Any more, the various parts of the Microsoft OS seems to be written and controlled by several independent committees, that do not do much, if any communications between the various committees.
Icon for the telemetry.
362 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2010
They Teach to the Test now. The do not teach comprehension of the subject. All they want are the "correct" answers on the scheduled tests. Correct, meaning currently politically correct answers.
The Powers That Be do not want thinkers, comprehension of the subject, or much real understanding of the subject. Only correct answers on the standardize tests.
The United States has gone from one of the world leaders in education, to approaching 3rd world status in many cases. Privatizing our public schools, i.e., corporate owned, Charter schools hasn't helped any either.
"You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it. And now they're coming for your Social Security money. They want your f**kin' retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street."
― George Carlin
That's a lot of eggs in one basket, if/when something happens to the hard drive.
I was recently looking for a hard drive for use by just the operating system. The smallest I could find locally was 1TB. Yeah, yeah, I know I could partition it to something reasonable. But still, hard drives are mechanical devices. Separate, smaller hard drives would lessen the pain, if something happened. Not everyone is an expert in recovery. Back-ups? Too many people don't understand properly, the how and worse, the why. Bigger is not always better.
Don't get me started on TV/monitors in restricted spaces.
The real problem here is NASA has been starved for funds for most of its life. The Powers That Be would rather fund military bases around the world and devices that kill lots of people, than fund research and space.
The F-35 comes to mind, as do new Navy ships designed for the last war. Along with paying Russia to ferry our astronauts back and forth to the ISS.
It's a wonder NASA still exists.
90% efficiency? That would take a concentrated beam. What happens when, not if, something get too close? Birds? A curious hang Glider, A wayward plane?
Would it burn a hole through the clouds during storms? All satellite signals walk around a bit. How big would the dead zone around the receiver be? What of maintenance of the ground receiver? Can the transmitter be shutdown and powered up without too much hassle? What about making sure it stays off during ground maintenance? Where does the padlock go to ensure that some middle manglement dude doesn't power it up when people are on the ground working around the receiver?
One never hears the answers to questions like these. Like the carbon fiber space elevator, this sounds too much like pie in the sky.
The playing, singing the National Anthem, with hand over heart, before a sports game IS political.
The song itself is a call to arms, which is political. Who's the enemy? With the United States, nearly everyone it seems.
What could be more political than blind patriotism by standing with hand over heart, while a certain song is being played? Wars have been fought over where that right hand goes. So war is political too.
Most people don't realize it, but politics affects everything. Not all politics involves governments. Just interaction between different groups of people involves the same actions as government legislators. There needs to be some semblance of agreement before anything gets done.
Fines means nothing. Fines come out of the corporation's petty cash. It is a line item on a spread sheet.
What needs to be done is prison sentences for those responsible for the tomfoolery. If it means putting CEO's and Board members in prison for lengthily periods of time, so be it.
After all corporations are persons and these people represent and control the corporation. Laws for corporation persons need to be the same as laws for you and me.
I find most censorship rather childish. This entire long thread of comments proving censorship as such. Most of us are not in school anymore. Many for several decades. I'm long past gray, mine beard's white.
Censoring medical terms? Court records? Engineering common terms? Common words in every day use? But then again common sense is in short supply in many places. Authoritarians in manglement positions keep making sure of that.
While this election may have been the most honest election in American history, the Democratic primaries were not. Bernie Sanders played to packed stadiums, on the issues. Biden barely campaigned. Biden won? Kamala Harris dropped out of the primaries after Tulsi Gabbard exposed Kamala's dismal record for all to see. Now Kamala will be 2nd in line for the Presidency? Something doesn't seem correct here.
To say nothing about the Republicans gerrymandering and closing of a large number of polling places in selected districts across the country, in both the primary and the general elections. BTY, where are the exit polling that other countries use to check the voting? Suddenly in 2000 and after, exit polling here was somehow deemed not very accurate.
Honest election? Not in this country?
Another reason to use the back of you hand in a fire, is if touch some hot metal and you use the palm of your hand, you can lose the use of that hand from being badly burned. If you use the back of your hand, you can still use your hand as pretty much normal, till you can out and get medical attention.
I have a Model M, IBM keyboard. That is the best keyboard I have ever had or used.
I've worn the legends off two other keyboards and spilled water in another. Most of the keyboards I have used, just haven't felt right. Squishy keys, can't tell when then make contact, too soft, wrong key spacing, whatever.
Noise? Who cares, I'm half deaf anyway and like to know when I press a key. IBM made good keyboards.
Arrived at Costco early today. I was 7th in line. Costco Had one (1) pallet of toilet paper. 30 roll packs of Charmin. It was all gone by 10 minutes after they opened. Costco only allowed on those 60 years old and older in between 8:00 and 9:00 AM.
Not a cough or sneeze to be heard in all the time I was in there.
The IT angle? Costco also sells computers and stuff.