Being able to deactivate consoles yourself without ringing up Sony is a step in the right direction. Me and my friends used to chip in for the COD map packs so we were basically getting them for half price, as long as we can still continue to do this i'll be happy.
Posts by SpaMster
135 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Nov 2010
PlayStation Network downloads limited to two devices
Grand Theft Auto V trailer drives onto interweb
Sony network ransacked in huge brute-force attack
Dubstep ringtone wins Nokia compo
Sony: all new PS3 titles will require PSN Pass for online play
I see theres a lot of people commenting here who actually have no idea what they are talking about.
First off, the online pass is linked to your psn account, not your console, so if you buy a new console, you can simply log into your old account and download the pass again at no extra charge.
And secondly this is done to try and get some revenue back off there games as games companys are losing a lot of money off second hand sales, if you want someone to blame for this it's shops like blockbuster.
The fact that this system is slowly working it's way onto 360 titles is worrying though, i mean your paying for the online features pretty much in advance. It's understandable from sonys stance, microsoft seem to be using it as a platform to make themselves more filty rich though.
UK punters happy to pay £3 to top up e-wallets
Schoolteachers can't teach our kids to code, say engineers
The main problem i found with school ICT classes was we (the pupils) knew more about the subjects than the teachers did at the time. We had to do a module on visual basic, I’d finished the entire module at the end of the first class, they literally gave us 2 months to write a program that pulled data from a text document and displayed it on screen. If you don’t challenge yourself the schools sure as hell wont.
Sony BDP-S380 Blu-ray player with IPTV
Tricky Xbox 360 hack claimed to work 1 try in 4
A-level results accidentally put on interwebs a week early
Does it really matter?
I'm surprised anyone’s even bothered to look up there results as it's pretty obvious what your going to get. Going on the way I remember this was run, a lot of the final exam test papers are based off the sample questions from the previous year so everybody knows the answers before they even sit the exam! It's all about just remembering the answers now instead of demonstrating you know what your talking about.
Will the looters 'loose' their benefits?
BBC bigs up iPlayer for TVs and consoles
PS Vita due in 2012 says Sony
Game graphics could be 100,000 times better
Gamer claims complete console collection
Wii U has 50 per cent more power than rivals
hate to break it to you
Your going to hate it even more when you find out you can only use one WiiU controller on the system at a time, i like it how they shy'd away from telling everybody that at the conference. All other players will have to use a standard Wii controller. So although your dreams of multiplayer gaming arnt shattered, your dreams of everybody using one of those controllers on the same system is.
It's going to be funny when Sony release their NGP and everybody realises it does everything the Wii U can do and more. Theirs a lot of stupid people out their that dont seem to realise they do practically the same thing. If sony get there NGP on the market first i think nintendo are really going to struggle to sell this.
E3 2011: the showstoppers
Spot-the-fake site launched
Dear Ubuntu: The netbook is toast
Mac trojan evades Apple's brand new security fix
Google and Amazon cloud music nears judgment day
What a load of garbage
Is it just me, or are they trying to say if you buy a cd in the shop, it's illegal for you to put it in anybodys cd player apart from your own? and if you own more than one CD player, you have to buy an extra copy of the album for each cd player. How there expecting to win this i have no idea.
Toshiba: PS3 chip too hot for tellies
Duke Nukem Forever DELAYED
SHOCK research reveals Wi-Fi not as nippy as Ethernet
Sony expands legal offensive to more PS3 hackers
Sony PS3 rootkit rumours rubbished
Deserved Bricks
If your going online with a Jailbroken PS3 you deserve to have your console bricked. First rule of jailbreaking is not to go online with the thing. Unfortunatly all these kids who dont really know what their doing and have jailbroken their consoles just for the sake of it are in for one hell of a shock when the thing wont switch on any more.
Facebook offers 500 million users SSL crypto
Questionable quote
"Instead of showing you a traditional captcha on Facebook, one of the ways we may help verify your identity is through social authentication. We will show you a few pictures of your friends and ask you to name the person in those photos. Hackers halfway across the world might know your password, but they don't know who your friends are,"
Can't people browsing facebook see who your friends are anyway? you can usually view somebodys friends without actually being friends with them in the first place
PSP 2 'as powerful as PS3'
Videogame TRAINS TERRORISTS, yells pundit
South African wireless traffic lights pillaged by SIM-card thieves
Gamers demand CoD: Black Ops money back
another note...
If you look at the people who have signed the petition, 99% of them are moaning about issues that either a) don't exist or b) down to their slow internet connections, or incorrectly routed connections
The issues are with both consoles, so why isnt this petition for the x-box version too? if anything i've heard of more problems with the x-box version than the PS3 one
This stinks of microsoft propaganda