* Posts by ITS Retired

362 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2010


Israel aims to build its own upgradable quantum computer

ITS Retired

How much money is the United States giving them to do this?

And how much will be side shuffled into pockets?

SCOTUS judges 'doxxed' after overturning Roe v Wade

ITS Retired

Privacy is mentioned nowhere in the US Constitution.

Not even in the 4th Amendment, where it states:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and

seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue,

but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched,

and the persons or things to be seized."

Nothing about "privacy", even though it is described in the 4th amendment..

The word "private" is mentioned in the 5th Amendment, as in private property, i.e., land.

That's it as far as the Constitution is concerned.

Google updates Chrome to squash actively exploited WebRTC Zero Day

ITS Retired

Re: Could not have happen with HTTP/1.0

You forgot the quotes around "friendly".

NASA wants nuclear reactor on the Moon by 2030

ITS Retired

What does the gender, or a person's skin color have to do with qualifications?

I can see why under certain circumstances why gender might make a difference, because of physical differences, but skin color?

Windows 11 22H2 is almost here. Is it ready for the enterprise?

ITS Retired

Re: What is it with people ?

I moved to Linux. Don't even miss Microsoft. Reading articles and comments like here reinforces that I made the correct choice.

Microsoft pulls Windows 10/11 installation websites in Russia

ITS Retired

Has Russia thanked Microsoft for stopping Windows 10 & 11 from being installed in that country?

There is enough evidence of their unfitness of use in ours.

Microsoft readies Windows Autopatch to free admins from dealing with its fixes

ITS Retired

It is time to start checking other operating systems.

Before Microsoft claims complete ownership of your computer.

US senators seek ban on sale of health location data

ITS Retired

Control by men of the woman's uterus is based on ancient religious beliefs.

Therefor being religiously based, control by medically ignorant political bodies, has no place in modern law. Abortion is and should be a medical decision between the woman and her doctor and not be the political football is has become.

When will women get full human Rights and as much autonomy of their own bodies as men have?

US must adopt USB-C charging standard like EU, senators urge

ITS Retired

I have been collecting adapter cables and adapters for years. Both cables and actual adapters for different types of plugs. I can and do adapt USB2 chargers on USB3 devices and vice versa.

And the old wall warts? I have a drawer full. If working, I never throw any away. Saves a lot of time and frustration.

DARPA wants to refuel drones in flight – wirelessly

ITS Retired

How much if that 100kW gets lost in the conversion? And if they miss the target area and hit a few sensors on the drone?

Record players make comeback with Ikea, others pitching tricked-out turntables

ITS Retired

Re: That vinyl sound

Back in the day, vinyl only had tube/valve amps. Tubes/valves do not have a sudden hard cut offs when the limit was approached and reached. Digital/solid state on the other hand does. When a solid stare amp hits the limit, square waves, full of harmonics are generated. These have a strong tendency to not sound good to even normal listeners.

Taser maker offers electric-shock drones to stop school shootings

ITS Retired

Another cause of mass shootings -

Our government does not take care of its citizens. Where is the Universal Health Care? There is too much of "Your Money, or Your Life".

Why are our prescription drugs so costly?

There is too much racism, to much sexism.

How about paying people what the job is worth? Wages haven't kept up with inflation since the early 1970's. Inflation cause by profit taking.

Development often means displacing the people of color living there.

Our prisons are full of people who have harmed no one before going in. Not so much getting out.

Our country is being run by people that get off on hardships, death and destruction of others. Even profit from it.

Too many firearms doesn't seem to be enough.

Need help? Got any money? If they had money, they wouldn't need help!

Amazon accused of obstructing probe into deadly warehouse collapse

ITS Retired

Federal marshals need to descend on the upper management, starting from Jeff himself, and put them in jail on remand, until such time the requested document are produced.

That is the only way to get their attention. Otherwise, with Amazon's power, money and lobbyists, the government will never overrule Amazon.

BTY, Amazon is so bad, they are hard pressed to defend, except for their size and wealth.

US Supreme Court puts Texas social media law on hold

ITS Retired

Re: Now there’s ya problem

That is pretty obvious. The many unconstitutional "Huh, WHAT!!!1!?" laws they pass, or try to pass is the proof.

Salesforce staff back an end to its relationship with NRA

ITS Retired

Re: "How do we protect our 2nd amendment & our kids at the same time? "

Why do we have to protect the 2nd Amendment? Are not our kids more important? I know my kids are, as are the rest of the kids in the school, or anywhere else for that matter. The same goes for most adults anywhere.

That is a badly worded question. It assumes the importance of the 2nd Amendment equates to the importance of our children.

Our children are our future. Firearms pokes holes in that premise.

San Francisco police use driverless cars for surveillance

ITS Retired

If corporations are persons with Rights...

Then how long till these cars, with actual 'intelligence', be declared persons also and be allowed to be armed to protect themselves from damage. 2nd Amendment and all that.

Or will they only be allowed to shoot at other cars?

Biden signs cybercrime tracking bill into law

ITS Retired

Will this also apply to the cyber crimes of certain of government agencies?

One can still fantasize of a better world.

OpenAI's DALL·E 2 generates AI images that are sometimes biased or NSFW

ITS Retired

Re: Sorry, computer said "no"

Like when they started to use computers for automobile designing, instead of clay models. All cars started to look alike. That only lased for a few years, till the designers wised up, otherwise a Yugo would have been shaped pretty much the same as a high end Land Rover.

Microsoft, Apple, Google accelerate push to eliminate passwords

ITS Retired

All these new and improved ways to log in either involve a gadget, or or something that can't be changed when needed, like fingerprints and faces. Or gets changed because of damage to same and can't be updated because - Damage.

The problem with passwords is passwords commenced with the beginning of computers and have been working reasonably well for decades. That means some people think passwords are old and need to be replaced with something "new".

Never mind this "new" can't cover all the devices that need passwords. Different devices need different way to sign in. The have been trying to eliminate password for how many decades now? There is a reason they are still around.

My 2005 HP, with a fresh load of Linux Mint and an IBM Model M keyboard would be hard pressed for facial recognition, with no camera, led alone any fingerprint reader. It works just fine for what I need it for. Word processing, banking, web surfing, any of several web sites I frequent... All without a hassle.

Cable giants, ISPs, telcos end legal fight against California's net neutrality law

ITS Retired

What happened to State Rights over riding Federal law?

Only if you can't get your way with the state, apparently.

US Cyber Command shored up nine nations' defenses last year

ITS Retired

Back doors in firewalls,

Painted to look like the surrounding wall.

Why does anyone trust the United States for security anymore?

Outlook bombards Safari users with endless downloads

ITS Retired

What's their excuse with the breakage of their own stuff when they change or update something else?

Human-made hopper out-leaps rival robots in artificial jumping contest

ITS Retired

How high can this thing jump before it needs something

to slow its decent to keep it from becoming wreckage when it hits the ground?

Nothing is free. There are always trade offs that can and will get in the way of any new miracle gizmo ideas.

US appeals court ruling could 'eliminate internet privacy'

ITS Retired

Re: Internet Anonymity is a Hard Issue to resolve

It is gearing up to go full bore, here in the United States. Currently their main targets are pregnant women, or woman wanting to avoid pregnancy in the first place and anyone who helps them with any kind of birth control. Even going across state lines to drag both the woman and anyone helping them back to stand trial.

Some people still do not see women as autonomous human beings, with equal Rights, but somehow women need being told what and how they are supposed conduct themselves, especially in matters involving sex and reproduction. But not the men who have no knowledge of the lives of the women they are trying to control, of course.

This is the start of a very slippery slope, that get slipperier the farther it goes down. Rights? You have no Rights. You helped a woman living in this state violate the law! Crossing state lines, country borders to do so makes no difference. You living in another state does not protect you. You are now a felon under our state laws.

US Army may be about to 'waste' up to $22b on Microsoft HoloLens

ITS Retired

Can this equipment be used in diplomatic negotiations to avoid war in the first place?

Think of all the money saved in war equipment not needed because the two sides talked things out. Yeah, I know peace is not as manly, or profit inducing, as fighting is.

BTY, why is it assumed that war is inevitable and diplomatic negotiations are always after the fact? I think we need better leaders.

COVID-19 contact tracing apps were suggested as saviors. They sometimes delivered

ITS Retired

Right here is the reason for so much public facing, hard to use software.

"The analysis points out that contact-tracers weren't involved in the app's design, so it is little wonder the software's output was not useful."

End users are not involved in the design of the app, program, etc. Too often we are being told what we want, regardless of what we actually want or need.

Scientists make spin ice breakthrough

ITS Retired

Another idea that will always be 10 years in the future?

Kinda sounds like it.

Windows 11 growth at a standstill amid stringent hardware requirements

ITS Retired

Is anyone else seeing a major opening for switching to another Operating System?

Some flavor of Linux, or Apple's Mac OS? Either, or both, applying themselves to take over the general business part of needed business software?

Microsoft should not be trying to set new hardware requirements as a goal, but to work on a stable, reliable OS and software, with the IT department and stable, ease of use for the end user in mind. MS is failing miserably.

Win 11 adds 'requirements not met' nag for unsupported hardware

ITS Retired

Re: The Windows 11 ISO has 'hard blocks' in place, even with a clean install.

That's because Microsoft believes it is their computer, not yours and they only want the latest and best hardware for their attempts at a working OS.

Deere & Co won't give out software and data needed for repairs, watchdog told

ITS Retired

Set a precedent.

Start nationalizing these companies. "We the people..." need to start coming first for something besides taxes.

'Hundreds of computers' in Ukraine hit with wiper malware as conflict continues

ITS Retired


Yeah, global thermonuclear war will stop a lot of future conflicts. The survivors, if any, will have to learn how to use rocks and clubs again.

Airtag clones can sidestep Apple anti-stalker tech

ITS Retired

Re: give the dog a iPhone!

Face recognition.

Google's Chrome OS Flex could revive old PCs, Macs

ITS Retired

Re: Hot Garbage

On the bright side, this isn't Microsoft. So that's a plus.

Journalist won't be prosecuted for pressing 'view source'

ITS Retired

Re: How did this law ever get drafted

"It sounds like the entire legislature are idiots, not just the govenor."

Never fear, they are. The know what the people need, even when 63% of the voters vote otherwise.

Ever-growing volumes of data mean computational storage is becoming crucial for HPC, say boffins at Dell's tech chinwag

ITS Retired

I have an idea? Stop collection so much useless "information" for just in case, or for $$$.

You know, like If I buy something online, then for a month or more after they send me, or try to send me, more ads for like stuff, or adding me to a mailing list I did not sign up for and from an outfit/s I never heard of. There is a reason for Junk and Spam filters.

For those worried about Microsoft's Pluton TPM chip: Lenovo won't even switch it on by default in latest ThinkPads

ITS Retired

Re: Insecure code

That is basically what I was planning to post. I have both a MacBook Pro and a Linux machine for when windows become unusable. Unusable is when my Windows 7 machine becomes too hard to keep going.

I use both Linux and the laptop on a regular basis. They both have their own functions and I trust them both much more than Microsoft anything.

Microsoft really needs to clean up its own software act before forcing their third party hardware "security" on everyone else.

Planning for power cuts? That's strictly for the birds

ITS Retired

Re: I say it's plausible

Why were the switches not in enclosed metal enclosures, for safety and to keep birds and other small living thing out?

Doors on the front would make entry for humans easy. How did the birds get into the building in the first place?

Google advises Android users to be careful of Microsoft Teams if they want to call 911

ITS Retired

Re: Who lived long enough to complain


ITS Retired

Social Media is what gets their attention. Otherwise it could be several patches/fixes later, maybe.

China's Yutu rover spots 'mysterious hut' on far side of the Moon

ITS Retired

If it is a real hut, with a door and windows?

Chill out to the sounds of an expert typing on a variety of mechanical keyboards

ITS Retired

Re: Model M was a Robust Horse

My Model M is at least that old. The cable is still soft and pliable.

Microsoft makes tweaks to Windows 11 Start Menu for Insiders but stops short of mimicking Windows 10

ITS Retired

I'm starting to think Microsoft has a hidden Easter egg in Windows 11, to be released with a future update you can't refuse..

ITS Retired

My keyboard doesn't have a Windows key. It is an IBM model M. Found it in a dumpster, some 15+ years ago.

But whatever the Classic Shell, start button works fine for me.

Server errors plague app used by Tesla drivers to unlock their MuskMobiles

ITS Retired

Re: Physical key

Physical keys have a proven track record for a thousand or two years. Radio for a little over a hundred years. The internet for a couple of decades. Guess which has the best track record for reliability.

For me a key fob, with a physical key in it that will open the door and start the vehicle.

There is such a thing as being too fancy and complicated to be reliable. The newer high end and not so high end vehicles, with all their computers and electronics for simple mechanical stuff, have crossed that line a few years ago. Centrally located touch screens in place of physical knobs and buttons border on safety hazards. Today's vehicles are a whole course work of Just Because It Can Be Done Doesn't Mean It Should. JBICBDDMIS.

FYI: If the latest Windows 11 really wants to use Edge, it will use Edge no matter what

ITS Retired

In 2019 I bought a MacBook Pro because of Microsoft. I recently bought a refurnished computer and put Linux Mint on it. Both have many advantages over Microsoft. In fact two tin cans and a length of string has an advantage over Microsoft.

Microsoft has lost the scrip. Personal computers are not owned by MS. They are owned by the people who bought them.Too bad our government is so corrupt, otherwise a nice class action law suite would be in the works,

Microsoft needs or be broken up into its component parts. Then maybe they can have a real personal computer operating system again, that people can setup as they wish.

Microsoft surpasses Apple as world's most valuable biz, by stock price at least

ITS Retired

Re: A reminder Apple is late to services

Who do you think is running Microsoft, Apple, ISP's, etc?

UK schools slap a hold on facial scanning of children amid fierce criticism

ITS Retired

Re: Paraphrase

That sounds too much like Socialism, even for a public school. Can't be having that now can we? /sarcasm

Microsoft admits to yet more printing problems in Windows as back-at-the-office folks asked for admin credentials

ITS Retired

I recently set up a LInux Mint computer. Setting the HP, All in One, only required to select the printer and then everything just worked. Scanning, print both sides, ink levels, everything.

Microsoft could take lessons here. Maybe Apple too.

Missouri governor demands prosecution of reporter for 'decoding HTML source code' and reporting a data breach

ITS Retired

Re: Dare I admit to the govenor ...

Mike Parson is in a position of power and Missouri is suffering for it.

Isn't that the Republican way?

Fancy some Surface kit but wary of new Windows? Microsoft lets commercial customers pick 10 or 11

ITS Retired

It is becoming more apparent that Microsoft itself doesn't really know where it wants to go.

Let alone what its customers want. Apparently, after a while, lock-in produces paralysis and confusion, without a clear path forward.

Listen to its customer base? Why, do they think your computers are really theiirs?
