if you can find any real company that is willing to throw money at this stuff, please, tell me where to send my CV. When my employers talk about test labs they mean the pile of broken pentium 2s.
636 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Feb 2011
okay i said it. when the guy interviewing you is indian, and all his staff are indians, and he says you can do the job but he gives the job to another indian because you are white - that is racism. and ive seen it so many times.
turns out because I was wearing a nicer suit than him, he thought I was a rich kid. Nothing could be further from the truth. Obviously the guy was a working class lad and not too bright --with a belly full of pork pies. He was one ugly guy. Seeing a handsome intelligent boy like me was probably too much for him. Certainly wouldn't want anyone like me around the place making that sack of shit look bad at his job... whatever the hell he did. He's probably dead now anyone. Coronary disease is a killer you fat bastard.
this is before companies like BT destroyed my attitude. i went in there all innocent like maybe if i do a good job i can climb the greasy ladder or whatever. but i get there and immediately its like "listen sonny we're not gunna hand you the top jobs on a plate" and i'm like woah when did i ever say anything about being handed things on a plate? thats some bullshit YOU made up and put on me.
in 10 years iphones will look as dated as the TV show Big Brother does now. only the most unrepentant KFC munching chavs will still have one. and KFC will put unknown particles in your food from the GM and petrochemical industries. just like Apple would do if Steve Satan was still alive and running the show like the rampant cock munching tyrant he is.
The iphone is easy to snatch because of its cumbersome shape and short battery life. you could walk through an office and steal 20 or 40 because they have to be on charge all day. and on the street you just look like a twat carrying one so i would nick it from you jsut to teach you a lesson quite frankly and i know many who would do the same.
industry brought the crisis on themselves with their idiotic behavior, making massive future losses to get their hands on small amounts of extra profit today. probably so the execs daughter can afford the new uni fees. otherwise how will her hot tight vag get introduced to the campus boys.
you see, nobody cares about IT people, at all. Nobody understands what we do, or how much smarter we are than them. My advice is to become a hacker. Black hat, white hat, grey hat. Get yourself a hat and get hacking. Choose a cause to change the world that you care about. Quit your job, you're gunna be laid off next month anyway.
we've had job applicants saying right in their cover letter "will work for free". and they don't even bother tarting it up with talk of internships or a paid opportunity later. they just say hey bitch i wanna for FOR FREE. so you look at their CV and invariably they graduated from some fake Indian university with a double degree in nuclear chemistry but they can't spell nuclear or chemistry and most of the CV was copied off the example on the front page of today's
looks real good, in the bin.
going to university is culturally normative. if it wasn't, I bet most people today wouldn't have gone in the first place. Some of them are there to learn, but these days people in our society interested in knowledge are vanishingly rare. Everyone's at McDonald's or Starbucks, scratching their ass, contemplating their next package holiday so they can go throw up all over a less well off country. Most people are pricks.
If you want to learn about computers, shit, we gunna put your ass to work. Learn assembly language, boolean algebra, database theory, the OSI layers, graph theory, compiler theory, algorithms, parallel processing, serialisation, encryption, data compression, multiplexing, redundancy, client/server model, C, linked lists, reverse word indexes, encapsulation/encoding/data types etc.
In the end, nobody will give a shit that you know any of that, and you still won't get a good job.
and used them to create filth, and destruction. He built a gateway for evil into the world and he saw that it was good. Now he is rubbing his hands, because his human resources are blissfully unaware of their domination, for now. Facebook wants to make next year your last social year.
with total dominance. now the UK census has been analyzed by the NSA you will get facebook undooing your relationships. They have your photos from CCTV and new algorithms based off youtube comments are generating hatemail in your name. Facebook is setting up millions of black accounts. they are your evil twin,
but the authorities know their number is yours. you cannot see your black account as Facebook puppets it to destroy your image and usher in everything unholy. Zuckerburg is creating in his image a world of inadequacy and suffering. you see it in the imagery he uses, in the clothes he wears, how he is doing things secretly. you know that evil is as evil does.
this is not surprising. it brings the user an interesting new experience like being hit in the face with breeze block on a construction site and being left for dead with bleeding genitals.
many people have been tricked into paying huge numbers of beer tokens, like 25 beer tokens, so you bet theyre gunna make up some obscure feature microsoft stole from linux to claim its a great new improvement etc but fact is someone would of coded that feature for free if the source code was open and you wouldnt have to be hit in the face or touched up on a building site. you could have freedom. you could be respected.
it only runs faster because they colluded with intel to make it so. theres no reason windows xp could of been that fast and windows xp ctually is the fastest but again theres this construction site delusion where th emore traumatic the experience the mroe you pretend to like it
its so responsive how the pieces always move to where you put them and not..... where some algorithm wants.
board games are shit. nuclear families are shit. and table top PCs are the thin turd chain that joins them together in the supermax society. does the table pc spy on you and sell you novelty bumper stickers and soft drinks as well? Let me guess there is an obnoxious shop to buy table pc board games so that you can pay your money for something thats like a real object but not real!!!!! fuck computers.
food, printer ink, socks, condoms, healthcare, transport
all of the prices are fixed so no matter how shit the quality, you always have to pay a little more
dont worry youyr money is going to a good cause - the rockefellers and bill gates and the eugenicists. they know better how to spend your money than you do. they know to use your own money to kill you.
bought my kid an ipad for christmas. returned on new year.
reason being is i wanted to prove to him that we didnt become trendy when it arrived or stop being trendy when it left and we are both quite satisfied now that its not a trendy product. other families aren't as intelligent.
any thunderbolt gear you buy now is practically guaranteed to be expensive buggy and no better than regular alternatives. apple users are the beta test. its fast as hell of course theres no point wasting all that time and money to hook up a decade old piece of tech like a hard drive. thunderbolt is for things that dont exist yet.
if you're rich you will get hired straight out of Oxford even if you only got in cos your dad paid the relevant hush money. thats exactly how business in the UK works. There are people in top universities who can write their own name, cant name the planets, but they can get a job above you in the food chain every day of the week.
they have money, and they love to assume that they are smarter than people with less money. (they call it ""experience"") but really what they are saying when they say they wont hire you because of a lack of experience, they mean they wont hire you because you have a lack of money.
im not surprised business leaders frequently fail to spot trends or analyse data effectively. I have worked with business leaders and they are all scum. they only think in terms of how to make the next penny. even when they have kids you can see they have a terrible outlook on life and their kids are inherently unhappy. business is futile.
and restriction on neuronal activity under a diagnostics framework designed to turn a human being into a human resource. they discriminate against all kinds of people their agents are run by the same scientists who ran the nazis. they want to do experiments on your DNA.