* Posts by zen1

506 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Dec 2010


REVEALED: Apple fanbois are 'MENTALLY UNSTABLE' - iShop staff


@ Florida1920 Re: The squeaky wheel gets replaced

There is no "freedom of speech" in the corporate and environments. I've seen people fired immediately for something much more benign than their blog. It's all about perception and maintaining the illusion that everything is just ducky, so people are more inclined to spend.

I did computer retail for about 10 years, back when Apple had an awesome dealer distribution channel and every computer company Apple, IBM, Comaq, et. al, had their own philosophy, when it came to properly marketing their products... Even if it went against what most would view as "good sense".

As for customers being belligerent or the "customer is always right". As someone else already said, they're right as long as they're paying. And while some people will get rude, belligerent, obnoxious and throw tantrums, there's never a reason to be rude or abusive to a customer. Simply show them the door.

I actually had someone take a swing at me because they were extremely frustrated with the computer vendor, so they attempted to take it out on me. I ducked, he missed and I pointed toward the door.. Never screamed, cursed or anything. He came back a week later and apologized.

Microsoft's TV product placement horror: CNN mistakes Surface tabs for iPAD stands



I don't know what this sad episode demonstrates: Do people think that little of the Surface; or are the folks at CNN that dumb? God that's funny!

Microsoft's Bing hopes to bag market share with ... search apps


I fail to understand

why Microsoft continues to piss away money on a service that either nobody wants, changes immediately after they get their pc's or openly mocks. They really need to decide on which core product lines to focus on and go after them with a vengeance, because they've lost a LOT of momentum because of Ballmer and a lot of, quite frankly, stupid mistakes. Bing being one of many.

UN: Fossil fuels should be terminaated 86 years from now


Re: It's time to grow a pair

"The real issue is that the environMentals haven't even got a priority list, let alone a plan." Jeffy...

It would also help if there was a bit of compromise from all parties, instead of just lopping off one source of energy for another.


@ Tapedor Re: TL;DR

I remember reading about how they almost had malaria contained in parts of Africa until some jackass from the US through a fit because they were using DDT, As a result, the US stopped funding certain projects and cut off aid until they stopped using it. I call bullshit on my countrymen. Malaria is a major killer in Africa and imo it's worth the short term risk to get the mosquito's under control.

Basically the same kind of mentality you're describing.


@ JDX Re: I want to see change in my lifetime. Now.

I have, I'm going with the more or less unrestrained clear cutting and/or burning of the Amazon rain forest. Huge tracts of land have had the rain forest simply stripped away for cattle pastures. I've seen satellite images of where the smoke was visible from space... That's a LOT of smoke. That region of the world has always been referred to as the "lungs of the world", as well as sources of exotic flora, fauna and various types of new medicines. Several thousand acres a day gone; most of which could never be replaced.

Russians hear Tim Cook is gay, pull dead Steve Jobs' enormous erection


@ J.R. Hartley

But you got better? Answer me these questions three:

What floats on water?

What also floats on water?

How do we tell if Thatcher was a witch?

Apple CEO Tim Cook: My well-known gayness is 'a gift from God'


@ Don Re: There are no words...

+1 for a civil and thought provoking reply Don.


Re: There are no words...

Down votes because I don't give a rip about what is sexual orientation is? Really?

How does Mr. Cooks sexuality play into his role as CEO of Apple?

How is it relevant to him making money for the investors?

How is it relevant to his ability to do his job?

I honestly don't care about his sexual orientation, but that doesn't keep me from buying apple products and bitching about how expensive they are.

While I don't care that much about the down votes, I'm actually a little offended that my indifference to his situation warranted down votes. So, I have to ask... If someone disagrees with the cause de jour, is there an organized effort to slice their tires?

Anywho, I just thought it interesting that the "self proclaimed open minded and all inclusive" crowd are the most intolerant in here.


There are no words...

in the English language (or any others I can think of) that can adequately describe just how little I care about his sexuality. Nor do I believe this to be a news worthy topic.

Men who sleep with lots of women lessen risk of prostate cancer


Re: Safer?

That caused me to ponder the simple question: If using both hands, does that classify as a threesome?


Re: Rubbish science

While I'm sure you're quite proud of your singular abilities, I for one, would like to thank you for requiring me to piss away at least 5K for therapy, because this 'excessive information' will surely wake me up screaming (not in the fun way, I might add) for several months to come.



So, instead of my wife telling me how inadequate I am or that I need to paint the ceiling, I could possibly have 19 or 20 more women doing the same thing? I don't know which one I'm more willing to sacrifice. prostrate or my ego...

Hey, YouTube lovers! How about you pay us, we start paying for STUFF? - Google


oh heeellll no!

They're already making metric assloads of cash off of us by selling our information to anybody who wants it. As a previous poster so eloquently stated, ain't no freaking way I'm going to pay to watch a hippo fart, commercial free.

Planning to fly? Pour out your shampoo, toss your scissors, rename terrorist Wi-fi!


Re: Fakes on a Plane

I gave you a +1, but generally flying unicorns don't kamikaze the tower. Conversely though, all the bad guys have to do is instill the perception of a little fear and they've won, whether anything happens or not. The security guys have to be right 100% of the time or they're accused of either taking a zero tolerance or crying wolf. I see it as a no win situation for the good guys, but we could get a little more spine when it comes to being able to decipher media hype from relatively legitimate threats.

An SSID certainly isn't a threat.

BAE points electromagnetic projectile at US Army


Re: the one thing I don't get...

Maybe I'm wrong but I thought Faraday cages were useful when protecting something from electrical energy, but ineffective for magnetic fields.

Caterham Seven 160 review: The Raspberry Pi of motoring


eh I don't care if it has a 2bbl carb or is efi or whether or not it has ABS. I think the car is damn cool and would love to have one. I'd trade my pickup truck for one in a hot second.

Voyager 1 now EIGHTEEN LIGHT HOURS from home


Knowing our luck...

It will crash into some inhabited world, full of beings more advanced than us and they will take that as an act of war.


Re: New ElReg unit

God speed and good tailwinds, into the unknown.

FTDI yanks chip-bricking driver from Windows Update, vows to fight on


@ DryBones Re: Freetard redux?

Very well put, but to play the opposing advocate for a moment... Let's take designer purses as an example for a moment... Certainly nobody holds the design of a purse as IP, but those who make high end and very desirable product have a problem with people making duplicates of their fabric patterns as well as their logo. Not necessarily the best correlation to a usb device, but the premise is still the same. What about the drug companies who have their products counterfeited? People flock to mexico to obtain cheap drugs, most of which don't have much, if any, active ingredient, when compared to the original product. Sure, it's 99% cheaper... It looks the same, has the same lot identifiers and has the same logo. Yet when the person takes it, there are ill effects.

Or one I can relate to: I was given a counterfeit 10 dollar bill in change from a purchase. It felt the same, looked identical and to me it looked indistinguishable from a legitimate bill. I took it to the bank to deposit some money, they caught it and not only was I detained until I provided proof that I wasn't a criminal, but my deposit was 10 bucks light.

I could go on with examples but it would only get tedious for all of us. Let the down voting begin.

Silicon Valley scrooges paid staff $1.21 an hour in a 122-hour week


Don't get me wrong....

while I'm all for naked capitalism and making as much money as I can, what this firm did is so far beyond unethical & illegal that it turns my stomach. I know executives can be pretty stupid but for a VP of HR forgetting or "over looking"? That bitch needs to be hog tied up and put on ice. And, the federal government needs to get involved and fine the piss out of that company, for human rights violations.

Happy 2nd birthday, Windows 8 and Surface: Anatomy of a disaster


Re: Sinofsky

I call foul on Microsoft's touting Windows 8 being the most successful release. What bullshit. The only reason it's done as well as it did is because OEM's were not allowed to ship windows 7. If I had a captive market like that, I certainly wouldn't be proud of the way it was received. I'm glad Sinofsky resigned and hopefully Apple hires him as he will be forever known as one of the key figures in the decline of Microsoft. (along with Balmer and a cast of other idiots)

GET A ROOM, yells Facebook as it stumbles on IRC, slaps it in an app


didn't yahoo do something like this 10 or 12 years ago? What about CompuServ?

Whisper. Explain this 'questionable' behavior – senior US senator


Whisper ToS

looks like they did a little tweaking of their terms, as the latest rev is dated 13-10-14. Just before the excrement hit the proverbial oscillating unit?


I dunno

Just about every software developer I know of has an internal focus group & change management system for any and all publicly consumed applications, so unforeseen features and bugs are mitigated. So, for the CEO to say that it all boiled down to the misdoings of one employee is absurd, if not out right comical. That being said, if the programming types implemented such a mechanism, to target and track specific users & IP's AND a mid to high level manager jokes about it, that ability has to be relatively common knowledge within the walls of that company.

His ass and his senior management should be fired immediately and charged with fraud and/or wire tapping. Reason being, they originally billed the product as anonymous, and once they get their fingers caught in the cookie jar, they start back peddling about there being multiple levels of anonymity.

'Cowardly, venomous trolls' threatened with two-year sentences for menacing posts



unless we're talking realistic death threats, bodily harm or threats to family members, it's sticks n stones, bitches!

Apple's new iPADS have begun the WAR that will OVERTURN the NETWORK WORLD


monkey see, monkey do

FBI boss: We don't want a backdoor, we want the front door to phones


not only no but hell no! I'm tired of my gubment taking the liberty of bypassing my liberties, just because it's inconvenient for them. I'm sorry but this "it's for the children.." crap is not a reasonable argument anymore, as before you know it this could get abused to the point of monitor people who've committed the heinous act of running a stop light or crossing the street illegally.

Stop spying on us, assholes!

Bono apologises for iTunes album dump


Re: compensation

I have to wonder how many people who may have gone over their monthly data plan, and were charged because of that little stunt? I know I'd be rather irate about it.

Philip Morris seeks pay-per-puff patent to help you STOP smoking


that's stupid...

To use an old analogy, that's like fucking to save your virginity

US astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson: US is losing science race


He hit the nail square on the head. Kids seems to be more interested in becoming a professional athlete, a rap artist or a high ranking manager/director in a large corporation, without a need to work their way up. Furthermore, the US education system has become so mired down with shrinks who convinced that everybody just needs a hug or that everybody should win, just because they participated.

I could go on a rather large rant but I'll stop here.

Windows 10 feedback: 'Microsoft, please do a deal with Google to use its browser'


Dear Microsoft

1) Please give me the choice of browsers to use!

2) For the love of god, give us the choice to disable one drive.

3) I don't fucking want Bing. It's perhaps the most worthless search engine there is. Besides, if you refocused those resources on the OS, maybe you wouldn't be losing market share.

MS, I realize this is only three suggestions, but do you see a common theme here? A lot of us do NOT want to be thought for. We don't want to be forced into using crap we don't need or don't want.

Dear Reg readers. I want Metro tiles to replace all icons in Windows. Is this a good idea?


@Matt Bryant

"That gives you an approval rating of 19.04%."

Dude, you'd almost be guaranteed a position in the US Congress as their approval rating is between 12 and 14%. That gives you a 26% point advantage over any of the current members!

Doctor Zuck, I'm so poorly right now! Facebook examines healthcare biz: report


Zuck can suck it

Not only no but fuck no! How in the name of hell are face book going to separate "private" information from the social side with any would be patient data? What's more, what guarantee does fuck stick give that they won't sell our data, anonymously or not?

Google's Eric Schmidt's shock confession: Steve Jobs is.... MY HERO


at the risk of sounding serious

I honestly don't know who makes me want to vomit more, schmidt and a lot of his illegal activities, or jobs (god rest his soul) and the countless uproars he caused.

Marriott fined $600k for deliberate JAMMING of guests' Wi-Fi hotspots


one question...

Where did the fines go? Did it go to pay restitution to the victims? no. The only way the victims can recover any losses is a civil suit, which is bullshit, because the government should be working for the citizens.

OMG! With nothing but machine tools, steel and parts you can make a GUN!!


good lord

First of all, why didn't numb nuts just produce a knife, instead of a part for a '16? Yeah, it was a really cool concept, but it proved impractical a few shots into the demonstration. Personally, you couldn't get me to shoot one of those "composite" weapons on a bet. According to SAAMI each standard, civilian round creates about 56,000 PSI per shot. Mil-Spec is north of 62K PSI, so I'm thinking that running around with a half dozen banana clips and one of the "printed" rifles would be a wonderful example of the law of natural selection, in that after a few shots, fatigue would set in and the weapon could catastrophically fail, injuring the shooter and anybody close to him.

Personally, I went with an AK, instead if an AR. Not nearly as many moving parts, much tougher than an AR, cheaper and slings a round that's roughly twice as heavy as an AR/M-16 platform. Did I mention these things are cockroach tough? I've seen things done with AK's that I wouldn't dream of doing with an AR, and they still worked.

As far as the whole gun control issue, it's a very complex issue and it's not going to be resolved over night, nor is it going to be resolved by penalizing licensed and law abiding people. Conversely, ignoring the folks who are concerned about safety wouldn't be in anybody's interest as they have some valid points.

That being said, I think the immediate, short term focus should be on mental health issues, as it's only the crazies that make it to the media, as horrific examples of American culture. Next should be on crime (gangs, robberies, home invasions, etc) and then finally safety. I've been around firearms all my life, I did some time in the military and now I enjoy collecting (I'm licensed) and in my time I've learned one undeniable truth: There is no such thing as an accident with a fire arm. It's either intentional or someone being irresponsible. And if people don't have a health respect for what it can do, someone could get hurt or killed.

By the way... wanna know what one of the most dangerous things are, regardless of political affiliation, nationality or whatever? Hopping in a car. The number of people injured, maimed or killed by driving (even if they're licensed) is exponentially more than all of the firearms related deaths combined (excluding military crap). I'm a hell of a lot more scared of 4000 lbs of steel, aluminum and what not flying at me and my family, being driving by some tool who's yacking away on a cell phone or texting.

my two cents...

feel free to flame away

Want to see the back of fossil fuels? Calm down, hippies. CAPITALISM has an answer


I dunno

I think there's one point a lot of people are missing, the speed of global warming seems to correlate to the deforestation of the Amazon river basin (and other tropical areas). Brazil and other countries that own real estate in the basin are either rapidly harvesting woods, or simply clear cutting & burning 10's of thousands of acre's every week, for cattle pasture.

South and central americal have always been called the "lungs of the world" because it is the single largest producer of o2 and other gasses needed for us to breathe. Additionally, those forests suck a lot of the CO2 and other crap out of the air.

That being said, you know it's bad when you can see the smoke from all the areas where they're just disposing of all those trees, rather than harvest it responsibly. I'll go a little further out on a limb and suggest that one of smokes key components is CO2.

just sayin...

SLOSH! Cops dethrone suspect - by tipping over portaloo with him inside



I'm sorry, but if the turd suspect/victim was fleeing and evading, then he pretty much got what he deserved. I'm not defending the officers, but there was obviously a lot more that happened prior to the point where the camera man started filming. Call me crazy, but most officers I know don't randomly go looking for porta-jon's to tip over, especially while occupied.

I do kind of feel sorry for the officer who had to transport and then do the paperwork... It had to be a shitty job, the kind that just keeps piling up.

I'm out

Microsoft WINDOWS 10: Seven ATE Nine. Or Eight did really


don't care what they call it...

It's still going to be full of vulnerabilities and be a pain in the ass, in some major way


Re: "... we’re not building an incremental product"

ROFL "excremental"... that's friggin genius!

That glass of water you just drank? It was OLDER than the SUN


@blind squirrel...

Come on, does the blind squirrel actually find a nut or does it find an oxygen atom to fuse together with two hydrogen atoms? But I digress and maybe I'm being ignorant about it, but someone actually paid to make this assertion? More to the point, how is this significant?

Microsoft on the Threshold of a new name for Windows next week


I've been pondering this for awhile...

How's about "Windows - That we hope doesn't suck as much or upset everybody's apple cart because our marketing team missed the boat with the whole new "metro look & feel", apology 1.x"

NSFW: Click here, watch iPhone 6 being TORTURED


more money than common sense

I don't share the same level of enthusiasm over the new iPhone as the rest of the world... In fact, I could care less as to me, its just a phone. But what I don't understand is why the need to destroy several of them? Yes, it's his money, he can do what he wants with it and his own property, but that just seems to be such a waste.

I sold 10 MILLION iPhone 6es at the weekend, says Tim Cook. What did you do?


Re: Please, Please, Please

I'd be happy for a mid to high range phone that didn't drop calls or didn't sound like shit. Oh wait, that was before they added all the "smart" features... never mind.

Linux? Bah! Red Hat has its eye on the CLOUD – and it wants to own it


News flash

When will the morons learn that the cloud isn't secure?

'Kim Kardashian snaps naked selfies with a BLACKBERRY'. *Twitterati gasps*


Re: Hmmm

A whole buck? someone is being optimistic.


@evil: Re: I think it's a good strategy really

Then why don't we keep seeing leaks about flesh eating bacteria, graphic images of STD's or dislocated fingers & toes, when the public starts to lose its attention span?


@ John Brown

I thought about that but I don't think it's a fair comparison. I think Paris road on the coat tails of her grandfathers legacy and is old money trash. The Kardashians are simply new money trash. But in terms of general stupidity and all around offensiveness to the youth of the world, it has to be a dead race.


by the way...

Who still uses a blackberry? That's like so iPhone4-esque.
