Re: Dubai centre of excellence....?
kinda hard to see what dubai brings to the party, except how any of this is anything but vaporware without Dubai's cash.
There, fixed it for you.
60 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2010
"[T]he firm doesn’t foresee availability or reliability problems hitting Azure."
Well, of course they don't foresee any problems. You run experiments to determine if there are problems that you didn't think of. Some experiments are small. Some are somewhat larger--like using an international cloud service to check if you've done everything correctly.
Which is why Micro$oft is Micro$oft.
Shoes that show my mood on a screen! Which can then be projected onto a wall! So that everyone around me knows how I feel!
I realize that some people will point out that humans have spent thousands of generations refining the ability to read someone's mood from tiny moves of facial muscles, but this is so much better!
Especially if it has a sarcasm indicator!
When you say that PEOPLE should go to the Mexican desert moons of Saturn, do you mean anyone in particular, or just some random folk? Would you, yourself, go there?
If you would like to go, I applaud you for it, but, as for myself, I will stay in my lead lined bunker.
As for "serpentization," are we sure they're not just making stuff up?
We make a comedy movie in which the dictator of an (unnamed) East Asian repressive Communist regime loves skateboarding, and a heroic English speaking country decides to overthrow said dictator by infiltrating two journalists who are trained how to hack the Leader's skateboard and thereby effect his demise. Hilarity ensues.
What could possibly go wrong?
Mine's the one with script in the pocket.
This has probably been covered...I didn't bother to read all of nasty comments (almost all of which I agree with). In the past, I would scan the headlines, right-clicking the interesting ones to open in a new tab and then working my way through the tabs.
Apparently, "newer, fresher, modern...." does not include this "older, staler, archaic, yet USEFUL" way of doing things.
Interestingly, about two weeks ago I began thinking of all the sites that I had abandoned in the past 20 years following a "newer, fresher, more content" redesign. I got up to 30, although I know I missed a few.
I just realized that when I was a young 'un, my sister's Barbie dolls spent much more time nekkid than her Ken dolls. I think that this was due to deep sociological and psychological factors that will be of the utmost importance to the future of humanity in the design of Barbarella-type spacesuits.
Where's my cash?
So, Sasquatch is a hybrid of a human and an unknown species (which species, although non-human, is close enough to being human to be able to breed with humans). Which raises the question, what is the unknown species, and where did it come from? And why are there no descendants of the purebred version? And how could it have bred with humans 15,000 years ago when the earth is only 6,000 years old?
My head hurts.