* Posts by Ashton Black

332 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2010


Solar enthusiasts rays idea of 'leccy farms on MOON, drones

Ashton Black

Energy though the atmosphere...

It is not feasible to beam energy through the atmosphere. That said, the energy could be used to power space factories, alternatively, a carbon nano-tube "cable" leading back to earth with a geo-stationary "top" could solve this.

See this study on the effects of the atmosphere on lasers...


Sceptic-bait E-Cat COLD FUSION generator goes on sale for $US1.5m

Ashton Black

As Jim Alkalili said on TV the other night "If someone says 'It's fusion' and there isn't a big bloody hole in the ground, it isn't."

Testable, repeatable, conclusive sigma 6 evidence, first, before forking over cash. (even if I had the moola)

More likely it's smoke and mirrors.

FAT PIPE for ALL: Britain’s new tech firms take it from the telcos

Ashton Black

So, to get a good deal, you did some collective bargaining? Sounds a bit socialist to me!

Seriously though, the vast majority of customers can't do that and that makes BT very happy (and profitable)

From Dept of REALLY? Sueball lobbed at Apple over crap iOS Maps app

Ashton Black

Vague chance of being interesting...

... if it isn't summarily dismissed as being vexatious (or the American equivalent.)

MIT boffins show off spooky human action at a distance

Ashton Black


Interesting indeed!

Galaxy is CRAMMED with EARTH-LIKE WORLDS – also ALIENS (probably)

Ashton Black

Monkeys in tin cans.

Just a skim through the sci-fi trope, a number of ways of overcoming (rather than breaking) the lightspeed barrier, have been thought of.

Generation Ships or AI controlled with us monkeys sound asleep and the most fascinating would be some sort of cloning ship which "grows" the humans when the ship is within the sphere of influence of the target planet.

I don't think we'll become interstellar for perhaps 3 or 4 hundred years. We'll keep plodding towards it if we don't kill ourselves.

'Tablet' no longer means 'iPad': Apple share PLUMMETS below 30%

Ashton Black

Re: Isn't this exactly the way Blackberry crashed and burned?

Not exactly.

First of all Apple didn't really have any competition before Android, so didn't have to "claw" all that much. Yes, other slabs existed. but none with the same marketing and support ecosystem. Therefore I suspect the "market" will find a balance, in a similar way to the MAC/PC balance. People, of a certain type, will always buy Apple products.

Additionally, I'd be willing to bet that the profit margin per device is much higher, for Apple, so they can sustain a loss in market share, especially since the market is growing, without effecting their bottom line.

'Occupy' affiliate claims Intel bakes SECRET 3G radio into vPro CPUs

Ashton Black

To use the network/internet, it must have an route-able IP address. Most home/small business networks, set this by DHCP for devices. In other words, it would "show up" pretty quickly and any tech worth his salt would investigate... 3G however, is much more "black box" until it gets to the carrier.

Deep inside the iPhone 5s lurk a few surprises

Ashton Black

Re: Trollfest

Oh the irony. "If you hate it that much, buy something else - or do you believe that anyone whose views are different to yours is deserving of abuse?"

You obviously do.

First sentence: "Another trollfest from El Reg."

Ex-CEO Elop's plunder to total $25m in voyage from Nokia to Microsoft

Ashton Black

Nokia's mobile division? I thought is was one big mobile division, it being a mobile phone company....

UK investor throws £14.8m at firm that makes UNFORGEABLE 2-cent labels

Ashton Black

Yoiks no.

So many attack vectors.... and claiming an absolute? Impossible is a strong word. Tends to be taken as a challenge, by some.

Shareholders hoping to squeeze cash from Kodak are deluded, says court

Ashton Black

"The value of your shares may go down as well as up."


Comcast expands public Wi-Fi net using customers' modems

Ashton Black

Meanwhile in the UK...

BT have been doing this for a few years with BT-FON. Yes, it does impact ADSL2+ performance, (after a number of experiments with a HomeHub3). It is a "secure" web page and if you "opt-out" and turn it off, you are not allowed to use anyone else's BT-FON hotspot, but to be honest, I've never had call to use it.

Diagnostics tools ARE useful, but more for the vendor than me

Ashton Black


I like the idea, but I think the opposite will most likely occur. As a product becomes successful a company with shareholders to pay will do everything, including fragmenting an established product, to increase any and all available revenue streams.

Profit over all.

New rules to end cries of 'WTF... a £10 online booking fee?'

Ashton Black

Re: Rip off

Quite simply, psychology. Even though you or I would not care about 1p, studies have shown this to be an effective marketing ploy. Same goes for "headline price", it may not work for some, but enough to make it a viable trick.

Apple in Chinese court over patent rights for Siri

Ashton Black

Swings and Round(corners)abouts.

Well the Chinese corp is "only protecting their Intellectual Property*" after all.

*Where have I heard that before?

New UK.gov cyber-security standard puts MANAGERS in firing line

Ashton Black


The Defence sector has a bunch of standards we have to follow. (eg JSP440), plus a quango to approve applications etc, (CESG). I don't understand why UK.GOV aren't chatting to those guys.

(All defence IT systems are supposed to be pen. tested and must be accredited)

Review: Livin' in the cloud with Google's new Chromebook Pixel

Ashton Black


Not for me. I don't live in a WiFi (or for that matter decent 3G) area, apart from my own at home and at home I have a plethora of devices. Looks like I'll be sticking to my trusty laptop whilst out and about.

Big Blighty telcos ordered to block three BitTorrent search sites

Ashton Black

Re: Minority report?

As much as I find this current 'attempt' at behavioural change a joke, I don't think you've thought this through. There are many laws which require a third party to change/restrict something to prevent you from breaking a law. For example, gun control. Restrictions on the sales of certain chemicals, seeds and animals. Your argument could apply to all of these, but should it?

Ashton Black

Re: Lawyers fees?

Exactly. The lawyers need to be seen to be doing, something. Even if ineffective, in the longer term.

Skyhigh Networks lets bosses snoop on employee cloud use

Ashton Black
Thumb Up

Re: Just what do fistsful of penniless pounds and treasuries of dodgy dollars buy you these days?

Awesome as always AMFM. :-)

Ashton Black

Nice little earner.

The technology for net/web use monitoring/app tracking has been around for years.(eg OPNET products, even SolarWinds stuff) This is just a subscription based version. $2-$10 per employee per month would mount up for larger businesses.

Amazon opens Redshift data warehouse to Joe Public

Ashton Black

Get your SLAs and DR plans in order!

For small to medium businesses, I'd suggest this a great way to expand without the capital out lay of your own data centre. If you understand and mitigate the risks, as best you can, then it can be treated it like any other layer of storage, with associated pros and cons. Anyone who uses it without that understanding the risks is foolish, in my humble etc.

Tesla's Elon Musk v The New York Times, Round 2

Ashton Black

Re: Publish the logs and be damned

They did, somewhat.


Apple loses bid to 'cut in line' in Samsung patent dust-up

Ashton Black

Isn't it Apples contention that the 'copying' of their IP is already occurring?

Additionally, IIRC they are 'design' patents rather than invention / technological. IMHO, they should never have been granted. Some trademarked, perhaps, not patented though.


Can you imagine if Xerox had patented the WIMP system? Or someone else, the double-click?

OCZ omnishambles leaves flash chippery biz on knife-edge

Ashton Black


A publicly traded company must a track record in submitting accurate accounts, so when and how did it go wrong and is the CFO still in a job?

UK's 2e2 goes titsup

Ashton Black


I just hope there's no domino effect from this collapse.

PR people 'put duty to the public ahead of employers' interests'

Ashton Black

Upvote for Bill Hicks quote!

Facebook continues to CONQUER THE WORLD

Ashton Black


What's Facebook?

Patrick Moore: Lived with cats, accompanied Einstein on the piano

Ashton Black

RIP Very sad.

<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GamesMaster">GamesMaster</a>

Apple plants flag on wireless power-supply map

Ashton Black

Apple branded.

Does this mean that no other company in the US can utilise NFMR for charging mice and keybs, before a product of any type is on the shelves?

Should Microsoft merge Office into Windows - or snap it off?

Ashton Black

Data value.

I think the author confusing data values. That is the value to the corporation rather than an individual. A twitter feed, or facebook status is unlikely to have any value. Whereas a visio network diagram, simple access db of a client list or even just a doc with a business procedure written down, has inherent value. IMHO, Office as a distinct application layer, is here to stay.

Internet Explorer becomes Korean election issue

Ashton Black

... not the only one.

There are some public bodies, here in the UK, that are not just locked into IE, but to IE6, because the bespoke apps written in the "naughties", won't be updated. The firm responsible, knowing they have said body over a barrel, are pushing for an outrageous fee to update.

(As an aside, it appears, finally, that the management are going to 'do something' not because of the MASSIVE security flaws, us in IT have been pounding into their skulls over the last few years, but various sites 'don't look right'.... *sigh*)

China fingered as counterfeit parts flood tech supply chain

Ashton Black

Anyone suprised?

It's the sort of thing one would expect in countries where profit is the only goal.

British IT consultant talks of his three years as an Iraqi hostage

Ashton Black

Re: Working in a warzone.


If you read my post again, you'll notice I specifically mentioned, "as far as kidnapping was concerned". I was rocketed and mortared in various places in theatre, the same as everyone else. I travelled all around the country having the same chance of being shot at, as everyone else. Our civvie team of 100 did the same task Royal Signals troops. Saving the taxpayer money and letting them come home or deploy elsewhere.

Evidence: http://www.mod.uk/NR/rdonlyres/1CE52AFE-0EFB-4EBF-92D1-CB3598285A32/0/dcsa_ara_04_05.pdf

(Page 6, Project Synergy)

Yes, I got the Iraq medal. :-)

Ashton Black

Working in a warzone.

I spent 3.5 years working IT in Iraq, for the MoD. At no point did I feel unsafe, as far as kidnapping was concerned. The difference was, this chap relied on third party 'civilian' security. Mine was done by the Army and I lived on the various military compounds. I was offered this bloke's sort of contact when I was due to leave, I told them to shove it. As an aside, I got approx triple my UK base wage and I didn't pay tax on it for the time I was there.

Speech systems lawsuit sours Apple's day

Ashton Black

Re: So, let me get this right...

Apparently, in the US, there's not much you can't patent.

It used to be the states's way of granting an inventor a monopoly for a limited time, on genuinely innovative products.

Now it's a just corporation tool to hit other corporations, because they've been granted a patents for processes, event if there's no product.

Patent troll targets ZTE

Ashton Black

If your company is nothing but a holding firm for patents and utilises none of them, I would suggest, it's a patent troll.

Not that I am calling Vringo that, but I can't be arsed to do the research.

Simply nobody is rushing to beat the Microsoft licencing price hike

Ashton Black

Re: One question

Because that would mean less profit in the eurozone.

MPAA boss: 'SOPA isn’t dead yet'

Ashton Black

Re: Internet Privacy is Dead

It was never alive.

Senators chime in on employers’ Facebook snooping

Ashton Black

UK clearance.

To gain security clearance to a fairly high level the responsible org in the UK asks applicants for the last 6 months of bank statements, as well as investigations into background, family, friends and so on. I didn't have paper copies so I had to log into my online bank account and let them view it. If they'd have asked for my FB account or login for them, I would have. (They didn't, but this was a couple of years ago)

But to ask at a job interview BEFORE getting security cleared? Nope, none of their business.

Extended software support 'immoral and indefensible'

Ashton Black

Re: What about the cost of upgrading ?

Depends on the user set. For example, I supported a migration to 2010 from 2003. There had to be several days of internal classes for most of the users, before they could "do" what they did before.

Without MS's data, I'd say, it's impossible to say who finds more intuitive.

Japan mobe operators muscle in on NFC tap-cash

Ashton Black

If it ain't broke...

...Fix it so WE can make money, not Google et al.

Ebooks must stay fat with VAT, blame the EU, MPs told

Ashton Black

Smells like hypocrisy to me.

Doesn't effect the banks therefore 'Only following orders' defence can be used.

ISIS signs Gemalto, aims to scoff Google Wallet's lunch

Ashton Black

Oh great...

Another attack vector to secure. :-( I'll give this one six months before it's cracked.

P2P veterans sue the Cloud ... for copying their stuff

Ashton Black

Watching with mild interest

.... but I don't see them winning this.

Facebook tries to grow up by undergoing corporate rejig

Ashton Black

One thing.

Profit is the motive in EVERY business, everything else is mere details.
