Re: The ONLY things going for it were
>>Am I mis-remembering, or was NT 3.51 quite a bit more stable than NT4 until SP3 came out?<<
If I remember right, NT4 was mostly 3.51 with a 'slicker' front end. SP's made it better of course.
34 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Dec 2010
>>They had an issue and since I was handy they asked if I would have a look. I stopped looking when I started to develop an eye twitch.<<
I made a good deal of money during a year where people needed help with ME machines. I'd tell them, I'll wipe your machine and install 98SE but won't help with ME. Probably 20 people in the company I worked for took me up on that. You could buy a sound card and get 98SE media cheap.
At first it sounded like you weren't paying for Spotify since you said "shuffle everything" but then mentioned price. I also do the four account thing which is awesome. But I can and do point Spotify to my local music. Also the only thing it wants me to shuffle play is if I just go to a specific artist and don't select an album.
Can't see Spotify as just 'usable' and they are making constant updates probably cause they know that people get soooo terrified of a big change.
>> Do teenage girls still use Facebook?
That's what I was thinking. Both my kids a 20 yr old boy and 16 yr old girl, both of whom have uninstalled or sworn off FB. Significantly due to privacy issues and that my son's account was broken into.
But, one of the beauties of Spotify is that it play music and does a fantastic job of it. It's very clever without being intrusive or scary.
And for $15 a month the whole family gets profiles and no commercials. If you don't think FB will jamb in commercials any chance it gets you're crazy.
FB, never done it never will.
Pretty much says, along with former presidential candidate Romney, that a company is a person. Designed specifically so that companies could donate to candidates. So why wouldn't ethics apply? I mean I know they won't, but if it weren't for the voracity of shareholders, it might not.
I'm by no means an Apple fan (don't own a single device) but Microsoft was busted due to an ILLEGAL monopoly. They coerced PC vendors to sell only Windows with ONLY IE on it. And, since Windows was at one time >90% of the PC market they controlled a monopoly on OS.
Apple, nor anyone else for that matter, has ever come close to that monopoly power. While Google may own a great deal of the search market they aren't forcing themselves on people. You can easily switch engines.
Just stop it with the why not Apple? Apple does not hold a monopoly on anything.
>>In my opinion the Universe was created 5 minutes ago, including not only all the fossils but also us and our memories.<<
oooh, put's me in the mind of the great movie Dark City. May fire that up tonight as the world remakes itself. If you haven't seen it Roger Ebert rightly stated 'if the Matrix were perfect it would be Dark City'
Forgot about that but soooo true. Yesterday a client had me getting files off an old Vista laptop prior to wipe/Win7 load. That file copy problem still existed in SP2. An 8gig wifi file transfer was supposedly going to take anywhere from 2 hours to 19 hours. Fortunately he had an old external hd but shocking how horrible that system was at the most basic of computer tasks.
Yeah, I'm late to the reply here but that comment is just wrong. I also have multiple notepads. I hit Win key and type "no" and all notepads are there with notepad ++ first since I use it most often.
Also, a quick look to make sure you've got the right think before you reflexively hit silly in almost anything computer related.
Maybe you don't have 8.1?
3 months ago I would have agreed with you. Then I was let go from a tanking 'enterprisey' company. When I took over the IT management we were out of capital. Capital expenses are killer to struggling or small companies. The latter I'm becoming very aware of while consulting. These guys just cannot lay out the $2-$3K we regularly did back in the enterprise when we had cash. But most of them in either circumstance can dole out the monthly charge.
In terms of MS raising prices, as long as there is competition, and there's plenty in this space, I bet they don't raise prices.
In terms of lock-in I've been using Office 365 for four years now and have moved three new companies to it (it's fantastic for new, and smaller companies) and because of the OneDrive integration with the desktop a move off there really wouldn't be that tough.
Just my experience though.
Then you're not actually using it. Go try copying a bunch of small files. That was atrocious and if something that basic was so totally broken no 'marketing' could help it.
This is from experience. Tried copying a bunch of OpenOffice clipart from the wife's laptop. I let it run even though it reported that it would take hours to copy and it did.
Using a Linux machine, mere minutes.
Having just gone through this as a test with a laptop's restore disks;
I had to install all pending updates then installing 8.1 from "The Store" the Update came with it. It wasn't a separate install.
Side note a fresh restore of a Win8 laptop had to install 180+ updates before it would even attempt to install 8.1 and that sucker is more than 3.5gb.
My son was downloading Himachi vpn client. I glanced and saw it's part of logmein and read up on it. Seemed harmless and a better way for him to share Mindcraft worlds with friends and not open a hole in the firewall. Anyway, even after repeated 'read what you're clicking' warnings from me, he clicked the big "download now" button. It installed some "Download helper" toolbar. And, here's the crazy Chrome part. Since he had done all this with Chrome the same damn tool was installed on his Android phone almost immediately.
That's going too far. What's a good open source phone?
Ha, what? I've upgraded Ubuntu machines from v7 all the way to 12.04 with nary a blink. In fact an upgrade fixed a broken command line only box. I just went from from 13.04 to 13.10 in about an 90 minutes.
Linux may not be a panacea but it's much better in terms of upgrades and package management.
We run Office 365 here. The web apps in Firefox on Linux are actually very good. I can do all of the Office 365 management from Linux. Funny thing is that even on Windows the webapps and management all works better in Firefox than IE 9 or 10.
Microsoft has to offer those things because they broke the law in many ways. You Tube is not a monopoly just because of its popularity.
And, as posted above, this is the height of hypocrisy coming from the corporation that screwed so many over the years with these exact same practices. They need to just suck it up and create the app in HTML5.
Sooo, wrong. A good parent will keep a young person off FB. The anonymous teasing, put-downs and outright bullying are to ever present. Seen it too many times. My only slightly chubby 11 year old hears it too much in person. I'm not opening her up to that pain on that horrible site.
We were recently shopping for new phones for the kids. Three Verizon stores (albeit in central Oregon) don't carry WinPhone of any sort. I asked why and they said with shrug "too many customer service issues". One guy said they just take up wall space from the items that sell.
This was admittedly a small sampling but Oregon's tech heavy but if they don't sell to the point where three stores don't even carry them. That's a problem.
At least that's what I mean. Countless times I've had to install Windows and get cd or usb and download the nic driver on it. It's ridiculous since I've been booting up Linux for 10 years and connecting right to a network. Only today, with corporate wireless was Windows 7 ready to connect to the internet.
I don't believe there's actually anything wrong with being a monopoly if you don't do it illegally. If they don't coerce the action to use the product like Microsoft did to PC companies with regards to the OS and tying the browser into the OS, then it's not illegal. Not really Google's fault everyone uses their search engine other than quality returns.
I would wait to see if there's a technical or competitive reason Google prevents WP7 from accessing YouTube APIs.