For once I agree
I hate to admit it, but this is something i can agree with them on.The ones that said F*** it and released the info to the public are ok by me. +1 for having balls to go against their own guys and doing what is right!
65 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Dec 2010
"Instead of the promised pyrotechnics, #OpNov5 only delivered damp squibs, false attribution, confusion and few script-kiddies exploding unimpressive but loud bangers. Everybody involved, especially those who hyped up the non-event, should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves"
My hats off to El Reg calling it how we all see it!
The decline is staggering indeed, unless Sony is willing to do what Nintendo did with the 3DS then the VITA is doomed like the PSP-GO. Tablet gaming is becoming a more viable option, but the real profit and money for the game devs still come from their sales of games on 3DS'es and VITA's. My opinion handheld consles in the near future only attract the hardcore gamers, for example Neo-Geo owners.
Couldnt agree with you more Led, very smart people over there. It explains why so many want to come to the states and the UK where they are safe from goverment persecution. But if these attacks continue to get reported across the airwaves, more and more "patrioctic" cyber actors will want to defend and take a good ol swing at the west.
I agree that Bibi is using the Cyber option instead of the Cruise missle option
Its all a ploy!Ssure block those known sub domains that have already been flagged as malicous. while the "known" good ones have of APT payloads, that MS or any of the known AV vendors cant detect. Its all too fishy to me, the PRC is never this forward when they are busted (see Operation Auroura) they always play the victim.
So we have an analyst put a nice long speech on how the IRGC is making moves in cyberspace. Well it figures that this would happen. Now its just a matter to see how good their home grown hackers ( smart ) and their goverment operators ( not so smart ) will fair against, other nations in a cyber conflict
Ive seen Moshi monsters on TV, but Skylanders Spyros Adventure is a much better platform and more enjoyable for the kiddes that Moshi. Plus the figures are nice and they work on all 3 different video game systemsPS3, 360, DS), the RFD chips inside saves your characters stats and attributes. Also i dont want my PC or my phone snatched by my kids to play anything on a SNS site. Too young for that, id rather them program Python or Perl.....
Ill have 2 Chimay Beers to your outstanding work. By the way i noticed a credit card commercial here in the states that show two guys pay for the part of their craft . Which in the final senes you see video footage from the craft as hit gets to about 50 miles up. Then the next gents find the craft stuck in a tree. It looked like Vulture 1...I said copycats or big fans of El Reg.
Nortel after going bankrupt now admits they have been pwned by the PRC for years. Makes you wonder how many fourtune 500 companies have APT's in their networks taking nibbles and bytes of their sensitive data daily. Weather you want to blame China or not it shows that companies and govt's still dont have a handle on cyber threats.
Why such a backwards system of treating women is allowed in this day and age is beyond me. It's good to hear that the more moderate women in India are making a stand. I hope the goes same other countries I.E Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and even in the US and UK (belive it or not ) Without the harsh repercussions.
The he/she perp in this report actually comes from my home town, its very ghetto and people just cant afford the 4K surguries that the doc's in Miami offer. There are alot of horror stories from that area of botched boob jobs to people dying on the table. All this to emulate the what people with more disposable income can afford.
The victims in this are not victims, they are just dumb ppl trying to be someone they arent.
"HOLLA one time for the 305 repping CAROL CITY (now Miami Gardens)!"
"China is also a victim of hacker attacks and we oppose any form of cybercrimes including hacking".....Yes say that to Google, GE, Adobe and all the other companies you pwned during Operation Aurora. Say that with a straight face when Gh0stnet was discovered and the C2 traces back to the PRC...Psssh please
Messing with goverments can end you up in jail. Messing with Narco cartels will end you up 6 feet under. My worry is the Zetas will release their boy in 5 different peices. This is ballsy but El Reg put them on the spot by mentioning the Mexican Branch of Anonymous, not cool.
Duqu might mean Duquesne University, a private cathcolic university here in the states (dont know why choose that name) . This looks like Stuxnet's older creepy brother acting like an APT running quietly through the networks. My theory the sucess of Stuxnet has given new form to this badboy to keep a trigger finger and valuable infastructure intel on any other Nation state to give the US and Israel leverage on energy negotiations...just a crazy thought.
If the goverment lauched a Cyber attack against a another nation (and get caught) it would piss not only the Anons out there but pretty much the Chinese and Russians. So much that they might return the favor in kind. I do belive there is a cyber cold war, Libya is not the theater to set it off though.