Journalism without ad hominem attacks would be know, convey the impression of objective reporting ...
El Reg is not what it used to be ... :-(
331 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Dec 2010
If you are 'vaccinated" and allegedly "safe", what are you worried about?
Or don't you trust those 'vaccines"?
The lack of logic on this issue is astounding .. I expected better here.
Those shots neither prevent infection nor transmission.
Allegedly "you get less ill"... like last year, when "most people will only get a mild form of the disease"... so tell me again, what exactly ARE those shots doing except directly killing several thousand people and making huge amounts of money?
What happened to "vaccines are only for the elderly and vulnerable"?
Short term memory loss?
This game is not about Covid ... it's a power and money play.
!00 years ago we beat Spanish flu without vaccines. and it wasn't "herd immunity".
This report cherry-picks certain industries... : mobile, desktop, IoT, cloud, web, games, augmented and virtual reality, and data science and machine learning.
Missing: legacy corporate code that still gets maintained daily, and probably assorted other categories.
So this is STILL not an accurate picture of the development world.
I'm just wondering how they differentiate these alleged attacks from the normal persistent criminal activity on the net. My own servers have a constant stream of people/bots from around the world trying to get an SSH login, or to break Wordpress, or my mail or FTP, on top of all the spam and phishes ...
So is this actually news, or MS looking for free publicity?
What worries me about all this (and similar-but different stunts from Mozilla) is that browsing becomes increasingly risky and unpleasant, especially on mobile.
And then people just surf less.. and my websites get less traffic and my income goes down (again).
I'm already seeing Adsense put two ads one right after the other on my sites ... which is the sort of thing that drives people to adblockers...
Netcraft August survey:
In the August 2020 survey we received responses from 1,230,576,586 sites across 261,821,287 unique domains and 10,349,486 web-facing computers. This represents a loss of 3.65 million sites, but a gain of 1.16 million domains and 128,000 computers.
People working from home don't surf so much (not on their tickey, they don't).
So apart from Mozilla losing traffic, so too are the millions of small websites that made the we what it is.
And on Android, most people won't install alternate browsers. Most of the traffic to my own sites is mobile these days.
Linux has become mission-critical software, and therefore they really need to move to something like Ada, which is designed from the ground up to be maintainable and suitable for mission-critical applications.
Any compiler changes are carefully vetted. With Linux as a major user, they will be even more carefully vetted.