Excellent! Doing this will put an end to prostitution. Well done lawmakers.
61 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jun 2007
Arrrgghh! I'm very grateful for your reviews, el reg, but can we *please* get photos with a sense of scale in them?
I'm really tired of seeing the same manufacturer provided photos again and repeated showing the laptop/camera/smartphone/teledildonic-leafblower rotating in a white vacuum bereft of any scale comparison. This netbook could be a few nanometers across or the size of the Starship Enterprise. Just one (one!) picture of the shiny thing on your desk as you run the benchmarks would be *so* useful!
Love to your mothers.
Let me temper this by saying that I do own an iphone.
It's great to have a story telling us that new firmware is out, and what it might fix/featurise, but are the idiot-proof instructions really necessary? When I saw seven (count 'em!) screen shots of a blue-bar creeping along I genuinely thought this was a piss-take article.
Would such an idiotic level of detail accompany a story about a symbian or windows mobile patch?
Whaa? Hardly a mobe article gets up that doesn't namecheck the iphone in some way, but here it's noticeable by its absence. For all the glory that they get, it's worth repeating that iphones (including mine) can't capture video. It's prolly *won't* rather than *can't*, but nevertheless, a valid point.
Pssh! Is this Slashdot? Over here we read the articles..
From the linked manufacturer's website:
"Once on the network, the USB storage can be shared by any network user, just like an ordinary NAS device."
Hmm.. who to believe - the people that make the device, or some guy on Amazon writing about a different product that looks the same..
I'd say it's so hard to manage information because digitization and computer management is the obvious solution to the problem and yet (and excuse me while I whip out my broad brush) most upper managers, the very people who hold/grip/hide and could use the information are the kind of people who, when presented with a sophisticated database of 3,000 pdfs, all neatly collated and OCR'd, would ask their secretary to print them all out for him because he "can't be bothered with reading all of that on a screen."
Hmm. Helpful, lads.
This is a quickie script I'm using to update client pcs:
Download the standard version of Reader 9 (without Adobe Air) from: AdbeRdr90_en_US_Std.exe
then you can script this silent install overnight or something:
AdbeRdr90_en_US_Std.exe /sAll /rs /l /msi /qb- /norestart
I use psexec to kick it off on each PC.
For more thorough scripts, check out
How is this a hack? The cameras, if not configured with security details, publish themselves on the public internet, saying "Cooo-ee boys! Look at me!" This guy merely said "Hey - here's how you can find them with a simply Google search."
It's like, say I had this car, and the..... Oh buggerit - no bad analogies needed - it's just simply not a hack.
Yeah - I had a fun glitch recently. I listed one item, and ebay let two people buy it using buy-it-now. So I had a payment from each of them, each of whom thought they'd won.
I had to spend my own money refunding the difference, & ebay has been USELESS in helping me. They say they're not responsible for "interruptions of service" & refuse to budge. Ebay? Ebastards more like...
I disagree with the rather snobby tone of the article. I see this event as a leading sign of America's youths being disenfranchised with politics. With the last 3 presidents being a Clinton, 2 Bush's, and another Clinton trying to get in, is it any wonder. One only has to look at King Dubya's reign & his peculiar election irregularities to see why the (largely) young facebook crowd have given up on participating in politics, and prefer those who mock it.
It was missed in the dismissive article, but this (allegedly) fastest growing facebook group wasn't about a pop group, an actor, or chimpanzees touching themselves, it was supporting an often intelligent political satirist.