* Posts by StorageBuddhist

13 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Dec 2010

Micros~1? ClippyZilla? BSOD Bob? There can be only one winner. Or maybe two


Would have gone for 'Team BSOD' if it had been there, but 'Micros~1' it is.

Oh, 3PAR. One moment you're gliding along. The next, you're in the rain as HPE woos Nimble


Re: Is it my imagination

MSA was Dothill I think. XP is Hitachi. EVA was great in it's day, but Carly's layoffs broke it. HP does not seem to have invented since the Compaq acquisition in 2002. 3PAR was solid and got them out of a hole, but it was already ageing when they bought it. At least this time Nimble is a much newer cleaner technology.


Storage Spaghetti...

Ahem, I did call it back in 2014... https://storagebuddhist.wordpress.com/2014/11/01/spaghetti-anyone/

IBM's FlashSystem looks flashy enough, but peek under the hood...


Minmum latency

Quoting minimum latency makes sense just like quoting max iops. Neither will be achievable in real life, but brochure specs are about best case, not averages.

Big Blue bafflement: Anyone in IBM Storage know which way is up?


Re: Maybe customers are worried...

Everyone loves an IBM beat up, but there are some things to remember. 1. The sale of System X was bound to hit storage numbers as well.

2. The dropping of N Series/Netapp likewise.

These are planned moves to protect profit by sacrificing revenue.

Check out the profit. They are doing surprisingly well.

Synology slings patch at buggy NAS boxens


Surely Boxen is already plural...

As per oxen, or German plurals. What's with "boxens"?

'Hashtag' added to the OED – but # isn't a hash, pound, nor number sign



Clearly crosshatch, corrupted to hash

"(often as noun cross-hatching) (In drawing or graphics) shade (an area) with intersecting sets of parallel lines" http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/cross-hatch?q=crosshatch

Microsoft's 'evil open source' man on life as HP's top cloud-wrangler


Red Hat, IBM, HP - biggest contributors to OpenStack - in that order

Quick fact check here (it's easy to do):

You say "The firm [HP] is now the third largest single contributor to OpenStack – behind Rackspace and Red Hat – with “others” the largest block."

For the OpenStack Icehouse release (April 2014) the main contributors were:

"Red Hat, IBM, HP, Rackspace, Mirantis, SUSE, OpenStack Foundation, eNovance, VMware and Intel. Top users contributing code also included Samsung, Yahoo! and Comcast."


Yes HP is 3rd - behind Red Hat and IBM.

Analyst: Tests showing Intel smartphones beating ARM were rigged


compilers are real life

I learned the importance of compilers back in the 90s when benchmarking a Data General AViiON UNIX server (Motorola 88110) with gcc against a MIPS R4000 with a MIPS compiler. On paper we were faster, but were badly beaten in the customer test. We also tested it with some unoptimizable code and found that we were indeed faster. MIPS were as much a compiler company as a hardware company and that was their strength. They had a much better compiler and that's why they deserved to win.

If the better compiler is indeed used in real life on the Intel chip then that translates into real customer value.

NetApp clambers over stumbling Big Blue as storage market shrinks


Business Cycle

Rolling 4 quarter totals would paint a clearer picture than quarter by quarter analysis because some vendors tend to do poorly in their own Q1 and very well in their own Q4. e.g. your headline is comparing Netapp's Q4 with IBM's Q1 and those two vendors both exhibit strong Q4 up-swing.

Windows 8 has put the world's PC market to sleep - IDC


gamers moving to xbox and ps3?

It would be interesting to know if the slowdown is a corporate spending slowdown or a consumer slowdown. Also, games have traditionally driven a lot of high end PC sales, but game consoles have become a cheaper option. Also tech gamers sometimes buy or assemble white box systems and torrent a copy of windows - completely under the radar of IDC PC numbers. I suspect the slump is a combo of many of these factors, rather than because of win8.

I have procured 3 PCs in the last 6 months for family members. Alienware with w7, HP i7 laptop for multimedia (came with w8 which was considered a minor annoyance initially) replacing a 4Yo dell, and a white box i7 with w7 for gaming replacing a 6yo dell (which had been GPU upgraded at the 3yo point). All of those people also have iPads., and I'm writing this comment on an Acer Android tablet.

So it's more of a perfect storm than a single factor (w8) I think.

Don't want unified file, block and object storage


IBM's GPFS doesn't seem to have a problem with billions of files

IBM's GPFS seems to be fast at processing billions of files, for example...

http://www.almaden.ibm.com/storagesystems/resources/GPFS-Violin-white-paper.pdf and


Which leaves me thinking that perhaps Object storage still hasn't found its real purpose in life.

Which storage technologies and vendors will fly in 2011?


IBM's XIV: Storage for the Enterprise

Chris, IBM's XIV is not positioned or priced in the same space as Storwize V7000 or DS5000. XIV's market is above both of these in the food chain, in larger enterprises. Customers buying XIV are largely new accounts to whom IBM would have previously proposed DS8000, customers who might otherwise have purchased HDS VSP, EMC V-MAX etc. That's not something our competitors are keen to admit (even to themselves) but that's just the way it is. SB