* Posts by PK

77 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Dec 2010


Win a slice of XP cheese if you tell us where Microsoft should put Copilot next


copilot starting

promising to be useful

need a new PC


There once was a copilot from Seattle

Which very much liked to prattle

When asked if it could help

It gave out a yelp

and produced ten pages of twattle

If every PC is going to be an AI PC, they better be as good at all the things trad PCs can do


Re: Hamster wheels?

> One of her friends used ChatGPT as a calculator

Reminds me of a stat I heard somewhere recently that 90+% of Alexa's are now just being used as radio alarm clocks. Amazon are still trying to come up with innovations on them which most users just don't care about any more

Microsoft rolls out one Teams app to rule them all


Re: Separating work / home

This is why I have a separate windows id for work on my home PC, so I'm only logged on to the correct 364 account. Also much easier to switch off at the end of the day when I can't see my work stuff from the normal id.

Microsoft adds more AI to Photos in Windows 10 and 11


All part of making Windows 10 slower and slower to force you to upgrade ...

... and.by 2025 they'll be so much AI in at every level that the machine will grind to a complete halt.

Halley's Comet has begun its long trek back toward Earth


Re: "Scientists believe Halley has been around at least 16,000 years"

If Halley does the average 1000 orbits, then it's about a quarter of the way through its 76,000 years (assuming all these estimates are correct of course)

Copilot coming to Windows 10 to help navigate the OS's twilight years


Re: AI safety

I "upgraded" my mother's Windows 7 laptop to Linux when it kept pestering her to upgrade to Windows 8. I put a README file on her desktop explaining where to find things and she prefers it to the old system - and it's still running fine even though the laptop is definitely getting on a bit.

Aliens crash landed on Earth – and Uncle Sam is covering it up, this guy tells Congress


If aliens have visited ...

... then I expect we've been nothing more than a lower school science project ... which is now sitting on a shelf somewhere, next to the Mars jar which has been allowed to dry out.

Threads versus Twitter: Shouldn't we be happy the wheels are falling off antisocial social media?


Re: Stitch

... or a Threat ?

Why a top US cyber spy urges: Get religious about backups


Schrodinger's Backup: The condition of any backup is unknown until a restore is attempted.

Meta confirms decentralized Twitter rival in the works

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So if FB join ActivityPub...

Won't it mean that they'll be getting everyone's feed to mine for advertising - and start trying to send adverts back the other way? Therefore everyone else in the fediverse would just block them?

To preserve Earth's treasures, digital silence is golden

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Re: Predicted in 1973?

Thanks, I now have another book on my ever expanding to-try-and-read-at-some-point list


Predicted in 1973?

Sounds like Flash Crowd by Larry Niven, but with the internet instead of teleporters


Underwater datacenter will open for business this year



I guess the difference is that this uses the ocean to cool the equipment directly, rather than burning carbon to both cool the equipment, warm the coolant AND release CO2 which causes further warming.

Google said to be taking steps to keep political campaign emails out of Gmail spam bin


Shouldn't that read ...

... Gmail is letting more left-wing spam get through and Outlook more right-wing spam?

It's all going in the spam & burn folder if we start getting that s**t here in the UK

Redpilled Microsoft does away with flashing icons on taskbar as Windows 11 hits Beta


MS Doublespeak?

The outcome was the discovery that people want ... then for Windows "to get out of the way."

So we've decided to force Teams into Windows itself so that you can't get it out of the way ... ever ....

Iran is doing to our networks what it did to our spy drone, claims Uncle Sam: Now they're bombing our hard drives


Re: A certain amount of thrashing around going on here....

...or if they're really nasty, they take out everything useful and leave us with just Facebook

Deepfake 3.0 (beta), the bad news: This AI can turn ONE photo of you into a talking head. Good news: There is none


digital signatures

Isn't there the possibility of videos being digitally signed so that we at least know that they've been published by a (hopefully) reputable news organisation, government or whoever? Ok, these days you get lots of shadowy sites masquerading as news but at least you could see who is publishing something and make a judgement.

You spin me right round, baby, right round like an exploding asteroid, baby, right round round round


... which got me thinking it's an orbiting menhir

College student with 'visions of writing super-cool scripts' almost wipes out faculty's entire system



I like the way SQL Server lets you highlight and execute part of a command - so you can accidentally miss out the last line which you HAVE typed, checked, rechecked and ... ooops!


I still remember the day I found out chown -R .* goes up as well as down.

Supernovae may explain mass extinctions of marine animals 2.6 million years ago


Re: Interesting, but radiation killing through water?

The radiation wouldn't need to go far through water. If iron-60 is dropping into the water and getting into the food chain, it would then emit the radiation whenever an atom decays - getting whatever happens to be local at that point.

Et tu, Brute? Then fail, Caesars: When it's hotel staff, not the hackers, invading folks' privacy


Re: "Et tu Bruté"

I've now got this image of Ceasar's last words being "Brutus that's sick innit"

RAF Air Command to take on UK military space ops


Shouldn't that be RnAF ?

...for Royal no-Air Force?

At least "per ardua ad astro" still applies though

North will remain North for now, say geo-magnetic boffins


Re: So what happens if...

Whoops, always getting muddled on US geography :-)


So what happens if...

...the overdue magnetic flip, the overdue yosemite super volcano and my overdue library book all happen at the same time?

Jupiter has the craziest storms seen yet, say boffins


Re: Nah

..and I thought it looked like the magic roundabout in Swindon

If Australian animals don't poison you or eat you, they'll BURN DOWN YOUR HOUSE


Re: Fascinating

Sounds normal. No-one believed the Okapi existed until a european person found one. The locals of course had known about them forever.

Eggheads identify the last animal that will survive on Earth until the Sun dies


Re: Primitive Life?

This could end up being a bit embarrassing for us humans, showing off with our progress and technology to get a mission all the way to Europa only to find that the Tardigrades have got there first...

Dead serious: How to haunt people after you've gone... using your smartphone



Alexa: play Tubular Bells

Elon Musk reveals Mars colony rocket capable of bringing pizza joints to the red planet


Re: Hmmmn.. pizza!

@harmjschoonhoven - is this a budget terraforming plan? Sounds good until the radiation enhanced cockroaches decide to hijack one of the return ships to battle the radiation enhanced turtles for the earth's pizza supply.


Re: Hmmmn.. pizza!

I can just see the Dominos app trying to keep up with your nearest branch ... "place order from London ... Reading ... Bristol ... ... ... New York ..."

Feeling old? Well, we're older than that: Newly found Homo sapiens jaw dates back 350k years


It might even go further back that that...


Who do you want to be Who? VOTE for the BBC's next Time Lord


Zooey Deschanel ?

I'm fine with a black or female Doctor but accept that an American one might be a step too far though...

Pluto has massive underground oceans, say astro-boffins


So was Larry Niven right?

...that an alien ship collided with a moon of Neptune, knocking it out of orbit to become Pluto (World of Ptavvs)

'Please label things so I can tell the difference between a mouse and a microphone'


"...reboot the internet"

I had a project leader who once asked if we could do a local backup of the web. It was the 90s and not quite as big though...

Zuckerberg to spend $3bn+ to rid world of all disease by 2100 (Starting with Facebook, right?)


At least the BSOD will make us look like Avatar

...until the next routine update suddenly switches our eyes off.

Apple seeks patent for paper bag - you read that right, a paper bag


It has got to be asked...

So where are the rounded corners?

China launches quantum satellite to test spooky action at a distance


Re: Three Body?

Yes, took me several attempts to get it right. Need more coffee...


Three Body?

So with this and a rumour of a planet in the Centauri system, it's beginning to sound like the Three Body Problem ...or are China just starting up the publicity for next year's film?

Paper wasps that lie to their mates get a right kicking, research finds


They might take our hives, but they'll never take ...

Once she had a painted face, she probably went all Braveheart and started buzzing about "...our freedom"

Pressure mounts against Rule 41 – the FBI's power to hack Tor, VPN users on sight


I kinda feel sorry for ...

...the poor little FBI pleb to gets ordered by a judge to go and fetch Putin's PC.

Astroboffins discover rapid 'electric winds' blowing on Venus


Re: Bloody great battery

If it does that to oceans, I'm not sure you want to "earth" this battery

Microsoft won't back down from Windows 10 nagware 'trick'


I've just received an email...

...offering triple Nectar points on a Windows 10 laptop. Has someone figured that people want Nectar points more than Windows 10?

Microsoft has made SQL Server for Linux. Repeat, Microsoft has made SQL Server 2016 for Linux


Could this be an admission...

...that they might have screwed up Windows over the last few releases and need a plan B to keep people using their apps?

Google human-like robot brushes off beating by puny human – this is how Skynet starts


Re: end of the video

Ha ha, I thought the same thing except that it thinks "mustn't punch the b*stard, go outside and calm down"

Boffins' gravitational wave detection hat trick blows open astronomy


Surely the important question about gravity waves is...

...when will we be able to surf them like in Dark Star?
