* Posts by Toby

12 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jun 2007

Google G1 successor spied in video?

Jobs Horns

looks like iphone softwre

havent seen the G1 android in action, but doesnt some screens there look v. iphone-ish? lke an earl android testing...

Anonymous hacks Sarah Palin's Yahoo! account

Paris Hilton


thats where she was keeping her policy stuff and it got deleted.....

or maybe just pics of beautified bulldogs...

OMFG, what have you done?



Im all for the new organisation of the articles etc but have to say Yes, the masthead and especially the fixed width not so good, two chunks of wasted grey staring me in the face and I thought I was in the sub-section or a different website for a second...

Boeing raygunship fires first blasts in ground testing

Dead Vulture

disintegrating nuclear missiles

Cant imagine that disintegrating a nuclear warhead would be "safe" maybe if its somwhere that doesnt matter too much, you know, like; *stahn, chechnya, etc.

Official: OOXML approved as international standard

Gates Horns

what a load of cobblers


current office 2007 users are also gonna be up shit creak or made pay out for "upgrades" as the OOXML standard submitted is supposedly just a tad different from what is currently implemented in Off07.

I conccur, ISO no longer worth a shite

NZ teen botnet mastermind cops a plea


FBI says?? hah

yeah just like the common American is in imminent danger of being suicide bombed and GMO's are good for you, and pirate bay is a severe threat to the western world as we know it....

BOFH: The secret gentlemen's club


finding the way out

escape from the crimson room


then the viridian room

then the white room

Pirate Bay slapped with copyright charges

Black Helicopters

Swedish laws

@ Aiding and abetting poster.

In fact (believe it or not) Sweden is a totally different country, what do you base your assumption on that they should similar laws??

It works like this (as I understand it).

The EU has a directive or guidelines or what ever that RECOMMEND an implementation of copyright law. it is up to member states how to implement this. In Sweden it is illegal to break copyright, it is NOT illegal to give a link to copyrighted content!

Also recent EU directives mean that member states do not have to (again its up to them) force ISP's etc to divulge user list info, meaning that the users cannot be prosecuted for downloading the copyrighted material.

TPB does not even provide the bit torrent client!

Imagine the uproar if Saudi officials arrested an American in America for having a bottle of wine? why is the Swedish government even listening to US?

whatever your views on file sharing all of the above is FACT. and so TPB is NOT currently illegal. end of.

As US threatens to trash GATS, Antigua responds


IP Haven

Maybe the US will just plant a load of nukes in... and then tell antigua that there not trying to intimidate them etc. theyre just gona water them and watch the pretty flowers grow....

Russia anyone?

Yahoo!'s pink liberation army a threat to America's youth


dont like it?

dont like a website? -then dont visit it.

dont like your kids seeing certain stuff on TV? - then dont sit the little bug eyes in front of it with the remote for hours.

dont think maccyD's is healthy? - then dont eat there

while I hat to sound like a stereotypical yank hater (its hard) this type of thinking and vices has in the most part originated from the US. they love to complain, yet keep going back for more.

prob for the same reason they love to read about som starlet popping in and out of jail/rehab/relationships etc.....

BOFH: PFY rescue mission


DN Allstuff

Ah, I mss dukey (",) must see about getting t again to waste some time more productively

So what's in a URL? The Reg URL?


here here!

"Please keep .co.uk - it's one of the great things that sets El Reg apart from the mass of corporate 'merkin sites. It may be a small, petty thing, but I still get a cheap kick every time I glance at the address bar and think "hell, we may be stuck with American movies, culture, government and nukes, but at least The Register is still British!"

I know the address woul not change content but it just makes me feel like you'll start being just like every other clone news site out there

stick with the .co.uk!