* Posts by Raced

4 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2010

Steven Moffat promises 'darker' Doctor Who


Depends on the kids I would have thought ...

... my daughter is 5 and loves watching Doctor Who. The recent episode with the Vampires of Venice is the only one she asked to turn off and watch another time. She also watches the Sarah Jane spin off but out of the two its the Doctor and the "scary aliens" as she puts it that she loves to watch the most.

It has to be a fine balance. You start to introduce genuine scares in there then the show gets pushed back behind the watershed potentially losing the younger audience.

Oz governments find new use for censorship


So, banning things eh?

Maybe these Oz officials are looking at the wrong content to ban. In my 32 years I have become quite the horror fan, being it a movie or video game. I have never as a result of my experience with any horror based media performed anything maliciously with the intent on harming others or myself for that matter. I do find it a little hypocritical too with this being the country that gave us Mad Max, Romper Stomper, Undead and more recently Daybreakers.


Granted Daybreakers on the whole wasn't over the top but it did feature a character getting torn to pieces by ravenous vampires which is something not too far from the Mortal Kombat style violence.

ESA releases splendid new space-'scope pic of Andromeda


Gamma rays eh?

If this were to happen wouldn't we all get infinite strength and a slightly bad mood? Or have I totally got the wrong end of the stick here?

Primary school miss flashes porn vid at kiddies


Waldo P Barnstormer

It could have been a certain scene from Carry On Camping as far as they're concerned and there would still be outrage.

All I got to see as a nipper in junior school were videos of a cartoon Superman crushing packets of cigarettes in his hands. Didnt work though as I have just got back to my desk from a crafty cig.

p.s. Reg doesn't yet have an icon for "Where's the Barbara Windsor angle!"