* Posts by SpaMster

135 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Nov 2010


Lenovo shipped lappies with man-in-the-middle ad/mal/bloatware


Re: TEMPORARILY???!!!!?????

They are now bundling a piece of adware called 'Positive Finds' with their new PC's, it was pre installed on a desktop PC we bought off them two weeks ago.


This isnt over, they are still providing Adware ridden PC's

We bought a Lenovo desktop PC about 2 weeks ago for a new user in our offices. As soon as we installed our antivirus on the machine, it started flagging up that Internet Explorer was infected with a piece of adware called 'Positive Finds'. It seems they are still sending out infected PC's. Steer well clear.

Evolve: A shoot-em-up full of scary monsters and super creeps


No mention of the DLC?

This whole thing wreaks of a paid review. No criticsm for the horrendouse DLC prices or the fact you are locked out of half the game until you drop a furthur $40 on top of the asking price. I think it's current metacritc score says it all. All the major publications have given it rave reviews, and all the user reviews are sub 4/10.

They should have maybe called this game Deceive instead

You! Pirate! Stop pirating, or we shall admonish you politely. Repeatedly, if necessary


Be interesting to see how they intend to cover music and movies that you actually own on cd, dvd, bluray etc, that you are legally allowed to own a digital copy of, regardless of where you downloaded it from. How can they distinguish between people who have bought and and people who haven't? especially for older movies. I can understand films and music that are yet to be released to the public, such as movies currently at the cinema and stuff, but we are legally allowed to own a digital copy of music cd's we buy, it really doesn't matter if that copy was downloaded off the pirate bay or not if you own a physical copy does it?

Samsung says knickers to poor Gear sales claim, eyes pants to sell more


In conclusion, they need to make pants with an in built phone, that can connect to the watch. Problem solved!

Grand Theft Auto V: Violent, sweary and amazingly ambitious


Let me get this straight...

The reviewer thinks Bioshock Infinite, a game with zero re playability, which fell way short of most peoples expectations bar the story, is better than this?


What has this guy been smoking!

'Liberator': Proof that you can't make a working gun in a 3D printer


I take it The Reg haven't seen the automatic model they've built that's already been taken off their site then...

Really are missing the point here with all these articles, the reason it's been taken down is because anybody with the money to buy a 3D printer and toner can produce a working gun that can kill somebody. Saying 'oh the accuracy is terrible' is beside the point, these things can still kill people and could be very easily concealed. Grow up a bit please

Bill Gates offends Koreans after sticking hand down trousers


"Using one mitt with the other stuffed in a pocket is considered extremely rude in Korea. It is a manoeuvre only carried out when someone feels superior to whoever they are greeting."

So what exactly did he do wrong then?

Microsoft to unveil new Xbox console on May 21


Oh dear Microsoft

"We are very sorry if this offended anyone, however we have not made any announcements about our product roadmap, and have no further comment on this matter," the statement read.

AKA Everything that guy said was true

AVG: That World of Warcraft hack? RIDDLED with malware


AVG is awful, it slows your pc down more than the malware does!

The gaming habits of Reg readers revealed


So some people are now calling themselves 'Hardcore Gamers' because they play on farmville every day on their smartphone.

B Please

SimCity owners get free game, EA will get A NEW CEO


Is it just me that finds it a bit strange they are offering $60 games as well as games you can buy for $2.50 off steam?

WE CAN still be BETTER than Germany on broadband, says Ofcom


BT Suck!

I'll start believing our broadband is getting faster across the country when my upload speeds get above 600kbps (BT). It's ridiculous that in this day in age, the vast majority of the country without fiber internet can't even live stream a video game in HD. It's not like were not paying enough for these services to warrant the up in speed! I'm paying for the fastest possible speeds I can get for my area, which is in the middle of a city where you'd think the speeds would be best, nope! BT are offering fiber internet for the same price as i'm paying for my normal broadband and it's not even available, this is about 2 years after they said they were installing the cable in my area!

Have Brits fallen for Netflix, or do they still LoveFilm?


Might be worth noting the numbers you have for the amount of tv series and movies on Netflix is nowhere near that. Are these the totals for the american version or what?

'Doomsday' asteroid Apophis more massive than first thought


Isn't this site supposed to be British?

So why arnt you giving us the times in GMT? was somebody too lazy to work it out or something?

Nintendo Wii U Review


So the basic model dosnt come with a sensor bar so you can use the old Wii controllers with it?

Can you use the old Wii one with it?

Nokia Lumia 820 WinPho 8 review


"And you will need some sort of card: the phone has just 8GB built-in for OS, apps and media, and the Windows 8 Phone OS takes up well over 2GB out of the box. Once the Nokia Maps are accounted for that leaves just 5GB free."

What a crazy world we live in where having 5GB free space on your mobile phone is considered 'not enough'

Nintendo shrinks Wii for Crimbo


Re: Confused?!?

Ah I see, I couldnt even tell if it had a drive slot or not from all the pictures i've seen



No online functionality? so where do the game discs go? or are you expected to download games onto the console but not be able to go online with them? how does that make any sense? i'm baffled

Minecraft coming to Raspberry Pi in hackable edition


This is all well and good but how are you supposed to share your epic mods to the world when Mojang specifically state in their terms and conditions that distribution of the code is illegal? is it not now then?

Heroic Register reader battles EXPLODING COMPUTER


"Keith, who lives in Germany, wrote in to tell us how he dealt with a flaming desktop PC, and how his quick instincts to throw it out the balcony door and pour cold water on it saved the day"

Can anybody else spot what the guy did wrong here?

Cold water.... electrical fire..... FAIL!

Pong creator turns nose up at Nintendo Wii U


I'm still yet to find a single person who prefers games on a touchscreen rather than on a console with a controller

Phones the gaming platform of the future?

It's really not

They might want to start asking people who are actually into gaming instead of angry birds fanboys

'007' job ad for an assassin appears on official UK.gov website



Or an attempt by the government to get the names and details of potentially dangerous people on the UK?

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 game review


Re: Make your mind up!

Plus I’ve just noticed the reviewer is the same guy that did the MW3 review, which makes the score even more bizarre. This game is miles ahead of MW3 gameplay wise. This isn’t an honest review at all.

Thumb Down

Make your mind up!

Very strange review considering this site gave MW3, which is a game with a lot more issues and a lot less to offer, a score of 90%. Surely if you put this game down for being more of the same, you should have done it with MW3 as well?

Word wonks insist GIFs are really JIFs


It's not pronounced Jif

Really it's not

'I'm a PIRATE' confessions spew from OED iPhone dictionary



Isnt it a bit short sighted to expect every single person buying your app to have a twitter account?

Ten gaming headsets

Thumb Down

Don't understand who would buy these massively overpriced headsets in the first place, the low end turtle beach does the job well enough

US Copyright Office approves phone jailbreaking and video remixes


Has anybody ever even been prosecuted for jailbreaking a phone before?

Guild Wars 2 game review


Lack of trading?!? What you on about?!?

Complaining about trading? the mailing system is trading?!? it requires just as many mouse clicks as trading an item would. Putting the game down for that is ridiculous

McFlurry McMisdemeanour costs Welsh lass McJob


I think the more important question is who the hell told the management she'd done this? they must really hate her for some reason

Governments block YouTube over that video


Life of Brian?!?

I dread to think what would happen if somebody released a film mocking Jesus Christ

oh wait.....

Even slimmer PS3 out next week


Re: Is it quieter

I take it you have one of the launch models, the slim is barely noticable at all

Manchester is 'PIRATE CAPITAL of the UK'


All this shows is that a lot of ISP's host their proxy's in manchester...

Sony snoozes over substandard PS Plus service


Suspected FAIL

You do realise if you just switch your network connection off it wont prompt for updates dont you?

Ubisoft: 'Vast majority of PC gamers are PIRATES'


Are the same games going to be F2P on consoles as well?

No of course there not

Sony pushes patent for interactive TV ads


I'd rather they just build adblocker into their tv's to be perfectly honest

Sex rating Facebook page publishers jailed


Where does it stop though?

I can understand why these guys have been arrested, but i mean where does this sort of action stop? could these rules be applied to youtube comments next?

EA kills Medal of Honour arms deal


What guns?

I cant find anything anywhere that suggests they were selling anything other than these imitation tomohawks, please tell me if im wrong but they didnt have anything to suggest guns were invovled in this at all.

Sony evolves PlayStation Suite, makes Vita a PS3 controller


Have any of you actually played on a Wii U? how do you know that doesn’t have similar (fabricated) lag issues?

Sony claims PSN attack is a hoax not a hack



So Anon has turned into a bunch of xbox fanboys now

Thats the end of that then

Microsoft retracts staffer's 'new Xbox' comment

Thumb Up

Protip : Buy a PS3

Black helicopters circle Street View car crash


That isnt a street view car, just saying. All of the street view cars are plastered with google advertising. That car appears to have none of that. It's just a rather poor advertising stunt by this guys book company.

Valve: Games run FASTER on Linux than Windows


You watch, it'l be the steam operating system that they'll be trying to push next...

UK physical game sales hit rock bottom


Give us some games to buy and we'll buy them!

Could be something to do with the fact that nothing decent has come out in about 2 months now

Virgin Media nukes downloads after SuperHub 'upgrade'


"To get around this some users have had to resort to putting the SuperHub into modem mode and then connecting their own router to bypass the router in the SuperHub"

Why wouldnt you just use the spare router and cut out this piece of junk?!?

Sysadmins! There's no shame in using a mouse to delete files


Re: Things move in GUI's.

How exactly would doing it in a command prompt make an excel task any easier?

Chip and PIN keypads 'easily fooled' with counterfeit cards


Re: @A J Stiles Levels of card fraud are at their lowest since 2000.

I can remeber going about three years without even having a signiture on my card and nobody ever said a thing when i was paying for stuff

Ten monster tellies to suit all budgets


Where the hell did you get these prices from?!?

Brooks, Coulson to be CHARGED over phone-hacking


So let me get this right, NOTW had numerous people hacking peoples phones for private messages and creating storys in their paper. But one guy hacks Selena Gomez's facebook account and gets a full year in jail. If these people dont get 4-5 years in jail the justice system is all kinds of screwed.
