* Posts by NFFC

3 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jan 2011

Saudi hackers plaster 14,000 credit card privates on web


Version 1.0, you can no more donate to the IDF than you can British Army. Ergo, you're lying. Go elsewhere with your weak political trolling.

iPhone users richer, brainier, more tasteful than Android-ers


Android users lack humour, self-awareness.

That Android users are anal literalists is again the real story. Just check the comments on any story here or elsewhere under a article that mentions iPhones in any context whatsoever.

Winding up Android users is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Apple 4 Verizon. True


Can Android owners just STFU? Just for one minute maybe?

It's great that they turn every post about iPhones into pissing contests. Really.