* Posts by zen1

506 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Dec 2010


'Kim Kardashian snaps naked selfies with a BLACKBERRY'. *Twitterati gasps*


ok, but seriously...

Who hasn't already seen her ass? As it was mentioned in an earlier post, this is an attention grab, which brings me to my next rant... What the hell has she done to deserve all the notoriety she gets? Her entry into the world of the rich and famous was riding on her late fathers coat tails AND a porn tape. Past that, nothing of any significance. I feel sorry for the Jenner side of the house hold. Those poor children will forever be labeled as a Kardashian, or guilty by association.

I think the biggest travesty is that more people look to her as a "role model" than real heros, or people more deserving of the of the honor.

I weep for the future of humanity, especially the morons who keep validating people like ms. kardashian-west.

Ballmer PERSONALLY wrote Windows 3.1's blue screen text


Re: Give rhe devil his due .,,

God, we'll never be rid of that chair throwing booger eatin moron!

China building SUPERSONIC SUBMARINE that travels in a BUBBLE


If it's not nuke powered, it's gotta be a bitch to refuel, or be almost cost prohibitive, at best.

Rupert Murdoch says Google is worse than the NSA


Re: For one , I got to agree with Rupert

@ AC: They have to finance Obama Care somehow and they can't squeeze the middle class for any more taxes.

The Return of BSOD: Does ANYONE trust Microsoft patches?



Unfortunately, the world is run by idiots and Microsoft still has a bit of a monopoly on desktops. Hopefully in another 5 or 6 years they'll be more insignificant... But it's crap like this that make me wish for DOS 2.1

MYSTERIOUS Siberia CRATER: ALIENS or METEOR not involved, officials insist


Re: Giant golfer? Not likely.


You've never seen me golf... Put me in the rough and I can have a have a mini strip mine in a matter of a few minutes. They should have named that game "damn it" instead of golf

BOFH: On the contrary, we LOVE rebranding here at the IT dept



I think upper management & HR types heads would explode if they weren't allowed to use acronyms. PoS's, all of em.

Google to plonk tentacles on 'unwired' world with $1bn launch of 180-satellite fleet

Black Helicopters

I wonder...

google = skynet? or vice versa?

Microsoft's 'CEO of no' on Xbox: NO SALE


Bing has 30%?

The only time they hold 30% is that time an uneducated user installs software that changes the default search engine from something else, to bing. In my experience, that usually lasts for about 20 to 30 minutes, until they change it back. God how I love Redmond fuzzy math.

Torvalds rails at Linux developer: 'I'm f*cking tired of your code'


@ Ole Juul

"Swearing is inappropriate in a public venue...", this may be true, however swearing is probably the closest we, as a civilization, will come to a universal language.

Win XP holdouts storm eBay and licence brokers, hiss: Give us all your Windows 7


It's a shame Balmer can't be charged with crimes against humanity, for subjecting the world to the horrors of Windows 8. I would even go so far in recommending that the people who uttered the words "That's a great idea" be named as co-conspirators.

It's either windows 7 or *nix for me.

CIA hacked Senate PCs to delete torture reports. And Senator Feinstein is outraged


+1 to the reg

You couldn't have found a better picture of Mrs. (Ms.?) Feinstein, unless you found one sans makeup. I refuse to address her as Senator as I've lost all respect for that institution, reason being is that they have an intelligence oversight committee that's supposed to know about the hijinks performed by the NSA and CIA.

Maybe they don't know all of the minute operational detail, but there are probably few activities that these oversight committees aren't privy to.



If I remember correctly, not only did she call for Snowden's head on a pike but she was actually OK with the horse crap that the NSA was committing. Surely the 'good' Senator has nothing to hide! Now the upper hand is on the other foot, she's whining.

I am so not a fan of all the political posturing, finger pointing or foul calling. But for this pig eyed sack of shit to want her cake & eat it too is just too much. As far as I'm concerned, there should be some accountability in the executive and legislative branches of the American government.

Which is the more grievous offense Senator, the NSA spying on the citizens of the US and other countries of the world or the CIA spying on you and your cronies? You are required to follow the same laws I do and I am supposedly afforded the same constitutional guarantees and protection, that you are (insert eye roll here). This "do as I say, not as I do" shit has to end now.

Twitter blew $36m on patents to avoid death by lethal injunction


Wile E. Coyote vs. ACME, Inc.

Do a search on it, THAT is what our collective legal systems have been reduced to.

Terrifying photo special: 'Electric Cannon' anal orgasmo-probe in use ... on a BULL


and I thought my job sucked...

This should have been turned into a public service announcement, narrated by morgan freeman.

Woman claims she was assaulted in Google Glass 'HATE CRIME'


damn rabid

apple users... always stirring shit up with their neo-luddite ways.

Facebook pays $19bn for WhatsApp. Yep. $45 for YOUR phone book

IT Angle

I really don't have anything to contribute...

other than I really hate Zuck and his fucked up company. I'm a person, not a data set, and if I had the slightest interest in facebook I would have joined, but I didn't so I don't believe he's (et. al) are entitled to any of my contacts.

Flame away...

Those NSA 'reforms' in full: El Reg translates US Prez Obama's pledges


More presidential lip service.

boosh 41, clinton, boosh 43 and now obama: Every goddamn one of em liars. While I do love my country, all I can do is offer my apology to the rest of the world for some of the blatant stupidity of both our elected and appointed public officials.

Is your IT department too tough on users?


@ lost all faith

Every one of the offenses you described require a little tough love (taser), except for the unauthorized router, that requires the nail gun.


@ Interceptor

You forgot about the geniuses who forward a 20 Mb email chain letter to everybody in the corporate address book. And then they wonder why email doesn't work or the network is slow?

I ripped out the 20 paragraph rant as I came to a revelation: I've become my father in my work place. Now I know why he always called me a dumb ass, because in retrospect I did some pretty fucking stupid things. I learned from a lot of his guidance and I truly want others to benefit from his wisdom and/or learn from my fail, but since I'm not allowed to paddle anybody or "use a belt", I still argue that a taser or a cordless nail gun are perfectly legitimate tools for the IT tech's tool kit. It only takes a couple of bladder emptying jolts or a nailed foot to the floor, to get the message through to them.

Microsoft to RIP THE SHEETS off Windows 9 aka 'Threshold' in April


God help us

that's pretty much all I have to say, after being forced to suffer with the giant, stinky, steaming turd that is Windows 8.x

Why 2014 might just be the year of the Google Chromebook


@ Stumpy

Brilliantly put: "They're very useful machines for a certain market segment, even if they're of no use to you."

That being said, everybody wants to get in on a good thing. A certain percentage of the consumer market shows an interest in something and then the industry assumes that 100% of the market wants it. As much as I hate to admit this, I'd be interested in something that could provide the same look and feel to what I'm used to, for the uses I have... Privacy issues aside.

I'm still not sold on the whole "the cloud is the answer to everything" argument, because outages happen, shit breaks and I can't say I'm overly thrilled with my data floating around on a server managed by someone I don't know or know how many people actually have administrative access to it.

Thought sales were in the toilet before? Behold the agony: 2013 was a PC market BLOODBATH


I dunno..

I blame Ballmer for all this, and I'm shocked and appalled that the Microsoft Board hasn't mounted his severed head on a pike, in front of MS HQ.

While I'm convinced I'm going to get flamed for this, tablets are nice for light stuff, I still contend that to get any real work done, you need a real PC, a real iWhatever-book or a *NIX workstation/laptop.

HP: We're axing 29,000 workers? Add another 5,000 to that


@Tony S

I work for CSC and from what I've heard from colleagues who hired into HP (most of whom have left HP), CSC is at least as screwed up, if not a little worse than HP-EDS. Things have gotten even worse, now that they've attempted to commoditze consulting services, software AND hardware. Given the amount of money they've lost in the last 4 or 5 years, I'm actually surprised that they haven't Enron'd the company, yet. If large corporations were smart, they'd consider having their own IT staffs again. Most of us have been Borged by large outsourcers, so we know how to be a lot more efficient and productive, with a lot less.


God I hate that bitch

And for the record. what she's doing is like trying to tax their way into prosperity. While I have no love for HP, it's crap like this that makes me even less inclined to purchase any of their products, for both personal and professional needs.

What is the difference between a drone, a model and a light plane?


Back in the day...

When I was involved with R/C about 25 years ago, a buddy of mine was a staff writer for RCM. He told me about an event he was covering where a gentleman from California set a R/C air speed record. He had custom built a Mirage that was about 5' long or so. It had two really big turbax ducted fans and it put out enough thrust to push that thing up to just over 220 mph. Other than a couple of really cheap and tiny helo's, I've all but gotten out of R/C, so I can only imagine how advanced things have gotten now and how much further the range of maintaining control has gotten. We didn't have gyro's, or any advanced automatic stabilization, when I was flying, if I did, I probably could have recovered from a "figure 9", with my F-4U Corsair. Judging from the damage and given it was almost 6' long, I'm guessing it hit the ground at around 80 miles an hour.

But, given the relative expense, it wouldn't be that difficult something comparable to a drone. Yeah, you'd probably have to install video and really amp up the transceiver, but god knows, you'd probably be violating just about every international regulation for radio broadcast power and interference.

It'd be fun just to try, if anything, to tangle with a real drone.

Obama cancels meeting Putin in Russia, says Snowden 'a factor'



Why would we ever invade Canada? You guys invented Hockey and you guys brew the best beer in north america.



I see you're point, but I see the relationship between those of us in the usa and the rest of the world as a symbiotic relationship. We need you, you need us. One thing I can say with the utmost confidence is that our government is a bunch of douche bags. Republicans, Democrats, liberals, conservatives, independence, tea partiers, American Socialists, communists and anarchists. Pretty much anybody who has an appointed position or has been voted into office is a waste of skin.

While I cannot apologize for the love of my country any more than any of you can, I do apologize for the idiots 'we the people' put in office every 4 years.


Re: He could always invade Russia

Personally, I think he should hold his breath until he gets his way.

Yahoo! Axes! Yet! More! Products!


Damn it people

We need to cut until we're profitable, so the board can award us bonuses with money we really don't have. But seriously, she seems to be throwing shit at the wall and hoping some of it sticks. @ Matt Bucknall: I agree. While I didn't really care for a lot of Yahoo's offerings, there were a couple I used. But after watching the utter cluelessness of the current officers, why not just liquidate the remaining assets of the corporation and give it back to the share holder(s), assuming there are any left.

Office 365 - what's in it for you? Speak your brains


bpos by any other name

Big Piece of Shit I refuse to pay MS one damn dime after Windows 8. I'm going to stick with my old apps.

Anonymous turns private eye in Ohio rape case


Maybe this is just a rhetorical question...

What happend to our humanity? High profile rape cases all over the world, high profile murder cases and people take a passe' attitude about it. I don't understand. This has just gotten sad.

Design guru: Windows 8 is 'a monster' and 'a tortured soul'


@ Bob Vistakin

OK being forced at gunpoint to buy this crap, doesn't constitute legitimate sales. When people are leaping over sale clerks and service desks and companies are poising their IT departments to deploy, then I'll believe their sales forecasts.

Until otherwise, it's just another pile of steaming crap like Windows CE,ME,NT, & Vista.

World's oldest digital computer successfully reboots



OK, that's really cool and certainly a testament to building something reliable and repairable. A tip of the mug to these folks!

Fart-buster underpants selling well among Japanese salarymen


the sphyncter as a whole

ok this is quite the dilemma. I can hear my wife draining our bank account and ordering me one pair for every day of the year. However, nothing gives me more joy than to bust ass in an empty elevator (or full, assuming it wasn't chilli night, the previous evening). Or cropdusting HR, the mall, the grocery store, the movie theater, the houses of friends and families, aircraft during take off and landing, every government building I can get my ass into, and any new car I test drive.

I suppose I'd be interested in a low rise thong, but over all, I'm gonna miss sharing the funk

Hurricane Sandy: Where are all the cynical online scams?



I don't know how the absence of tragedy related scams degraded into a "brilliant" political analysis of the first idiot and his pin head challenger, but the biggest difference is that New Orleans sits below sea level. There are levee's surrounding it and there are massive sump pumps under the city that run pretty much 24/7. So when the city floods, there's a fairly probability that the power feeding those pumps stops. A fair portion of NYC sits a fair piece above sea level and it's on bedrock.

While Sandy was a big storm, statistically, the storms that move through the gulf of mexico are much more powerful and bring a much higher storm surge along with them. So one would figure the municiple government of New Orleans would have learned from neighboring gulf states.

While Bush was another poor example of American leadership, he didn't go to New Orleans simply because he knew the Secret Service would attempt to rob every available first responder from the job of actually helping for additonal security detail support. The current administration wanted to come to NYC to survey the damage, but the mayor at least had sense graciously decline the visit request. Instead he toured New Jersey with their governor.

Perhaps the biggest difference is that instead of the examples set by the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana, the Mayor of NYC remained in the city and the necessary authorities made sure that the City's support infrastructure didn't degrade. When the management of both New Orleans and Louisiana bailed to save their own skins, even when they had every convienance at their disposal, the city and state fell into a state of anarchy.

Finally, even with all the warnings to evacuate, most of the people down in New Orleans stayed put. Being unable to live off the land like the cajun folk and completely unprepared, I'm really quite surprised there weren't more tragedies. Personally I hold the mayor of New Orleans and governor of Louisania completely responsible because of their utter lack of leadership.

Ballmer bets 'all in' on Phone 8 and Windows


I, for one...

Think Balmer is an idiot. I don't see it flying in the business market at all.

Gates: Microsoft will merge Phone and Windows platforms



This means every time the phone rings a TV will burst into flames, and a blue/black screen will cause a cell tower to explode.

Foxconn: THESE child workers were NOT making Apple products


Re: Not a reason to refuse to buy an Apple product................

It's a paradox. Apple will use any means necessary to provide frugal consumers a desirable product. While Apple could definitely lean on their manufacturers they generally don't and in turn, attempt to walk the line between keeping the margin high and distancing themselves from a necessary evil, in it's supply chain.

Is Apple breaking any laws? No. However, I do find it questionable that given the demand of the product, that someone at Fox is scrambling ass over applecart to deliver product to Cupertino to sell. So circumstantially, they're pushing the boundries by subsidising a company that abuses its workforce, through long hours and crappy working conditions.

So, we as consumers are left with a choice between: A) Shiney new kit that's relatively inexpensive or B) Being supportive of human rights in a developing, but major world power. Idealistically we'd all support the latter, but most of us don't.

Google finds MORE slurped Street View data down under


But seriously...

Do you think Google employs any actual adults, or people with just a little bit of sense? I know... I don't think so either..

Hackers break onto White House military network


Re: Suuure...

You are entitled to your opinion, but as a retired service member, proponent of the second amendment and critic of the entire Obama administration I have to ask: Why in the fuck is a system like that accessible to and from the internet? Furthermore, one figure that they’d be using something a little more robust than the run of the mill hardware needed to access siprnet . Spear Phishing or no, there is absolutely no excuse for anybody using that machine to have access to the public internet.

It’s bad enough that it endangers the safety of US citizens, but think of all the collateral damage that could happen to other countries IF someone got those launch codes. But, if you want to take potshots at those who have conservative values and ignore the severity of the blatant stupidity of the individual(s) who allowed this to happen then knock yourself out. Obviously you neither give a crap about the population of North America nor do you give a shit about the hundreds of millions of people (or more) who could be murdered because of espionage.

Finally, since you had the audacity to mix politics into your reply, John Kennedy (bless his soul) is probably spinning in his grave at the sheer travesty that’s happened to the Democrat party. Look at the vast majority of the hard line socialist countries. Most have either collapsed into civil war, fragmented or have a high tax rate (income tax, sales tax, VAT tax, usage tax etc). In a truly utopian world Socialism would work, that’s assuming individual held the same general life philosophy. Considering the gridlock in DC, the uselessness of the UN and the fact that the middle east burns every time someone says something that disagrees with the "religion of peace & submission", I'm thinking Utopia will arrive about a week before hell freezes over.

What Obama is doing to America is nothing more than celebrating and promoting mediocrity and waging a war on success.

Made for each other: liquid nitrogen and 1,500 ping-pong balls


I think we could take him...

While I'd suggest warm water and a couple of oz of dry ice, combined in a 2 liter bottle, I'm somewhat partial home made black powder. However, if you wanted to get a little exotic, either some pure potassium or sodium, throw it into a bucket of water. Comedy gold.

Ballmer: Win8 'certainly surpasses' Win95 in importance


Re: La la la la la

While I will conceed Vista was most reliable and secure version of Windows, I submit that the only reason it takes that title is because of the general frustration, derision and rage it causes. This leaves the majority of non-professional IT users in the position of either stomping off in a huff or simply powering the machine off (unsafely).

Once again, a turned off and disconnected machine is the single most secure, followed powered off and disconnected being tied for second place.


Re: La la la la la

Uptick just because of the hysterically funny visual it gives me. Him hunched over, fingers jammed into his hears (up to the second knuckle), obscenity laced rants interrupted with the occasional screaming LA!!! Wisps of steam wafting off his brow as he kicks chairs across the office.

Good god that's funny.



he on crack or something, again?

Romanians plead guilty to credit card hack on US Subway shops


5 BPS for a footlong?

Jeezus, you guys are getting screwed. I mean Subway does in a pinch but just too damn much. Lordy how I hate (inter) national chain operations...

Foxconn: We're not FORCING interns to make iPhone 5


Has Visa commercial written all over it...

Contracted Chinese manual laborer - roughly 300 dollars a month

Contracted Indian Tech Support - Roughly 350 to 400 dollars a month

The fact that you're a CEO of a company thats stock is worth over 600 bucks a share AND still have the grapes to say that Apple are committed to human rights, sanitary and safe working conditions AND the environment: Priceless.

I don't care if the iPhanboi's flame me or not, I just find the whole thing just sad.

As I said in a previous post, I don't begrudge Apple any of the success it earned through the iPhone. It was the next evolutionary step back then. But you cannot ot tell me that the current and past CEO of Apple didn't/doesn't know what's going on with its major suppliers, and can still plead ignorance when something goes awry or becomes an international news snippet?

Business may just be business but this appears to be indicitive a company that has completely lost any last ethics it ever claimed to have.

Ya'll can keep your iPhones and iPads, I'll have nothing to do with them.

Office 365 turns Lotus eater


Big deal

that's like watching a "normal" person compete in the special olympics (nothing against special olympians). Never been a fan of outlook, wouldn't use 365 on a bet and Notes is, well, a relationional database that just happens do to a half fast job at email.

Boffins computerize giant cyborg cockroaches



that's just a little on the creepy side for me...

Facebook co-founder Moskovitz scrambles to offload his shares


In awe

"... stock was overpriced" - No. Shit."

You (sir or madame) are my hero!
