Yes, you do.....
...Because more and more evidence is being adduced that the basic claims surrounding historical temperatures are based on rampant fudging, convenient "smoothing", huge gaps in the records (both spacially and temporally) , and downright falsification of data.
The massive fraud has thus not just been exposed, it's been left slowly twisting, twisting in the wind.
And THAT's why the Chicago Exchange set up to capitalize on cap-and-trade has closed down, why AlGore has quietly let go a good percentage of his "climate team", why Japan says it will not sign any Kyoto II, why the US congress has dissolved the "Global Warming" subcommittee, why the chief Environmental Protection Agency bureaucrat/political appointee proposing draconian energy regulation has resigned, and why Cap-and-Trade legislation in the US congress is DEAD.
With the Republicans ready to take over Congress, and having added five seats in the Senate, there is NO WAY Obama will get through anything resembling the warmist wish-list. Without US action, and with China and India refusing to cripple their economies, the whole issue is quickly fading.
Other than that, you warmists really have a lot of momentum going for you!!!!