* Posts by Anonymous Stoner

7 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Dec 2010

Microsoft hits autistic Xboxer with cheat evidence

Anonymous Stoner

Some really ingnorant people on El Reg these days...

... seriously I don't think any of you really understand the fact that this young lad has Autism Syndrome. As such this means they are over trusting of pretty much anybody, are very easily led and generally have an incredibly difficult time comunicating with other people. They are also generally extremely shy, especially under pressure.

So before people start saying he didn't have the balls to own up to it, maybe you should try and understand the condition of which he is suffering, then see if you views change.

I'm not condoning what he did as right, but i think the rage on here should probably be directed at the loudmouth mother instead of the mentally challenged individual.

Google dispenses first jackpot award to security bug hunter

Anonymous Stoner

elite "1337" payments eh?

If I was a hacker I would definately be offering my skills to plug security holes in peoples software, and if companies are now offering payment for highlighting these issues, I might have to learn how to hack...

I used to be 1337 once...

SWAT team besieges Illinois school in 'butt dialling' incident

Anonymous Stoner

RE: Repeat after me...

Couldn't have put it better myself.

I dont understand it. Terrorists blow some shit up on the other side of the world, and the world news makes it their top story.

Exactly what the terrorists want... as much publicity as they can get.

Body of murdered cyberwar expert found in landfill

Anonymous Stoner
Black Helicopters


It does all sound a bit convenient...

I mean the whole witnesses who saw him wandering around in a daze and even the attendant who supposedly spoke with him, stating that he repeatedly kept saying he wasn't drunk...

Who can guess what the coroners report will say? its either going to be;

a) death by alcohol poisoning

b) death by hypothermia

c) death by physical trauma to the body (obviously will be caused by falling into the land-fill)

To me it sounds like he got 'erased' for all his loudmouth 'scare-mongering'

Black helicopters because they're on their way as we speak.

Sluggish economy means hard times for US executioners

Anonymous Stoner

The title is required, and must contain letters and/or digits.

Whats wrong with just putting convicts to work? Unpaud of course, just get them to be builders, plumbers, electricians etc, so they can boost the economy (without the cost of their wages) by creating growth.

Then after how ever many years their sentence is, they walk away with a trade and can hopefully become a part of society again.

And for those who cannot/will not go back to being a part of society, should be shipped to an uninhabitted island somewhere, and let them loose on each other Unreal Tournament style?


Angry Birds find new way to take your money

Anonymous Stoner
Thumb Down

So as Kristian put it...

...they can then succesfully tap into kiddies pocket money and make a killing out of yet another generation/age group that was previously safe from such cosmetic money pits...

Also couln't agree more with Dave Murray

Police back ends must be slimmed, says Home Sec

Anonymous Stoner

@ cnorris517

exactly, I often wonder why they need the cars that they have.

I mean, all you have to do is watch "Road Wars" on TV and see them cruising around in marked M series BMW's ... and unmarked Ford Focus ST's... and marked Volvo T5's.

I was watching the other day, and they had a BMW M5 Touring x 2 and 1 Focus ST (all less than 3 years old .... naturally) to "chase down a MASSIVE drug dealer" in his... wait for it, yep... Fiat Punto pos. All I kept thinking was how much more tax money do they want to blow?

I see them locally too, at the moment there is an unmarked AMG Mercedes that goes around town. Nothing else though, it litterally just drives about with 2 piggies in the front both on £30k +