opy out
Hi all to all that have commented. If as implied the data is to be uploaded was identifiable I totally agree with everyones thoughts however it is not as simple and should be taken into context. The process of use of data for medical research or statistical purposes has been around for years and is a vital way of planning healthcare in England aand Wales. Be wary that by opting out it could effect your health. There are two processes here:
1 - You can opt out of your data being uploaded to the Health and Social Care Information Centre. This is where they de-identify the data before handing it over in an unidentifiable format to NHS England. This is completed by specific staf fin the DMIC or DSCRO's. Not all of your record goes to them only what is relevant.
2 - You can opt out of data going to NHS England
SystmOne has this option and a GP Practices have the opt out form you can sign.
People have been concerned that staff in HSCIC can access data when they are nto invovled in the care of that patient. This role of anonimysation has been carried by similar staff but under a different name for years and there has never been a percieved problem.
I welcome the proposal of use of my pateint data for medical/reasearch purposes and if anyone uses that data for anything other than those purposaes can be sued under section 13 of the DPA. They can also be fined up to £500,000 for misuse of personal data. This may be increased to 1,000,000 up to 100,000,000.
If anyone wishes any further guidance or help including negative ones please contact me.