President is not equal to a Dictator
Many of Trump's proposals are impossible to effect in the control-structure of today's America. They couldn't be accomplished politically nor economically. Even if Trump were elected president, he wouldn't have the legal authority to effect many of his projects.
For example, a president can't simply order a wall built on the southern border. Someone needs to draft a bill, supporters need to be gathered and managed, money needs to be allocated from somewhere, and the American people need to be somewhat on board.
A president can't simply order immigration laws be changed either.
And, in terms of his latest solution described as in the article, a president can't turn off the internet.
A president, undeniably, has great powers in terms of the veto, executive orders, pardons, appointments, and as commander of the armed forces. But an American president is not the absolute dictator of Trump's dream.
It seems Trump believes once he is president, he can wave a wand or make fairy-tale wishes to a genie who will magically implement them. Maybe growing up rich and popular has distorted his conception of reality. Often, a rich kid *can* get what they want. Often a corporate ruler can get what they want too. The wish comes true without effort. But in a grown-up world with other grown ups, power is not a simple nor easy thing.