* Posts by Guy

67 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jun 2007


George Lucas announces Star Wars TV spin-off



Robots are cool and what have you, don't get me wrong, but why make the whole series about them?

That leaves out the likes of the cantina band, or the myriad of aliens we see in the various crowd scenes.

I just hope it won't be the damn ewoks all over again...

To bring back bad memories, everyone sing with me....

We are the E... E.... E.... E.... Ewoks, and we're one big happy happy family (Or something vaguely similar)

US demands air passengers ask its permission to fly


Damn it

Ok, Ok, I admit I made a serious school boy error on the math's front.

It's been a long week....

I think I'll head to the pub, kill off those slow brain cells, so that the faster working ones can be ready for next week.

Dead Vulture

72 Hours???

So let me get this straight, the details have to be with the TSA 72 Hours before take off, or no boarding pass. For those that may be unwilling to do the math, thats 4 days.

So this would mean the end to spur of the moment travel, say you live in the continental USA, and fancy a weekend in Vegas, you were bored or something, nope, no longer possible. Only pre-planned and pre-booked hedonism available now.

What about if you have a relative in another state fall ill, or worse die, the funeral is in 2 days... Sorry you can't fly you terrorist scum.

Mind it'll at least bring back one american tradition, that of the long road trip.

BOFH: Skip diplomacy


Just messing with these icon things

Phwoarrrr!!! Look at the icons on that!

Hey El Reg, Nice Icons you've got going here....

I'm torn now though, should I get my coat or iHate (To start a flame war?)

It's Friday, I'll play nice.

Thumb Up

RE: Non-Whiteboard Markers

I can confirm that technique, been using it for years, very effective.

I want to know where that skip is, I could make a fortune flogging that rubbish on E-Bay.

BOFH: You think you know a guy...


Fond Memories

I recall back in the day being a tech at a school with rooms full of Archimedes.

That OS was brilliant, if a little confusing in some areas, but man was it responsive or what?

Oh and yes, you could quite happily play Elite on it.

All this talk would normally have me reaching for my ebay account and diving into worlds long gone, but to be honest, theres been so many security scares recently I'm not sure I can take the risk.

(I certainly won't be using my gmail account for a while)

Microsoft shouts 'Long Live XP'


But it's Sparkly!

I'm using Ultimate as I wanted to use the Media Center software.

So far I really like Vista, except maybe the speed which isn't there, and having to use so many beta drivers to get my hardware working.

The file copying issue was amusing as well.

Having said all that though, going back to my XP partition does FEEL like a step backwards, I think I may be part jackdaw, I'm captivated by the sparklyness that is Aero. Sure I can work faster, and all my kit works, but it just doesn't feel as good.

Plus I only had XP Pro before, so no media center software (other than 3rd party which worked, kinda) and I really like media center, even if you do have to click like 15 buttons to get anywhere.

So yeah, leave Vista alone, it's pretty and I like it, I know I shouldn't I'm a professinal geek damnit, I should be swayed by functionality over everything, I have Linux boxes all over the place, as firewalls / routers, LAMP servers etc. yet I can't find it in me to dislike Vista. Heres looking forward to Vista SP1, 2 & 3!

NBC unveils self-destructing, ad-addled anti-iTunes service


Wrong end of stick?

Your bootnote "We're guessing that our overseas readers won't have access to NBC Direct. The service isn't likely to be accessible outside the U.S. Our overseas always get the long the end of the stick." Indicates that by not allowing it to be used outside the US their doing something special.

Have you ever tried to access BBC content from outside the UK?

It seems to be a universal truth for TV channels worldwide.

I wish it wasn't of course, I'm an ex-pat and would love access to the BBC iPlayer, but I feel it just isn't to be, heck I'd pay my licence fee from over here to get access.

As to not being interested in the NBC service, quite the opposite, I'd much rather watch a commercially supported LEGAL copy of a program, then an illegal download, but maybe I'm just weirdly moralistic that way. I would however like it if the episodes were available for the run of the season as opposed to the first week after broadcast, that way if a series comes out that I didn't watch the first few of, but everyone starts talking about, I can play catch up easily.

Sod robots, send people into space: report


Can I go?

What would really pique the interest of the common person is manned space flight we can all have a go at.

I'm not talking Virgin Galactics 'Almost but not quite in orbit' I mean get me into space! Better yet take me to the moon for a weekend away!

Heck if they could do that I'd stop complaining about my lack of a flying car, jetpack, or laser cannon.

P.S. Not really, I'd still want my flying car, I was joking about that bit.

AVG cries wolf at Adobe Reader


Fox-It Reader FTW

As has been previously mentioned, why was this so called installing Adobe reader in the first place, it's slow, buggy, resource hungry bloatware at it's worst.

It's even worse if you have full adobe acrobat installed, try opening a document then! First it tells you theres 15 critical updates, which you usually skip until you've been told enough times you relent and press install.

It sits there for ever initiating the connection, then downloading the files, then asks you for the CD. Which is stored in the server room somewhere, so you click haven't got it, so it tells you to go stuff yourself instead, deletes the downloads and carrys on annoying you. Now I'm lucky as I have ready access to the CD's if I can be bothered to walk to the server room to get one, regular users have to go through me to get one, poor souls!

So anyway, long story short, get foxit reader, get it now.. The feeling you get when you open your first 20Mb+ pdf in under a second, is like a breath of fresh air.

Cadbury bows to 'bring back Wispa' net campaign


RE : Pretzel Flipz!

Pretzel Flipz are still in production over here in the states.

In fact you can get milk chocolate and white chocolate varieties...

As for the dark chocolate lover above, who says british chocolate is less than the best, you my friend are mistaken.

I'm having to make do with the rubbish chocolate the Americans make (Hershey's is terrible) British chocolate rules!

UK cops auction off Remington Shite Straighteners


I didn't know

There was a police auction site - It's bookmarked now though..

BBC to advertise to foreigners


About Time

If this means those of us outside the UK can access the equivalent of the iPlayer then I welcome it!

Being an englishman abroad makes you appreciate what you had with the BBC, and BBC America just doesn't show any of the decent programs (Unless you love changing rooms, and period dramas)

I would happily put up with some ad's to get this service, although I'd be happier still to be able to pay the licence fee as a subscription and get full BBC1 and BBC2 service, but that's never going to happen.

Or to put it in a more El Reg context, I want my Dr Who when it's shown not months afterwards! (Especially with Kylie in it)

Orange dismantles Bristol Tower of Doom


How to tell if their a Witch

Have you learned nothing from drunken Monty Python marathons?

You don't determine a witch by ducking them in ponds, you weigh them to see if their the same weight as a duck.

'She turned me into a newt' ..... 'I got better'

Kylie comforts the Time Lord


TARDIS Breached?

Am I the only one who finds the fact that the Titanic managed to get inside the TARDIS a little disturbing?

I mean over time, Daleks, Cybermen, evil Time Lords et al have all tried to break into the TARDIS using highly advanced machinery, yet with no success.

Are we really saying that all they needed was a larger battering ram, say the size of a large ocean going liner?

Kylie confirmed for Who Xmas special


Here Come The Drums

Maybe I've been out of the UK too long, but this finale 3 parter was my first introduction to 'Rogue Traders' The group who provided the music when The Master released his paradox.

To keep it computer related, what did we ever do without the internet? I went from seeing the finale, loving the song, to google which takes you to Yahoo answers where someone else had asked what the song was, to youtube to watch the music video, whilst I was off in online music land, purchasing the song, so I could listen to it in the car on the way to work.

I mean, that's fantastic, really.

So what's in a URL? The Reg URL?


You want to be trusted? Stay .co.uk

I'm an englishman living in the states, and one of the things I'm most proud of about the old homeland is our news sources. The BBC and El Reg.

Changing to .com would just mean I have to describe that, yes El Reg is British, I know it has a .com address but it's British, I promise. Trust me it would get tedious.

Whereas at present I send someone a link theregister.co.uk, it's self evident in the link.

Trust me over here, UK news sources carry more weight than US ones, being a .co.uk, lends your stories more trustability (I know I know, but it's a good word)
