I'm not so sure that this will get very far. The trade off in learning a new input style compared with the ease of voice. Which since the likes of Siri and Google Now, has come a LONG way. I use google now a lot.
332 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2010
That's quite the interpretation.
The problem is, it was never about "sharing the wondrous new discovery" for most inventors/companies it was about "making the most money from the wondrous new discovery."
Additionally, how do we know that you actually HAD the same idea? May I suggest it's significantly quicker and cheaper to reverse engineer an item, than it is to complete, potentially years of R&D?
Well actually no, they can't "see" planets at those distances at all. They're inferring their existence by looking at the changes in the spectra of the stars they're orbiting. From this they can work out, or at minimum an educated guess of , the mass, temperature, orbital speeds and possibly even what the planet is primarily made of. You won't be seeing any pics anytime soon either. I've heard it described as like trying to see a candle right next to a 40kW searchlight from 1 mile away.
Huh? Multiple ship ownership is intrinsic in the game, no need for RL cash.
For RL cash, currently anyway, you can get cosmetic changes only.
There was a poll on the forums, some time ago, about micro transactions, which overwhelmingly went for "cosmetic" only.
If you could link to your source, I'd be pleased to be shown I'm wrong.
Well.... See, on a national scale, it depends on the make up of your power generation system, obviously.
In China/India/US, for example, where electricity is generated primarily with coal, then, these are no better than using petrol cars (equiv to 25-35 MPG) with an average of 200g-300g+ CO2e/km (equivalent carbon dioxide per vehicle kilometer)
Compare this to, say, Paraguay, at 70g CO2e/km or Canada at 115g CO2e/km.
To answer your question, if all of the UK went electrical cars, with our current grid, it would be as if, we all started using petrol/hybrid cars now, an increase of 20-30 MPG equivalent.
These figures, do include the 20-30% increase in manufacturing costs and lower lifetime of the cars.
Anyway, here's the report where I got these figures
To avoid corp tax, which is on profit. (revenue - costs), the UK divisions, "pay" their Irish/Other HQ for "costs" such as IP which just happens to cost roughly the same as the profit they would have made, without these HQ costs and therefore the UK division pays very little corp tax.
If this 25% is on profit, then it STILL won't be very much. So either:
1) Gidion knows this and is telling porkie pies.
2) Gidion doesn't know this and is an idiot.
3) I've misread/misunderstood something and am also an idiot.
Anyone help?
Assuming, and yes it's a massive assumption, that all these services somehow become online only, then how, in the absence of free net access, how does a person suffering from extreme poverty, get access to them?
Libraries are closing and net enabled devices are most certainly not free. I suspect this will end in rather embarrassing headlines, further down the line.
"anonymous abusive posts against him."
Posted to what? A website? Then he should go after the web sit. Twitter? Then go after them.... Facebook? Well, you get the picture. Surely going after Google, will just have a severe Streisand effect?
Also, one only has too look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_search_engines to find an alternative search engine.
I would suggest because DNS poisoning isn't the only tool in the toolbox. There is also, IP Blocking, URL Filtering, Packet Reset Spoofing and now they've started blocking VPN.
So then, if they want to block a site they will. Verizon know this and the infrastructure cost in rolling out DNSSEC, to them, out weighs the possibility that the Chinese government won't just include one of the other methods I've suggested.
Do you think, that "Made in China" printed on the bottom of a gadget will put off people buying a cheap device? If this were so, then surely it would have happened already?
Without a concerted media and governmental pressure campaign then most people would not give a flying feck about where a device is made and I doubt that would happen anyway. China is currently in trade surplus of about $45 billion per month and combined with owning a fair chunk of US and EU debt, which one supposes, could be used to ensure trade compliance, despite their human rights record.
Got to catch them first. I very much doubt any state sponsored hacking groups will be spending any time in the US.
It will get worse, I have no doubt, but don't delude yourself into thinking the US doesn't have cells of it's own. The Russians and Chinese also have plenty of prison/gulag places available.
Indeed. Single Player mode, is still there. Offline mode isn't.
Of course, the question, and it's one that I thought I wouldn't have to ask, is what happens when they run out of money to pay for the server hosting?
Here's an article from Euro Gamer about EA closing down 50 of their games, at the end of June (this was posted in May). Don't get me wrong, some have had "good runs" as it were, but some are only a few years old.
These are great, amazing, in fact. But I wish there was something to give it a sense of scale. I know it's from 10km up, but as with a lot of these things, it's sort of fractal, therefore impossible to guess the scale. How big is that Cheops boulder, for example? 10m? 100m? 1km?
A minor whinge, I admit and I am still in awe of the achievement of putting a probe so close to an actual comet. Looking forward to the landing!
Interesting. I agree with most of the posters here. True, self-aware, intelligent, imaginative, that is at least as complex as a fully educated, experienced human is a LONG old way off. We're not even more likely to be able to simulate a human brain in the near future (sub 50 years). 100 trillion synapses is several orders of magnitude better than the 4.3 Billion transistors in a high end Xeon. That's just for one brain and that's without the "software" to run on it.
(Yes, I am aware that it's a bit apples and hand grenades, but the point stands, I think)
Yes. I believe you do. But then again, I can't quite bring to mind many corporate entities of VMWare's size that don't pander to "investors" to bolster share price. Additionally to say high up execs have a vested interest in maintaining stock price is an understatement.