* Posts by James Gosling

165 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Dec 2010


Facebook IPOcalypse cases: One lawsuit to end them All

James Gosling

It ain't worth sh*t!

It's all hot air and bullshit! Zucker is going to be listed in the Oxford Dictionary as akin to "Sucker".

Steve Jobs is STILL DEAD

James Gosling

He's dead, but is he iDead?

I mean, can I ping him? If we take a set of Airplay speakers to his grave-side would he still be broadcasting? Has he upgraded to IOS 6 yet? Is he coming back?

Chinese Nitol botnet host back up after Microsoft settles lawsuit

James Gosling

Malware I bet!

Something truly malicious like Internet Explorer no doubt!

A world policed by Microsoft, now there's a scary thought. Who will police them?

Brighton marathon munchers banned from all-you-can-eat diner

James Gosling


They pushed their luck and got banned. Any business has the right to refuse to serve a customer and they do not need to give a reason, it's their business after all.

Google spikes old MS file formats

James Gosling

Re: Download =/= upload

The down-voters are probably the editorial staff, who don't like criticism!

Facebook wunderkind admits share price Zuck-up on stage

James Gosling

Not So Savy

I don't think Zuckerburg is that savy about what people actually want. All they are focused on is monetizing and they seem ready to do literally anything to do that. I don't think the concept itself, the Facebook proposition if you like, actually adds up yet and I'm wondering if it ever will. I understand they are no longer planning to make phones, what the hell was that all about anyway? the whole enterprise seems adrift at sea. And maybe it's for the best that things don't come together properly and we move onto something better.

James Gosling

Re: Facebook is not the social networking platform of the future

Enigmax - Well spotted. No I don't intend to post the same thing everytime Facebook is mentioned, however I felt it said what i wanted say so I said it again. So, yes, I repeated myself.

James Gosling

Facebook is not the social networking platform of the future

Facebook is a college yearbook website that expanded to accept non-students. It was never really a fully visualized social networking platform. The internet provides the capability to realise a truly radical and innovative vision of social networking, rather than the shallow platform Facebook delivers. We can do much much better and I believe in time people are realizing this, and Facebook will become the next Myspace and make way for something better.

New guide: Bake your own Raspberry Pi Lego-crust cluster

James Gosling

Re: My Pi

Me too! Is it this guy using up all the available stock that stopping me from receiving my Raspberry Pi?

Apple's iCloud goes titsup, email evaporates for unlucky 1%

James Gosling

Oh dear!

I've always enjoyed reading The Register, but is it really necessary to use phrases like "Cupertino's idiot-tax". It just reflects a style of journalism that would have been at home in News of The World and other scummy rags. Can the editors not seek to raise the bar a little?

Who'll save the 100 most endangered species? Microsoft, apparently

James Gosling

What about...

The Red Faced Ballmer, I hear that species is endangered!

Oz court to test AdWords' WHOLE BUSINESS MODEL

James Gosling

Re: "Google inserted the keywords from the user’s queries into the headlines of the advertisements."

I believe it is the advertiser than can insert some code to re-use the search term which brought you to the site in titles etc. I think there are a few variations on this approach. If I understand it correctly it is more that Google passes on this information to websites than that they themselves insert it. I think, and we all know how dangerous that is, thinking I mean!

Ambitious Alibaba wants to take on Android

James Gosling



GoDaddy stopped by massive DDoS attack

James Gosling

But then again...

Bob Parsons likes boobies!

Hacker uses Kindle as Raspberry Pi screen

James Gosling

Re: Impressive

I'm still waiting for my Raspberry Pi to arrive! Lead time was 17 weeks when I ordered it for gawds sake!

James Gosling
Big Brother

Re: The Pi Bandwagon Continues To Draw A Crowd

You seem to have a very narrow idea of what a "hacker" is. One of the offerings from Wikipedia is - "Hacker (hobbyist), who makes innovative customizations or combinations of retail electronic and computer equipment". Seems to fit this scenario perfectly. It does not have to involve using a soldering iron or writing code. And your statement "the only people who seem excited are the ones who have no idea how mediocre this is" is patronizing in the extreme!

James Gosling

Hacking in the truest sense

AndrueC I've up-voted you. After all I developed a pull down menu system in COBOL. It was horrible, but it worked. I did it to prove it could be done, simple as that.

Microsoft to comply with Brussels over browser choice gaffe

James Gosling

Too Little Too Late

Mean, ugly, angry, nasty, aggressive and arrogant! These are all words I associate with Steve Ballmer and likewise Microsoft. Surely it isn't in the interests of any company to project these "qualities". And it's this perception which Microsoft has nurtured itself. They really are their worst enemy. A new CEO would be a good start!

Markets to remain glutted with rapidly-depreciating Facebook shares

James Gosling

Facebook is not the social networking platform of the future

Facebook is a college yearbook website that expanded to accept non-students. It was never really a fully visualized social networking platform. The internet provides the capability to realise a truly radical and innovative vision of social networking, rather than the shallow platform Facebook delivers. We can do much much better and I believe in time people are realizing this, and Facebook will become the next Myspace and make way for something better.

Number-plate spycams riddled with flaws, top cop admits

James Gosling

The United Kingdom is fast becoming a police state

How did this happen?

Who’s to blame?

Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to [insert name of government official]

He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.

Last night I sought to end that silence. Last night I destroyed the Old Bailey, to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives.

So if you’ve seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot.

Cloud 'destroys time' and fracking is great innovation

James Gosling

Woo Hoo!

To infinity and beyond...... shouted the CIO as he plunged 7 stories, having tripped over a plant pot engrossed in his ipad!

Woz: Cloud computing trend is 'horrendous'

James Gosling
IT Angle

Cloudy with occasional showers....

It's entirely possible for two or more people to talk about Cloud technology, be well informed and know what you are talking about and yet.... both of you are talking about entirely different things. It's worse than poorly defined, it is as if confusion is an agenda!

Woz has earned the right to express his views on any aspect of IT, and I will always listen carefully to what he says. His word is not the last word on the subject, but I value his input.

Success! Curiosity Mars lander arrives precisely on schedule

James Gosling
Thumb Up


Congratulations to all involved! Would like to see so much more exploration like this!

Raspberry Pi rolls out speed surge Raspbian OS

James Gosling

Don't tease me!

Don't tease me with you Raspberry Pi's.... Im still on the bl**dy waiting list to get one!

IT support bod? Whatever you earn, it's not enough

James Gosling

Get back over that line...

Take that shiny bit of paper Adobe gave you and back up buddy, right back over that line! You ain't qualified to answer questions on logins me old china, get back into the arty farty world of arty farty art and leave the much more complicated world of IT support behind you. You'll need a lot more shiny bits of paper before you'll be qualified for IT Support!

IT departments are BRATTY TEENAGERS

James Gosling

Is this all that is left for IT?

It seems to be implied that there is always an off-the-shelf solution, a standard way of doing something. But that isn't usually how the vendors of the products used in solutions see things. Rather they see it as technology that has be be architect'd for each client anew. This is certainly the case with many enterprise technologies. But then I suppose it is assumed that these skills will come from outside in the implementation phase by consultants. Unfortunately it's a vision of IT that relegates the in-department IT staff to just service providers. That said, increasingly that is what I see, departments which lack the high level skills needed to architect solutions - those staff simply work as consultants or contractors, its the only way they will ever fund the necessary training. Don't get me wrong, I move with the times, but the perspective put forward by this article is one I recognize, but it's one that is as flawed as the bad practices it criticizes.

Facebook! and! Yahoo! kiss! and! make! up! with! tasty! ad! juice!

James Gosling

I visited Yahoo once....

A long long time ago... still I recall it was still better than Facebook. So now two sites I can't be arsed with are working together, that's nice!

Bill Gates: iPad is OK, but what Apple really needs is a SURFACE

James Gosling


I'm not sure if Bill Gates was ever part of the zeitgeist and little if anything Microsoft have ever produced could be described as cutting edge. There are some true IT visionaries out there, but Bill Gates isn't one of them and arguably never was.

Indian navy computers stormed by malware-ridden USBs

James Gosling
Thumb Up


The Indian Army are simply out-sourcing their data to China. From now on they will send their data via hotmail or drop-box and get paid via paypal. What's the worst that can happen?

Misery ending? UK reseller insolvencies may have bottomed out

James Gosling
Thumb Down


A very weak article, really nothing more than a headline padded with a few paragraphs. Where is the content? I am non the wiser to the true situation and I should be having read the article!

Cabinet Office: We've cut taxpayers' SAP and Microsoft bills

James Gosling

Open Source

It's a disgrace that our government isn't following the lead of many European countries and embracing Open Source. Particularly given current financial pressures.

Germany reveals secret techie soldier unit, new cyberweapons

James Gosling

I can here it now...

"You sank my battleship!"

Report: Microsoft tried and FAILED to offload Bing on Facebook

James Gosling

I've tried Bing numerous times

But it sucks, Google is much better. You'd have thought a company the size of Microsoft could do a better job frankly, but I guess its not just about how much money you throw at something. No one will ever pay a good price for Bing.

LinkedIn edges closer to China with new Hong Kong gaff

James Gosling

Not Had Any Problems

I use Linkedln, have done for years, and I haven't had any problems with it. It is a business networking site and increasingly I find it is the place to find out about new contract work. How someone can claim its run by cowboys when they have never used it I do not know!

'Searching staff emails would be time-consuming'

James Gosling

Ah aaaaaah....

Ah aaaaaah.... DO NO EVIL!

Commodore founder Jack Tramiel dies at 83

James Gosling

Thank You!

Thank you for your contribution Jack. Commodore produced some amazing kit and encouraged kids all over the world to discover computing.

RM cuts loose Easytrace, flogs AMI biz as top boss legs it

James Gosling

This is the company known for selling crap computer networks to schools for ridiculous amounts of money. I find it hard to have any sympathy.

'NHS bosses must master Twitter, Facebook to halt staff antics'

James Gosling

What utter nonsense

These organizations don't seem to realize how foolish they make themselves appear when they try to embrace the latest thing. Unless it enables you to do your job better you should be discouraged from engaging in what is predominantly a distraction to the serious work.

Steve Jobs' last design: New Apple HQ pics

James Gosling

Imagine that...

Steve left a big jobbie behind!

Lord British: Games consoles 'fundamentally doomed'

James Gosling


He's right, in the long run anyway.

Chief Rabbi: I admire Jobs and Apple and use my iPad daily

James Gosling

That Steve Jobs...

He's not the son of God, he's a very naughty boy!

Microsoft names and shames pirate software traders

James Gosling

Pot, Kettle.... Black

Of course Microsoft never stole anything....

Harry Potter director takes on Doctor Who movie

James Gosling

Please God!

Please God, not an American playing Doctor Who!

Slapped: Oz TV show spikes Dutch torrent site

James Gosling


I couldn't give a 4X!

Survey: Future IT guys will 'crowd-source' to fix stuff

James Gosling

It's a rap...

Does these mean we'll all be replaced with CGI and blue-screen technology? Surely each computer screen just needs a load of unintelligable computer gobble-de-gook scrolling down the screen (as in most movies).

It's a bit like getting a machine that goes BEEP for an operating theatre, you just gotta have one! The management expect it!

HideMyAss defends role in LulzSec hack arrest

James Gosling

Not the way I would handle it if I were them

I would as a business make it my policy to retain the least information possible whilst staying on the right side of the law, I would also make some measure of resistence... not refusing to comply with the law, just not being in any hurry to do so. After all they need to defend their business image by appearing to always side with the righ to anonimity or else what do they stand for?

Google unfurls Dead Sea Scrolls

James Gosling


Thanks Google, keep up the good work!

Righthaven may have to file for bankruptcy

James Gosling

What goes around... comes around!

Sue you sir!

CA inks £45m Tesco IT deal

James Gosling

Sell Sell Sell

Time to dump that Tesco's stock before CA Software takes a big dump on them!

Peaches Geldof explains Kubrick's 2001

James Gosling


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Buddhism yet, many of the concepts envisaged in the film are clearly Buddhist in origin. But it is a very deep film on many levels.
