an always on internet connection, as if they shut down the servers then the single player component is no longer playable.
I was going to buy this game until I found that out.
Google will wait until they are digitized, letting the Vatican eat the costs.
Then, as the Vatican will probably hook in alll the Google googliness so that it will show in Google search engine, Google will eventually slurp off all fhe data into their servers, and Google will put it back together and eventually monitize.
US government goes after "Company CHINA" in China for stealing "Company US" IP in the US and says that they wont be allowed to do business in the US.
"Company CHINA" complains to Chinese Government about US harrassment.
Chinese Government tells Foxconn that until "Company CHINA" can do business in the US, Foxonn can not do business with US companies.
Apple complains to US government because they now can not get their newest iOS devices built and are severely affected.
"Company CHINA" now no longer has to worry about the US government, "Company US" gets told "Sorry, nothing we can do".
Doesn't this indicate a certain amount of self awareness and spatial awareness in order to get the spatial dimensions in correct proportion?
After all, if the legs look to long in comparision to the bodies overall shape, then it would not be indicative of a spider, but instead of another creature perhaps.
This is just the first step, creating the "puppet" out of weak materials.
Next they will try harder materials like twigs.
Then they will use these to subjegate other animals that can work with harder materials and build the next version out of wood.
The wood puppets will subjegate stronger animals.
It will be a self perpetuating cycle where they subjegate stronger animals to build stronger "puppets" until they manage to create puppets out of steel and subjegate man.
As someone with severe arachnaphobia I fear our eventual spider overlords and say we burn them ... BURN THEM ALL NOW WHILE WE STILL CAN!!!!!
This is why I build my own desktops. With desktops, buying the components individually no need to send back full systems and you can usually get better individual warrantees.
For laptops, I will usually deal with companies and not buy extended warrantee. Except in case of motherboard failure (havent had occur) usually you can buy most replacements cheaper then what you spend on hassle of replacing during the "extended warrantee" period and replace yourself, and get it done quicker.
ask, are they paying proper licensing of the IP to the owners of the piss?
After all, the piss contains more then just the components of the original conola oil, and it is very important to bodily waste in the public domain.
How come noone seems to make a gaming trackball for us trackball users?
Sometimes if you have limited deskspace, but want to game, your stuck with a trackball.
Been using the same model for years, Logitech Trackman Marble, as its only thing that fits my desk space and feels comfortable, yet they make nothing simliar that works good with games, so its use that and a lot of keyboard macros.
This particular one is getting harder and harder to find replacements :(
Well, if mankind was not so obsessed with expanding horizontally, but insteaded went with vertically, the planet could easily substain 20x's the population density with proper management.
Its just a matter of having the proper type of buildings constructed in a verticle format in non-food growing areas, using other non-food growing areas for power production, then using areas that are viable for food growth for actually growing nothing but food for well, food growth, and it would be viable.
Instead we have large chunks of horizontal areas in areas that food could be grown covered by homes and lawns while other areas where we could have vertical homes and power production are just lying useless because joe blow wants to own a couple hundred acres of land for himself.
am I to be stuck at one movie at a time?
I have plenty of bandwidth for streaming, but find the selection kind of sucks, however I prefer to get multple movies at a time and then veg for a few hours on the weekend.
Kind of hard to do if I have to pay $16 and get only one movie a week.
Guess I will stick to the local redbox machine for now.
Perhaps the zodiac killer used a cylinder when encrypitng.
1. wrap a 1/4 inch ribbon around a cylinderical object.
2. write out message in plain text.
3. unwrap ribbon
4. cut ribbon every 17 letters
5. line up each strip under each other.
6. Decide what symbol you want for each letter and then convert each letter to symbol
7. Copy only the codes to the paper you send out
Doing this, if you were to use frequency analysis you would end up with gibberish, so you must do the following:
1. Use frequency analysis to get the "plain text" which would look like gibberish
2. Take this "plain text" paper and cut into strips
3. wrap it around a cylinder.
Of course for this to work, you need to know the diameter of the original cylinder, else you just end up with givverish.
1. Put out two devices (iphone / ipad) and eventually realize that you have market saturation.
2. Setup so that people can move one device towards another vertically to perform transfers.
3. Watch as your users start dropping their iphones onto the ipads. Make sure its not covered under warantee.
4. Profit.
...they need to reverse it and allow you to put in gold and get cash.
Oh wait, with updating every 10mins, someone would stay standing at the machine:
1. gold drops below a certain amount, buy more gold.
2. gold goes up a bit, deposit it for money.
Follow throughout an 8 hour day for a week or two.
First of all, right now, my g/f has an older mac that was running fine until the power supply failed. Unfortunantly I can not replace this with an off the shelf replacement (about $40) because Apple decided to use a non-standard pin out. The cost for a replacement? $200 (give or take)
For this particular issue, eventually someone will come up with a solution that will involve an adaper on the Mac power plug.
This adapter will split the plug into two parts, one of which will handle standard harddrive power, while the second will connect to a modifed chip that will emulate the apple firmware, and have a built in heat sensor that will allow for fan speed adjustment in the event of high heat being detected.
over here across the pond (or at least where i am) if an isp was offering "up to" 20mb, and delivering only 10mb, there would be hell to pay.
Neighbor called me up, had gotten a 16mb plan and was having issues.... installer didnt do proper tests when setting up, speed was running at about 2mb when I tested.
Got on phone to provider, next day had local tech sup replacing lines from the pole to the house.
By time he was done, she was pulling around 17mb
...the officer was thinking the guy was Captain Jack Harkness, who does have a habit of being able to pull out weapons from "somewhere" although being totally nude.
( See Dr. Who episode "Bad Wolf")
Captain Jack Harkness: [after listening to Trin-e and Zu-Zana discuss what they're going to do to him] Hold on, ladies, I don't want to have to shoot either one of you.
Zu-Zana: But you're unarmed.
Trine-e: [as Jack reaches behind his back] You're naked.
Trine-e: [Jack has just revealed a small gun that he now points at Trin-e] But that's a Compact Laser Delux.
Zu-Zana: Where were you hiding that?
Captain Jack Harkness: [with the gun pointing at Zu-Zana] You *really* don't want to know.
then el reg is guilty of it to.
Go to and type in an email address. If its a valid, it will say a reminder has been sent. If its not valid it says:
"That address does not appear to be registered."
Good way to get a list of valid email addresses, then next step is to try and get passwords.
Just an example, facebook isn't the only one who does these type things.
.. usually such scams require that you send them your banking details, which most people have been warned about.
This looks like a possible shift in how 419 scams will be perpetrated.
Now, rather then sending them your banking details, this would seem to indicate that they are now looking for others to send ATM cards to in order to withdrawal money from 3rd party accounts or maybe from accounts that have been created with "overdraft protection"?
(With most banks in the US, overdraft protection means that the bank will honor a withdrawel request or check and then put the account into a negative status if there is no money into the account)
Is it possible that possibly one of the many disks/flashdrives/laptops that contain peoples that have been lost in the past couple of years may have finally made it into the "lads of lagos" hands?