telnet iran 22
pwnage mode go
636 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Feb 2011
the other thing is linkedin. most competent people dont bother with it. but there is a hard core of linkedin users who want you to believe that they are employable. they are doing this by getting their agents into prominent media positions to forward the linkedin agenda telling you that you are scum for not being on it.
but twitter is like that but without the aspect of anyone getting a job at the end of it. pure evil.
you cant just admit that the weird way apple do it counter to everyone else, could be wrong. They do it different because they are the only people who are right. hahaha well you would think that if you spent all your money on this crap. but im loaded so my perception isnt so distorted.
Looks like I'll have to get the glue gun out.
And The USB connectors suffer from the same problem. They are mounted vertically so the connectors just slide about when you tilt the screen. My 2.5" backup drive that I rubber banded to the back of the unit, also disconnects on a regular basis. It really is crappily designed in a lot of ways.
I have the thick chunky model and i promise you the power cable will not stay seated in the back of this thing. When you tilt it up and down it works its way out. I use a regular IEC plug from a UPS so not the crappy plug Apple sent me which I cant use. I crash my system once a month simply by tilting the screen. The thin one will be worse, I promise you.
Into the head? Down into the heart? Does it see into me, into us? Clearly or darkly? I hope it sees clearly, because I can't any longer see into myself. I see only murk. I hope for everyone's sake the scanners do better. Because if the scanner sees only darkly, the way I do, then I'm cursed and cursed again. I'll only wind up dead this way, knowing very little, and getting that little fragment wrong too.
That what a scientist calls "damaged DNA" or "damaging variations" or, fuck it, lets just go out in the open and call them Bad Genes like the old school eugenicists did. Anyway, are we really prepared to believe that what a scientist may look at and call Bad Genes, are not actually the source of the human soul?
and of course we know from bitter experience that many patents are simply tooabstract to be tenable.
Its a ridiculous system, and what happens as it grows? Are we still going to have to look for prior art in a thousand years time? Who is going to look through thousands of years of patents? Who really cares? Bankers, billionaires, and scum. No one else.
and at the end of the day, if the chinese want to print fraudulent patent numbers on their goods, or fraudulent safety certificates, or put toxic chemicals in everything, they will do it anyway because its all the same shit anyway. two factories next to each other, one making the real product, the other making the clone with B stock and B staff. its routine.
if i was a businessman i would never invest in any patented ideas. Let's say I'm an inventor and I want to "protect" (wink wink) my invention. I know what I'll do, I'll show it to loads of lawyers (a class of people who cant tell the truth) then i will put exact details of how to copy my invention on a global public database, and for the privilege i'm going to pay hard earned money through the dick.
OR, I could go to market first WITHOUT PATENT and anyone who wanted to steal my idea can crack it open and find out how it works by trial and error WHICH TAKES A LOT LONGER THAN READING THE PATENT.
And you wanna tell me its a way to protect IP. What a fucking joke. What a fucking joke.
it leads one to buy patents. Under the eye of GOD inventions are not transferable. This is a fact of creation and can not be challenged except by the most evil and spineless billionaires. These are people who know they would be killed in public. Why do you think they live in gated communities?
wrong. they provide a comfortable feeling of security for billionaires who invent nothing but they think its their right to just buy whatever they want and destroy it. they are more interested in fighting with each other which means they all have to buy lots of patents. they dont read the patents even. you're talking Harold Shipman levels of deviancy.