The drone software was upgraded
to Windows 10. Its computer was rebooting after launching. After the reboot, it forgot where it was suppose to go.
362 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2010
May I remind you that it was a conservative leaning Supreme Court that install George Walker Bush and we ended up with wars that are still ongoing. To say nothing about invading the wrong country.
A Liberal Supreme Court rightfully would have refuse do hear the case that installed Bush and Al Gore would have won.
Wala! No 9/11. Russia would be much friendlier;er to us, US, and we, the US, would not now be the worlds #1 terrorist nation, supplying both side in many cases.
"The Irish company could just toss the subpoenas in the trash because the US would have no way to enforce them unless they want to stage a military invasion of Ireland."
Don't be giving our government any ideas. We're gearing up to install a female war monger.
When Google strung their fiber through my neighborhood, there was literately no way they could have buried their fiber in the right of way. You can't even walk through back there. Between lack of room between fences, garages, sheds and other outbuildings, there was no way to get any kind of trencher through there. Hand digging is out of the question as too expensive and too hands on.
So they strung it on the excising power poles, that already hat AT&T and cable hung on them. They were here and gone from the neighborhood in a couple of days, instead of several weeks.
Except for one burn-in equipment failure in the beginning, the Internet service has been up 100% for a couple of years now.
Oh, and the excising competition has up their speeds and lowered there prices. So every on is happy except for AT&T and the cable companies.
And the same people praising Microsoft for their over extended microcontrol, control that interferes with what people want to do with their own computers, and in private, would be up in arms if the government tried to do the exact same thing.
Why is that? Corporations good, government regulation bad? To most people the world is a little more complicated than that. Not enough regulations are at fault here.
What is happening here, is that Microsoft wants to be the ONLY operating system allowed to run on new hardware, regardless of purpose. Regardless of the sensitivity of the data on said computer.
Want to run Linux? Bribe someone in China for a proper CPU and chip set. Not rich enough? Too bad, you will comply.
The meta data is the outside packet, the one routers use to know where to sent that bit of information... And where it came from. Information needed at the receive end.
Meta data is quick and easy to read on the fly. To read the content takes a bit more time, plus part of the message might go a different route, making it even harder to read a complete message because you have to be monitoring that route as well and combine the various parts. That takes time and to do it for a lot of messages, would slow the Internet to a crawl.
Shortly after Google moved into Kansas City MO, the existing Internet providers lowered their prices and up their speeds. The delay in ISP's upgrading was because they had to upgrade their existing mid 1990's equipment for the increased speed. I can imagine that cut into their gravy train profits a bit.
It is MY COMPUTER, set up the way I want it. Micro@@#%& has no right to override what I want and my settings.
Three time so far they have done just that by trying to get me to to install Win10. If I could get the service packs, I rather go back to XP first.
How long till the first Class Action law suit?
I can't see Microsoft's version of Linux being any better than their own desktop software.
What I can see are patient and copyright lawsuits by MS against the established Linux world.
The DoJ needs to revisit the breakup of Microsoft into Office software and operating system software.
Classic Shell is a fix for a real problem, a work around for another MS misstep. I was thinking of a complete separate GUI to replace the MS version. That way people can chose a 3rd market GUI that will have the look and feel, better suited for what they want and do.
Why do people spend hours trying to make the GUI usable from the MS default with every new OP? The XP version of the desktop, seems to have become a standard people want, whether it is a Linux mint desktop, or Win 7, or Win 8/8.1 or the new Windows 10. What's with MS trying to make a desktop look and feel like a phone or a fondle slab? With a touch screen yet? Desktops have mice and are used for serous work in one place, even for home users. If people want to be mobile, the still can, but why should that desktop that is 18X17X6.5 inchs, with a 24 to 30 something screen (or two) and a mouse, have the same look and feel as their mobile device? Why make the Desktop conform to a mobile standard?
Most people are smart enough to use their different computer devices effectively, even though the look and feel of each is different.
When is Microsoft going to be forced to separate its GUI from the operation system?
Most of every complaint in every "up-grade" are the increasingly frustrating features bugs in the GUI. Desktops are not laptops and laptops are not slabs. Business machines are not home game machines. Stop already with trying to make them all the same.
Let 3rd parties in on the GUI.
as to how life was allowed to evolve here. For instance our magnetic field.
We know we would have lost a good portion of our atmosphere without it and it helps to protect living things on the ground, but what other effects does it have on the air we have, to allow us to live in the first place? Without that magnetic field, what would out atmosphere look like? Another Venus?
All this talk about finding another Earth is BS. The list needed to make another planet, an inhabitable earth, is long and we do not understand how long that list has to be.
So stop already trying to tell us we found another earth. No, we haven't. We found another rocky planet, in the Goldilocks zone. Normally it's within 50% larger that the size of our own planet. A real another Earth would have to be with in a few percent of everything of our own planet. Sunlight, gravity, magnetic field, water, minerals/metals required for life, etc.
And even if we did find one, there is no guarantee of any kind that there is any life more intelligent than say, goldfish there. No matter the age of that planet. "Intelligent life" may be a fluke of this planet alone. At least until Mother Earth finishes correcting her mistake.
"If the air-con pump seizes there is no way to re-route the drive belt to bypass it."
Turn the A/C OFF! There is a magnetic clutch involved. Cut the wire to it, if necessary. Finger nail clippers? Knife? Yank the wire out. Just getter done and be back on your way, before you die of thirst because you probably did not bring any water with you.
Just like the lack of biodiversity in nature, a single OS for everything is vulnerable to one glitch, or one virus, or one flaw, bringing everything down.
There is no reason for not having OS designed for efficiency for each device and having the look and feel tuned for that device also. What works best for a desk top, makes for frustration on a smart phone or fondle slab. OS optimized for touch screens on a phone or slab are hardly workable on a desk top on a desk in a cube farm.
Their is no reason, good or bad, why the GUI needs to be part of the operating system.
MS can do their security updates, upgrades on the OS and not effect the end user.
But by leaving the hooks alone, from one upgrade to the next, they could even graft a Linux GUI if someone wanted to and the GUI could stay the same. Productivity would not suffer by having to learn MS new way of doing things every time.
Being able to use your own personable equipment at work, is just asking for system down time.
IT does have control, mostly over company equipment.
But IT doesn't have much control over your personal laptop or fondle slab, when used at work.
Internet providers need to be declared "Common Carriers". That is what they actually are anyway. They don't have much, if any say in where their Internet customers surf, correct? You give them an outrageous bunch of money every month and they in return let you on the information highway to go wherever.
Unless a person is sitting inside a private business, the Internet is wide open to most anyone that can get on. Me thinks that pretty much meets the definition of common carrier.
The FCC needs to declare them common carries, drop the gavel and go to lunch. They won't though, because the FCC deck is stacked with people beholden to those very same businesses they are supposed to be regulating. No wonder this is taking so long to be settled.
I used the names of the towns on Oahu, Hawaii, plus the obligatory number of special characters, tacked on the end, to log on to my computer. Plenty of names longer than 10 characters with the padding.
Of course, I had a printed cheat sheet with all my many passwords in the drawer with the security files I used.
No way, with all the various differing password rules for the different log-ins I needed, could I remember them all.
They also removed the Refresh button. I do a web page. When I update it, I like to see the results. I already have the mouse in my hand clicking on buttons to upload the changes, bring the browser page to the front and before I could move the mouse a short distance and refresh the page by clicking the Refresh button, to see what I did. No more. Now I have to use the keyboard to press F5. Not a smooth move.
Not everybody just surfs the web and sends/receives E-mails of cute cats and/or forwards the latest PT Barnum style 'common wisdom'. Some of us do actual work on PC's, involving the web browser. Stop making things harder already, by removing needed tools.
A "Start" button, with a listing of all the installed programs, is very useful.
I still have XP on my computer. On the Right side of the screen is a tool bar, I set up, with short cuts for the programs I use often. I tried to do this on our Win7 laptop and couldn't figure out how to do it, without messing up the tray. Surely there has to be a simple way to do this.
Oh and don't muck up the BIOS so that only Windows 7 or 8.XX can be loaded on that machine. Linux keeps looking better with each "advance" in MS OS
Computers are tools. One shouldn't have to take classes, use Google, or search You Tube, to figure out what was fairly intuitive in XP and even MINT16.
How about a variety of free GUI, so that the style of desktop you want can be loaded from a list on a web site. The operating system can then just be the operating system. MS can upgrade the OS and whatever, as long as they don't mess with the hooks in the GUI. That would make upgrading less painful.
Microsoft has forgotten about the KISS principle for their users. There is too much change for change sake with each upgrade. Why the every changing nomenclature? And stop moving stuff around, on top of the label changes!
One last thing - Get rid of the Registry. A properly designed OS doesn't need it.
Outlook was bad for that. We had to change the .zip to ,zi1 or whatever. Anything other than .zip. With instructions in the E-mail on what to change it back to. There were a few other extensions that were problems too, like .exe, that were gotten around the same way. What a joke.