* Posts by DeanFox

3 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Dec 2010

Euro beaks mull copyright of software features


This way leads to chaos

Software is the realisation of an idea. Realisations of ideas can be copyright protected ideas cannot. It would be insane to allow ideas to be copyrighted especially with respect to software. My warehousing system does what theirs does but better, trouble is they did it first.... what no competition now.

Scientologist overlord declares victory over Anonymous


Anonymous does it all.

Anonymous has not switched targets rather there are those who frequent Anonymous who decided they supported Wikileaks and Assanger and there are those who have just started frequenting Anonymous thanks to the publicity for the same reason; drawn to Anonymous by the promise of some serious Net hacktavist activities, plus LULZ and CAEK.

Anonymous forums still cover the cult of scientology and as far as I can tell the campaigns will still continue until everyone is the world is educated regarding the dangers of the church of scientology. Not all Anonymous care about Wikileaks and Assanger, not all those who care about Wikileaks and Assanger care about the church of scientology - but at least both sides are aware and generally stay out if each others way.

That's the thing with Anonymous it can do it all.

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Citizen's Commission on Human Rights is cult front.

The CCHR is the front group which focuses on the church of scientology "Global Obliteration of Psychiatry" agenda. Their propaganda states that psychiatrists were behind 9/11 and orchestrated the Holocaust during World War II among many other evil things.

While I am all for over sight of "big pharma" and against excessive use of prescriptions to treat depression, especially in kids, if I were Islamic then the CCHR would be Al-Qaeda (way to extreme for me and an embarrassment which only serves to damage the reputation of my beliefs). Incidentally I also happen to believe much of the over prescription problem is down to demand generated by the people for a quick fix. I digress.

Anonymous activities as far as the church of scientology is concerned have centred on world wide peaceful campaigns, lobbying and education which has proved quite effective; although they have bought a lot of buildings they're all pretty much empty. The early cyber "terrorist" attacks stopped after a couple of days and the first global protest started Feb 10th 2008, they have been running monthly ever since but have purposely become less organised so the cult don't have fixed dates when they can be ready for them.

Anonymous activities regarding Wikileaks have followed the cyber "terrorist" route so far although as far as I can tell they were not aimed at causing financial harm, more just a broadside shot to draw attention. If anything I liken these activities to the civil disobedience of protesters like Gandhi.

There have already been Anonymous turning up at protests in support of Wikileaks and Assanger. And I expect this will continue as the protests activities spill out in to the real world.

Not all Anonymous who support the campaigns regarding the church of scientology support Assanger. Not all Assanger and Wikileaks supporters care about the cult of scientology.

Anonymous is like a city, the citizens who frequent Anonymous are like citizens occupying a City. There are many groups and sub-groups which form and disband spontaneously to do certain things. In a way rather than saying Anonymous did this you might as well say "The Internet" but Anonymous is way cooler.