* Posts by drake

11 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Nov 2010

London councils to spunk £25m on SAP deal


SAP... for dummies.

SAP - Systems Applications and Products - for companies who don't know how to create their own systems/programs...come on be brave, grow a pair - recruit your own devs, and develop something decent. Thank you and goodnight.

Ellison: 'There'll be nothing left of IBM once I'm done'


Larry Ellison is (thinks he is) Tony Stark...

Forget POWER-7 and T-4, what about those Ironman suits...


CA inks £45m Tesco IT deal


whoops ...

CA are not really a Tech company focused on using technology to add value and do smart things. They are a super software sales outfit, who simply buy up lots of smaller software companies, f**k the code up, re-brand it, and then sell it as part of a massive pile of steaming s*** software to unsuspecting (silly) customers...Tesco, thank-you and goodnight.

Upstairs, downstairs: IT goes into service


LOL, service.

Some (note, not all!) business people think you can just buy these 'IT services' and they will all just work perfectly - no issues, mega resources available, will scale forever, perfect resilience, in built DR, no skilled engineering staff required to build/operate - and all for the cost of a few peanuts etc etc...well one word: idiots.

I like to think of the provision of 'IT Services' as a feat of engineering - i.e a group of engineering geniuses who can build something special, which happens to be within a 'given budget'...yeah sure, you can buy a VCE vblock, or an Oracle Exadata/Exalogic blah de blah, but there isn't much fun there now is there (well ok there is a bit)?...anyhow, my point is when will companies and businesses re-instate their super techies back where they should be? Gods walking amongst mere mortals...

Earth may be headed into a mini Ice Age within a decade


Earth temperature ...

The Sun is the primary factor in relation to the temperature of the planet, significant volcanic activity is a secondary factor in relation to the temperature of the planet, thirdy man's activities can potentially affect things (like burning fossil fuels, cutting down trees & forests, fecking the oceans, polluting in general etc)

Points 1 & 2 are significant (and naturally occurring), point 3 is unfortunate and avoidable, but we (humans) are rather stupid generally, so what do we expect...?

Turing Collection saved for the nation


Alan Turing was a genius and hero

Turing was a genius, contributed massively to the fields of computing and mathematics, and yet was persecuted terribly for being gay (due to UK law at the time). People under-estimate this man's significance in real terms (because his work was kept secret from the public). He basically saved the UK during WW2 by breaking the ciphers of the German Navy...we would have been foobar'd without him, and probably 'lost the war'. Go figure ...

UK short 100K tech recruits this year


offshore, rightshore, whatever shore is the cheapest.

Errm, I think you will find those '100K jobs' will simply be farmed out to whoever can provide the service the cheapest - usually companies like Wipro, Infosys, TCS, etc (with little or no regard for the quality of service and the final solution). An unfortunate symptom of greedy cost-cutting, short-sighted corporate management.

Is cloud data secure?


Your data is in Timbuktu ...

Your data could physically reside anywhere in the world theorectically, where-ever your cloud provider decides setup their Data-centres - quite possibly a place that has the lowest-cost operationally speaking (given mediocre political stability and tech facilities). The thing is, if you logically protect your data with high-grade encryption, and have a decent standby set-of systems (with backups), chances are you don't really care - unless your organisation is a gov/mil/sec/political type.

Nick Cave smashes speed camera with Jag


Speed Camera Murder.

Another possible track to add to the murder ballads, although will be hard to beat 'stagger lee'...

Nick - what a Legend!

McNealy to Ellison: How to duck death by open source


Legends: McNealy, Bechtolsheim, Joy and Khosla.

All above are legends...Mr Ellison, now you hold the reins so-to-speak: one suggestion, please can you tell your marketing people to put the Sun logo letters back into italics (1990 version) as it should be ;-). Thank you.

PS - Keep up with the Iron Man sponsorship as well, good idea.

Stuxnet code leak to cause CYBER-APOCALYPSE NOW!



Just run everything important on Solaris (or at least a flavour of *nix) with a decent O/S hardening security toolkit enabled across all systems. What do you expect if you run mission critical systems on windows platforms (not that i'm biased or anything)?