The shuttle was proven...
in a military context, when the US deployed space-soldiers to attack Hugo Drax's space station. I wonder how many space-soldiers the X37 could deploy..?
65 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Nov 2010
I don't understand the mentality of a person that feels utterly compelled to make a complaint over some nonsense on TV. What kind of small-minded person takes personal offence over that kind of thing. Those people have a problem.
As for the Japs and the QI thing, gimme a break - those people are still in denial...
And I agree with a previous comment; the Aussies took far more of a battering where stereotyping banter is concerned, but they seemed to be a fun bunch of lads, and they all had a good laugh over the antics.
Still, I would like to see what would be in store for our lot if they were ever invited to a re-match on Aussie Top Gear, heh...
Errrm... Isn't it deadly hot in the Middle East in June..? I take it they will have to build indoor air-conditioned stadia then...
It's also not a very big place, so how many stadia would there be..?
To be honest, I don't care where the World Cup takes place, but it should at least be somewhere amenable...