Re: Beware survival bias
As long as the replacement part overlaps the replacement of the other part, all is good.
362 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2010
With Catalina, I can only scan with the document feeder. Before I could scan using the glass. I need to be able to use the glass, as some things I need to scan will not go through the document feeder. I tried looking for a setting to change this, but could not find any.
Other than that, Catalina seems to be working OK for me.
"So tell me, how does this show that firearms save lives?"
You will be waiting a long, long time for any kind of logical answer that makes any kind of sense.
Firearms are designed to kill, therefor saving lives is not what they are designed for. People think they need guns for protection. Then why are so many family members killed by this "protection"?
"Why would Russia be so keen to see Trump in the White House. It's looking like he's a Manchurian Vladivostok Candidate for sure. But why?"
Because Russia did not want to to engage in a senseless war with the United States. Hillary Clinton, among others, is on record as thinking war with Russia is a good idea. If Russia did indeed meddle in the US elections, we may have dodged a bullet, so to speak.
Luckily not everybody thinks like us Americans, where arms and ammunition are at the top of the list for solving problems.
It is sensible to use the power line as a sync source. The 50/60 Hz power line frequency is held to very tight tolerances, traceable to atomic clocks..
The internal crystal controlled oscillators, not so much. How often do you have to reset your digital watch, or kitchen clock because the time is too far off?
(R) behind the name, is enough for them to support anybody, no matter how vile the candidate is. That (D) stands for "evil socialism" and most of us know how destructive "evil socialism" is, because... Taxes! Never mind that those type of (R) people have no clue of how those taxes benefit them... Til they don't., then hear them scream.
Or to maintain it for that matter. It has been only recently we really understood the roll our magnetic field played in keeping our atmosphere in place and otherwise protected us. Or the moon's roll in keeping that magnetic field going. Too many planets are like Mars, or Venus, without a large enough moon to keep the plate tectonics moving. No plate tectonics, no magnetic field, no life.
We can barely make out any planets out there, let alone if they have any moons large enough to matter.
While I'm sure there is life out there, even reasonably intelligent life (I'm not sure we count), we will never know for sure. The distances are just too great and the speed of light is too slow.
"This seems to be their main hobby.
If it works, break it.
If it's useful, hide it.
If they like it, change it."
That's the only way they know to make something "New & Improved".
Eventually MS will piss off the wrong people, or enough people, and go the way of a bunch of other used to be, world wide corporations.
Isn't it time to make it harder to acquire firearms? Have real background checks from a common federal government data base. Have at least a week long waiting period. Tax up the wazoo semi automatic fire arms, such as the AR-15. They are not needed and almost useless for hunted anyway. Psychiatric evaluations for anyone trying to buy a firearm for self protection. These are the people that end up shooting other people, Or getting shot with their own firearm by their 2 year old.
Only 35% or so of the U.S. population own firearms. Yet their are many hundreds of thousands more firearms floating around than the total population of this country.
Do something to stop the slaughter. NOW is the time to talk about what to do about stopping the violent gun deaths. Think you need a firearm? Join a militia first and show up every month for their meetings. Or lose your firearm.
Microsoft has an arrogance problem. They think if they want, or did something, everyone else will just fall in line.
They need to answer their outside phones and read their outside e-mails for clues that they might be having problems that they don't recognize as such.
People might figure out what you are talking about. You know like some people might think male/female electrical plugs as being obscene (USA). I'm really surprised no one has redesigned the working ends of common extension cords and power cords plugs for appliances and household outlets as being less suggestive to safe guard the sensibilities of children.
(Frequency and Hertz is another example of confusion.) Everything new ain't necessarily better.
The new format works fine on my fondle slab, my phone and my desktop. Better even than before on the hand helds.
All that white space people are complaining about? I just assume it is space for ads that I don't see and never have seen. I just ignore it, by assuming it probably has some purpose for something by somebody. Otherwise it wouldn't be there. My curiosity doesn't even care.
I got used to the last change. This one doesn't need getting used to.
Electronic voting machines need to be insecure, so that the local precincts can have the correct winner.
That is the why of no paper trail, internet connectable, common admin passwords among machines, Some flavor of windows, propitiatory secret software and firmware and so on.
These people also make very secure ATM machines, so it is not like they don't know how to do voting machine security right.
Or like one person I knew back in beige CRT days, who wrote the passwords in pencil around the front edge of the monitor.
Well, when you have some 2 dozen passwords with forced changes, depending on the login, from 30, 60, 90 days... and different password requirements for each password.
Too frequent password changes is a security breach. It leads to people to have passwords such as - Password1, or passw0rD1, Password#1, etc,
Giles Jones: More battery life? But that would involve making the phone thicker. And everbody knoes we want paper thin phones we can roll or fold up and put in our pockets .
I have an idea, make the phones thick enough and add a layer of rubber around the edges, so it doesn't need a case to protect it. The very opposite of what we are being told we want. Replaceable batteries, with a built in USB port on the battery for charging, would be good too.