* Posts by Ewan Robson

3 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Nov 2010

GP records soon wide open again: Just walk into a ‘safe haven’

Ewan Robson

Care.data opy out

Hi all to all that have commented. If as implied the data is to be uploaded was identifiable I totally agree with everyones thoughts however it is not as simple and should be taken into context. The process of use of data for medical research or statistical purposes has been around for years and is a vital way of planning healthcare in England aand Wales. Be wary that by opting out it could effect your health. There are two processes here:

1 - You can opt out of your data being uploaded to the Health and Social Care Information Centre. This is where they de-identify the data before handing it over in an unidentifiable format to NHS England. This is completed by specific staf fin the DMIC or DSCRO's. Not all of your record goes to them only what is relevant.

2 - You can opt out of data going to NHS England

SystmOne has this option and a GP Practices have the opt out form you can sign.

People have been concerned that staff in HSCIC can access data when they are nto invovled in the care of that patient. This role of anonimysation has been carried by similar staff but under a different name for years and there has never been a percieved problem.

I welcome the proposal of use of my pateint data for medical/reasearch purposes and if anyone uses that data for anything other than those purposaes can be sued under section 13 of the DPA. They can also be fined up to £500,000 for misuse of personal data. This may be increased to 1,000,000 up to 100,000,000.

If anyone wishes any further guidance or help including negative ones please contact me.

Ill communication delays NHS England's GP data grab for six months

Ewan Robson

I'm In

I welcome any comments on the rights of patients to ensure they feel that their information is secure and confidential. I will be opting in as I believe in the security of the information and how it will be used will in the best interests of my care and others. It will not be sold to private companies, it will not be just given to the police and it certainly will not be identifiable to the point people are saying.

The HSCIC will receive the data, anonymise it, and share with NHS England who will be able to plan our health care. who would you not want that. It may be in rare occasions that your data could be identifiable and that will be because of a health condition that is publicly known via the media but will still only be used for your health care.

On the opt out it is not illegal to ask for an opt out but good practice to as of an opt in. In the case of 30 million or so patients this would be impossible and therefore would make the project unworkable.

I believe my health comes before any very small chance of breach of confidentiality and if it found that staff handling the data misuse it then they will be dealt with appropriately.

Finally i love the NHS and what it stands for.

Sex abuse fax leak costs council £100k

Ewan Robson
Thumb Up

Don't fine - sack

I must say I have had a good chuckle at some of the comments and in short I agree mainly with the idea of fining/sacking of the responsible person, i.e. the Director. Why fine an organisation that is strapped for cash because it will be the public who will pay.

As for the technical argument (E Mail against Faxing) both have a common denominator and that is the member of staff. Yes Faxing is more direct but costs money, e mail, unless encryption is in place, less secure but cheaper. You decide?

I will tell you now the council and A4e will be bricking themselves right now and too right.

I am just intrigued to see who will get the biggy £500,000!!!!!