Oh the irony...
is that his resignation letter was probably written by ChatGPT... running on nVidia hardware.
35 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2010
'So they take the discomfort and think of the money. It's a subtle coercion.'
Isn't that true of EVERY JOB EVER?
Seriously though, the generation (Z?) that proclaims sex work is work (especially trans sex work apparently) has a fit over professional models dressed as lamps... I must be old as I can't seem to keep up with modern logic!
I've been an El Reg reader and supporter for the better part of 2 decades. The overtly political bent your 'writers' have taken of late is distasteful and inappropriate for a tech news site. As such, and with no joy in my heart, your revenue from my visits is blocked.
So this is a freedom of speech issue? Really?
Please, use the Starlink Service to plan and execute a military strike, potentially resulting in 1000's of deaths. Free Speech!
Use the wrong pronouns, causing real world harm, and your service is terminated.
What am I missing here?
Sadly I have to agree with this from my own experience of otherwise sensible folks ending up as raving left-wing USA nutters, in spite of having no connecting to American issues in real life.
Yes, there are right-wing nutters as well, but it seems the left has a far bigger stake in this.
This, again?
If you operate any vehicle, regardless of automation level, you are ultimately responsible for the safety of that operation. Full Stop.
Airliners have advanced automation capable of navigating and even landing and braking to a stop on the runway. The pilots are still fully responsible for the aircraft from brake release to parking at the gate.
The same is even more true of cars. FSD does not absolve the driver of responsibility. Idiots who assume that FSD means they can take a nap, and then crashed have learned this lesson at a high cost.
This place has become so tedious. Musk bad. We get it.
For a supposedly tech savvy readership, you people are all idiots.
I'm pretty sure that using the Starlink Service to commit violence or an act of war is against the TOS. Service cancelled. If it's not against the Starlink TOS, I may need to open an account.
It is a tenet of our civil service, or at least used to be, that a civil servant regulating or even commenting on an industry where he or she (they?) has a financial stake is not OK. And yes, stating that to pass regulatory muster a FSD must incorporate LIDAR will raise the value of all manufacturers of that equipment.
As you seem to have some knowledge of this subject, can you explain to us how the Tesla autopilot currently manages to operate, without LIDAR or other non-visual ranging tech?
I see you, and many others here, apparently, have received and installed the 'EM=BAD' update. For a tech website I'd expected a readership a little less susceptible to 'the message', a little less likely to open an unsolicited .pdf in their email. My expectations have not been met.
The captain was well within his/her authority to declare an emergency through the use of a mayday call. Anytime an aircraft flight control system fails resulting in even a temporary loss of control the pilot in command must consider the consequences of a possible further degradation. Because the crew could not be certain that the uncommanded pitch was or was not the result of structural damage declaring an emergency was the right and proper action.
This is about money. Blizzard saw their subscription base diminished and decided to blame the bot maker. Their contention is proved by Subban; bots are ruining our mmorpg! Never mind the fact that WoW is so tedious that people will actually buy a bot to play the game for them... So, let's call the FBI!!! They're not busy at them moment... We'll use them to ban and police any software and behaviors that might spoil the fun of our paying customers.
Blizzard need to grow a pair; and make the GAME more interesting, removing the raison d'etre for bots in the first place.